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Posts posted by geisha

  1. Taxis, Baht buses , motorbikes, tour buses, all should be banned from where the tram runs. Flood drainage works done before or at the same time as preparing the rails. Special licence taxis allowed to do hotel pick ups drop offs , hospitals etc, from a central taxi station. Barriers put up, police presence on all entrances. CCTV cameras everywhere. All these things exist in popular tourist areas around the world. One of the best examples is Nice. Two big multi story parking buildings at either end of Pattaya would work wonders too. One can only hope that the research team they employ are experts and know the particular problems of Pattaya . People will complain, but will eventually get used to it. The change in the air you’ breath will be truly amazing ! 

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  2. My condo office does report my arrival online as soon as I arrive.She gives me a print out where my name ,and any other ( people who arrive the same day ) is stated. Now certain here are  saying  I don’t have to go to the immigration to report my arrival myself as well ?  But when I ask for an extension of my tourist visa Jomtień asks’for the notification of address slip of paper ??? So, what to do ? Who is right ? ( ps I normally always  report myself the next day of arriving as well ) 

  3. Loved that. I am also very touched when thinking of all those young boys, and not so young, being thrown into another world of war and pain.Not only Vietnam, the 1 st and 2 nd world wars, how those men suffered. I shared an apartment with two American boys on a trip around Europe after serving in Vietnam. I saw close up how it had affected them, I don’t think you ever come out whole after seeing war with your own eyes. 

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  4. Take all the foreigners out of Britain and Britain will collapse ! It’s the same in all EU  countries, they rely on foreigners. When did you last see kitchen staff, road sweepers, building workers being born British and not of Commonwealth descent ? If you have to blame someone, blame yourselves and the government. Brexiteers will build themselves in a lonely corner without a door ! (Ps, I’m British)

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  5. No, il think that what they mean is an extra tax to pay the debt left by foreigners who are not insured. Not a travel insurance !!! This seems  logical and  Correct. To be  used to pay unpaid bills . A good idea, put the  100 Baht as an extra tax on every flight ticket and name it something different , debt tax for example ( only an example) not to confuse travellers. Honestly, what is a 100 B when buying a flight ticket costing 1000b ? Personally, I think it’s a good idea. It’s NOT a travel insurance, and if I had any say in it, I would make compulsory travel insurance for all tourists. No sensible person  Travels without one.

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