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Everything posted by geisha

  1. I’m sure I’ve seen those girls in the upstairs bar balcony on Soi Bangla Patong !
  2. If a man , anyone, did that to me, I’d report him and do my very best to sue. The guy is sick. Knows his family will protect him. Money says it all. And the poster who agreed * 100%* is deranged.
  3. It’s all down to education. Get on a bus when school is out, the kids are carrying soft drinks and all sorts of snacks. The parents don’t/ can’t look after their kids properly. Some small ones can hardly walk they’re so fat . Grand parents , parents , kids, all missing education. Diabetic kids in Thailand in overwhelming numbers, I’ve often noticed that older people are slim , and when I look at the school photos over the years, if there’s one or two *chubbies* in a class of 30 that’s a lot. Overweight leads to all kinds of dangerous health problems. Sad.
  4. Hi, I need an agency to sort out something on a Return Swiss Air ticket . Any qualified agencies I can trust to do the change ? Thanks. ( no , don’t want to do it myself)
  5. Have a look at Suvarnabhumi airport departures on the date you are leaving, and you’ll ,see if there’s loads of flights leaving this early. I check all my flights like this. The check in cannot refuse you if you are before the limit time. You
  6. Well I need a good pool, swim an hour a day as the sea water is dirty and so is the sand. Shame that they don’t usually have sun shades, I usually find a shady spot near the entrance. You have to hope that the water is treated properly though.
  7. How is the food evening meals there now ? Have been 3 years back was very nice, I need a go to good restaurant for a month. I’m a bit fussy on cleanliness and quality but don’t want to hit the 1000 Baht mark an evening.
  8. The question is , who can do a better job than the present PM, and make a go of it ? Any thoughts ? ( please don’t say the « one » we all don’t like who wants the job).
  9. Longstayers that somehow got a new passport while away from home ?? Many Russians and Indians arrive every day in Thailand.
  10. It means * not forced * ! Lots of these girls * belong* to men, or bar madams. Voluntary here means the girls choose themselves if they do or don’t. You think any women would put up with that for fun ??
  11. I don’t think you can get through Phuket immigration and not pass immigration, I’ve been through hundreds of times.
  12. Spent many years on Phuket as a snowbird , 4/5 months a year since 1984. It was wonderful. Last year went back end of Covid for 3 months. Dead, every business suffering. This year back to Jomtien but was thinking of a week/ 10 days in Kata beach where all my friends are. I’ve been warned off !! My best friend who lives there since 35 years even called me, to tell me I would hate it, worse than the best tourist boom years, over flowing with Russians on long stay with their families and kids ? Don’t those kids go to school ? I’ve noticed this before. Luckily I’m in a very small private low rise in Jomtien. i might meet them in the supermarkets.
  13. Too right ! About time , 2023, that Thailand faced its lack of moral issues, and introduced decent social help for the millions that still suffer . I have one friend who was a waitress, saved every Baht and tips to send to her family up north. Luckily for her, she met a lovely European guy, still not old, and who appreciated her for the kind loving person she is. There were together 2 years in which she took him home to meet her family and the nieces and nephews she was helping . He paid for her ticket and legal papers/ visa, got her to Switzerland, found her a nice job, and after a year they got married ! Now the whole family is saved from poverty , they bought land and worked hard at their fish farm. This is the only way for many people to get on in Thailand. I’ve also met a ladyboy who was on the game. He could speak English, and said he’d been through all that to save. He worked at a hospital but even then had small wages. The tourists don’t see what goes on behind the curtains, the people working living in a shared room with no comfort or help if they’re sick. Or worse, living on the streets , in shacks , collecting our garbage bins . The government have no shame.
  14. None of what you write apples to Thais on holiday in Britain. As for marrying gullible Brits , were those Brits forced into marriage ? Never seen weed growing Thai s in UK selling sex either. if they did, yes, deport them. Behave when you go abroad , and in your own country , or face the consequences. It’s sickening to see how some foreigners behave and we all know it !
  15. Right ! I’ve been coming to Thailand for long winters since 1984 . Then it was a far off exotic country , the biggest tourist fear was catching Malaria ! It was a different place, much more friendly , peaceful. Nowadays I spend less time due to Covid and complicated visa process, but when I do go, as lately, the people I know make comments on Thailand that are not very complimentary ! They wonder what draws me back to such a place , most of these people have been there in the last 10 years or so. Or the question « doesn’t the in your face « prostitution bother you , the poverty , the pollution ?? It’s hard to answer, I know I get used to it, even if I don’t like it at all.I just say I’ve found a quiet place to spend time through the winter, the best answer I have .
  16. I’m a female, need my shampoos and creams etc that are not allowed in carry ons, also we ladies usually like a good choice of clothes , especially if your a snowbird like myself. The clothes on offer in Thailand are awful for ladies, they’re ok for men tho.
  17. Emirates mostly or recently Swiss air due to the rise in prices.
  18. How about proof of the transfer from the old bank to the new one ?? It will automatically show the date and amount .
  19. I hâte the way people condemn anyone who buys a good car. Not very open minded calling Thais « spoilt Thai brats « . So anyone who have 30 years of hard work behind them can’t buy the car / house/ watch he likes ??? I’ve worked hard for 46 years , and I’ll certainly buy the car I want. None of these common jealous people bother me. So what ? A friend of mine flaunts her new designer goods like crazy , does it bother me ? She works , nobody else’s business.
  20. The best comedy series on TV ages ago, Only Fools and Horses, had me crying with laughter ! Delboy buys a load of knocked off Russian dolls which he thinks are the wooden ornaments that fit one into another. They take the boxes home and store behind the sofa. What happens next is hysterical ! Still makes me cry. Google the series with the sex dolls.
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