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Posts posted by geisha

  1. Hi, I am going to Myanmar on Sunday and to the Royal Thai Embassy on Monday morning. On their page, it says two recent photos 3.5 x4.5 cm. On other web sites it says 4x6 , and in the Big Camera shop where they do identity photos , it’s also written on a board Thai Visa 4x6 . Can anyone confirm the right size is 3.5 x4.5 please as I have to get it done Monday ?Thanks. Ps, I’m British. 

  2. Topt , thanks. I didn’t mention that I’m on a long stay holiday here and have an iPad.At home it’s no problem. Otherwise I would buy a printer obviously. I once used the Kodak shop in Jomtien to print a ticket and boarding card , and had a max of problems after. Usually I get my partner at home to get my statement from the bank and he emails it to me. He’s on holidays. I’ll be checking in to a good hotel before my visa application so I’ll do it there. Or my condo office , I trust them. It wasn’t the printing part that worried me but the fact that your passwords etc can be stolen after. My bank has super security measures but as many say, that doesn’t stop hackers. Thanks all.

    ps, I don’t appreciate being called stupid by some, computers are not my speciality, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking for help. 

  3. Hi, I need the statement for a visa prouving funds. I’ve been told many times, and seen on the Internet, that after using a computer and printing out , for example, a bank statement,  someone could use that computer and hack your bank details and codes/passwords  ? 

    Is that true, or not ? I don’t want my account emptied. 


    • Sad 1
  4. Hi, can anyone tell me where I can print a bank statement in Pattaya/ Jomtien ? I know there are Internet cafes everywhere , and that they’re dangerous to use for things like banking. Any help,appreciated, it may be needed for my Thanks. Ps, I have an iPad. 

    • Haha 1
  5. Prospective tourists from Europe and the Americas are already aware of the disasterous pollution in Thailand. Photographs and news in the newspapers and tv everywhere. Who will want to go on holidays to a country where you can’t breathe ? The Chinese and Indians maybe , who are used to this pollution ? I’m usually one of those people who take things like this with a pinch of salt, but now I’m beginning to think that I’d better find somewhere else to spend my time.

  6. I’ve been doing 4/5 months thailand, ( or elsewhere) for 34 years. I work for the other 6/7 in the tourist trade in the south of France. Lots of my friends do the same. It’s a great option for people working a seasonal job., It was easier before with a double entry and no queuing for hours for notification of address and extensions.Small price to pay though for year long sunshine and a nice pool.

    • Like 1
  7. France has an awful reputation and the staff are very unfriendly and unwelcoming. Not only for METV s but for SETV s as well. I have a flight ticket valid 3 months and 19 days. They will not give me an SETV ! Even with flights out to Myanmar, hotels booked, flights paid for , documents and money all in hand.I come in visa exempt because of this and do a visa elsewhere. I never had problems before when Monaco or Marseille consul was open.Theyve closed both. 

  8. I feel the reason most  malls don’t work is because they all sell the same things. Thailand hasn’t got a good fashion buisness, you can’t count all the cheap stuff they sell in markets, and the outlet stores that sell abominations. I love clothes and have never bought a thing in Thailand in 34 years. Other countries have reasonable fashion shops, look at Bali, I bought a suitcase full of great things. Most girls/ women buy if it’s great designs. Of course if you can afford Chanel and Dior prices , it’s easier. Though why would you buy that in Thailand, they have numerous stores in every big city. Chinese maybe. There’s no marketing, the mall managers should choose different makes to attract customers, if it’s fashion or food.

  9. Hi, had to break off my stay in Thailand due to an emergency in GB.I will be arriving back in Thailand this Wednesday 9 th of January. On the 27 th of January I am flying to Myanmar for a two week holiday, and while there will make a SETV , which will cover me for the rest of my Thailand stay, leaving on the 20 th March back home to France.i will not need an extension. I am coming in on the 9 th visa exempt ( no other option) and I have all the necessary documents and money . I am 65, British lady. Staying from the 9/01 to 27/01. Do I need to do a notification of address again? ( i did one when first arriving the 2 December , i have the same address) My condo office will do it her side.Thanks.

    • Like 1
  10. I don’t like these food court places. How on earth can you dish all that out from 2 sq meters ? Methinks a lot of the food is done elsewhere, and just micro waved. Under what hygiene rules’?  That’s the great Thai problem, lack of kitchen rules, hygiene, labelling, sell by date etc etc. Ok, say don’t come to live in Thailand ! 

  11. Of course Christmas time is busy, everywhere in the world practically. Last week , as reported by many people, most of Thailand resorts were pretty quiet for high season. Buisness needs to work more than a few weeks a year. If it carries on like this last two months, there’s going to be a lot of closures. I’m,booking for a few days in Bangkok next week, 4 stars all have room.

  12. Im in a rental condo. I wouldn’t mind having a mosquito screen on the one main window, standard double sliding. How much would this be ? I don’t think the owner would be interested in paying and I might not be back next winter , thanks.

  13. I’ve killed  a few in the daytime and can’t see any stripes, they look like normal mosquito. Just wondering if it could be weather related as it’s so hazy , never had them before in the daytime. 

  14. Hi, living in Jomtien between 2 nd road and night market, I’ve never seen so many mosquitoes ! Even in the daytime they’re agggresively flying into my condo so I’ve taken to closing the windows .The condo sprayed repellent a week or so ago. I’ve never hadn’t it this bad so I’m wondering why , any ideas ? Weather ? For sleeping I use the ventilator and a mosquito plug for a few hours while I’m out for the evening..

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