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Everything posted by geisha

  1. So basically, you believe that being on a beach in daytime with a tour guide is dangerous? Or, don’t go walking alone on a quiet beach alone ? Great news for female travelers .
  2. Sad, but unfortunately happens all the time and everywhere. Certainly not the girls fault, on an open beach in daytime , she would think she was safe. Happens too often when you let your guard down.
  3. I really believe that there’s something in the milk, food, in Thailand, ( hormones?) that leads to so many effeminate men and masculine girls. I’ve travelled the world, and never seen so many “ mutations”, I don’t think that’s the correct word but can’t find another. I noticed this when first arriving in Thailand early 80s. My neighbours son looked exactly like a girl, from very young. The girl serving in our local shop looked like a boy. I read a report a long time back on this in Thailand. Of course it doesn’t bother me who is what, but do find it strange that don’t see this so often elsewhere.
  4. Thank you , I agree. That’s over 7000 euros !! Absolutely crazy, I wonder which hospital this was ? One I’d rather not go to.
  5. From what I’ve seen on tv/ articles, child abusers seem to have gone underground with all these dark web sites where you can basically get whatever you want. Yes it’s terrifying as it attracts people who can use the internet so easily nowadays. Personally, I’ve never seen child abuse or heard of it around me in Thailand. Extreme Poverty and lack of education is the main cause in my opinion in Asia and South America . The problem in Thailand is the lack of the friendly copper on the streets that knows the folks and their family problems. So there is no follow up when things go wrong. There should be real childcare centers and associations everywhere.
  6. I don’t think he has a choice to choose who he has to investigate. He was “ ordered” in this case by the Prime Minister Srettha.
  7. Welcome back Mr Surachate. If anyone in the force is going to get to the bottom of this story/accusations/ rumors, it’s him. Many on this forum seem to dislike him, but there again, each to his own opinion. It’s certainly not good to have stories like this published in international news . Lots of viewers/readers will believe it, even if it’s not true. Thailand and especially Pattaya has a bad enough reputation as it is.
  8. Easyjet is only ok if you are flying without baggage. Even a second small carry on is payable now. My last flight to see family , British airways was cheaper than easyjet , and much better “ human” flight times. ( easyjet often flying very early morning or late night). Also , their prices have risen a lot in the last two years. I won’t use easyjet unless no other option. ive often used Air Asia in the past and never had a problem. In Thailand I would also use Bangkok Airlines. Never Thai.
  9. Apart from sometimes being swamped with high season tourists I’ve never had a problem at Jomtien. Why complain , just go the week before your entry date expires. Go early morning and not Monday and Friday.
  10. He’s deprived of his liberty, a prisoner, if you like it or not. I also don’t think you’re going to change any law in Thailand.
  11. If they did have programs and journalists like in the west, then Thaksin would be very low on the ladder of prime investigative interest.
  12. A bit extreme but I have also sat next to a probably drunk on a Lufthansa flight to Bangkok . As soon as he sat down, one seat away from me, I could see he was drunk ! He started throwing things, I pressed the button . Meals were served , he hit his tray so hard the whole contents landed on my next seat neighbor. To cut a long awful moment short, three male stewards arrived and handcuffed him to his seat. My soaked in food neighbor and myself were seated in what I suppose are the pilots rest space as the flight was full. There were armed police waiting to cart him off on arrival. Very welcome too. I do blame the Lufthansa staff in the airport for letting him board. I believe anyone drunk or looking suspicious should be checked before boarding. Why not a breathalyzer test, tho I suppose most idiots would refuse. Completely spoilt everyone’s flight.
  13. An “ informed source”. Plenty of those around isn’t there. I’m quite sure Mr Thaksin would no nothing that would put him badly in the limelight. Yes, covered by his previous position in the Police and government might possibly be a life long advantage. It wasn’t greed that brought him billions and made him one of the richest in Thailand Before entering politics!! It was his own personal businesses.
  14. Same problem in Kata beach and elsewhere, beautiful beach surrounded by a shanty town worthy of poorest Africa, terrible roads, no lighting, and mostly inexistant or crumbling pavements. Ruined by lack of maintenance and vision .
  15. Probably a very innocent and kind gesture on her part. Be polite and then say goodnight see you soon at home time. Nothing wrong with having a hot coffee / tea/ icecream to show your thanks for learning something new.
  16. Cool calm and collected. I could never imagine her crying or in hysterics. She probably baffled the attacker ! Great lady, much loved for her down to earth attitude and all the work she does tirelessly. A credit to her Mother.
  17. The fact is real tourists stay less than 2 weeks, and take holidays when the kids have holidays, summer and Christmas. This is the world over. For long stay tourists or snowbirds ( people staying through the western winters) there could be a 90 day visa which can be extended once at immigration, and this visa should be available online !!! No running to Thai embassies or waiting ( sometimes endlessly) for the sticker to arrive. Lots of countries have an online system, Myanmar ( when one could travel) Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia etc . Thailand technology is not capable of doing a simple online application visa online !! Hell, get in the foreign tech experts , do something that works for once ! Nobody is worried about getting an online visa if it is a simple process.
  18. Bali was a beautiful island. Spent a lot of time there . Until the big hotels and beach clubs took over. id never retire there. Too hot for me , too humid, bad waste problem on the beaches due to the tides from Java . Not so keen on the food though I do like a good rendang , and a black rice sweet pudding. Any alcoholic drinks that won’t kill you are very expensive. Most people eat in the small warungs, some are very good. Roads are terrible !!! No pavements for walking, thousands of scooters/ bikes. Supermarkets very expensive unless you eat local. Very few condos and most are high end. Very strict drug laws and impossible to get meds some people need, even from hospitals. On the good side, the Balinese are beautiful people, kind, helpful, not lazy, and speak English. You can actually have a conversation. The countryside , what’s left of it, is stunning. The architecture is mostly typical Balinese and the new hotels / villas etc keep in pace with this. I think if you’re happy with what Pattaya or Phuket provides, then you won’t like Bali because you won’t find it there.
  19. I’ve spent 3 weeks there lately. Never saw many bars, it’s pubs and restaurants and beach clubs everywhere. Never noticed any bar girls at all. lots of music and young people.
  20. Thanks everyone who helped. Post closed.
  21. Good lord , are you that bored ? I’m posting about an aircon problem not syphilis!
  22. It’s not a temple as in Thailand architecture. It’s a building/ center of teaching and serving the growing number of Buddhists in France . It’s 35 kms south of Paris. Lots of Thais in France now. The Abbot of Wat Pho Bangkok was only there to officially open it.
  23. Thank you all for your help. They’re ordering a new aircon as soon as they find the one that has the Anti Fungal feature like Mitsubishi. We’ve come to the conclusion that it could very well be the motherboard as everything else is good. Cheers all.
  24. Thank you very much, very helpful and they’re looking into it tomorrow.
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