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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Don’t they have crowd funding to pay for a top lawyer ? Money usually helps !
  2. I know lots of people in Phuket who probably caught this new strain and we’re not ill, not even fever, just runny nose and cough, like an ordinary cold. Lasted 4 to 6 days. Friends in Austria also all had similar, went through all the family, same outcome. Everyone I know were vaccinated by the way and mostly in the 60s to mid 70s.
  3. But , why ? And is this why China has closed some of its biggest cities ?
  4. All very well, but this talk’ isn’t helping the poor father of the victim who might live with serious consequences for the rest of his life. What can the father do , would it be possible for him to sue the man in court and win, hopefully a bigger amount to help his sons future ?
  5. It’s not only Thailand who will suffer , the whole world will pay with rising prices and fuel shortages. Not many will feel sorry for the Thais, while the despot Putin is hell bent on taking over sovereign countries. Let Thailands billionaire generals sort out Thailands problems alone. The Russians will be staying home for a good time, savings lost and all due to their leader. I think all our thoughts and empathy go towards the Ukrainian citizens who have lost all their belongings, but not their hope. Thailand and others with a lack’ of tourist trade are not on the books.
  6. I would be very ashamed of my country if it was run like that. Now I understand better why Thailand is in such a bad way.
  7. Thailands government had better get its act together to save the tourist business from disaster. Start by vaccinated all its people with decent vaccins and booster, feed their poor and give them help. Ive just left Thailand and im happy to be home where life goes on , yes, people wear masks , I will too when needed. Everyone ( nearly) has had their 2 vaccins and booster, the Covid sick are being handled in the proper way , with expertise and heart. i was honestly quite shocked when I arrived back in Thailand to see how the place had degraded, I stayed in Phuket and most of the beach villages looked like abandoned shanty towns . Horrific. Nothing has been done there to help the Thais who have worked hard all their lives, and have been let down by their government. Some are even reduced to begging , old men or women holding a timid hand out when you pass by, or very often cars stopping to ask if you need to go anywhere, usually older people too. Heart breaking. Everyone suffering. My stay actually made me unhappy, just like when I went to India years ago, there’s only so much misery I can see. I help where I can, as lots of tourists do. It’s in the government’s hands now to fix this, instead of calling out how many millions are going to come this year , or how many billions are going to come in. Shame on them.
  8. Im not worrying about Russian tourists stranded in Thailand or elsewhere, even tho I accept it would be worrying if I were in their shoes. I do worry about the men women and children walking for days in freezing weather, babies crying , not even warmth or food. Trying to escape despot Putin even if it means great suffering, leaving their elders and husbands who cannot leave. Loosing their homes and jobs for a difficult time ahead. It breaks my heart to see those old age men and women trying to gain freedom of the west or any friendly country. Those are the ones we should feel sorry for and help if we can. Everyone can help in their own small way, I’m sure if the technology giants and cyber experts of the world wanted to, communication in Russia, and with the outside world could be brought down.
  9. So, there are 2 different strains of Omicron ? The last one and a new one ? I wonder what the difference is, as the first was said to be highly contagious but less severe ?
  10. Thank you both, I went to the one recommended by RAZZELL already. Short sky walk to Paragon. Very good I must say, very impressed , took x rays to see and found a probable cause of my ache . Good to know and will see my home dentist in a France end of next week with this doctor’s recommendation on treatment. He put me at ease, took his time too. Impeccable. 600 baht so worth it, thought it would be a few times that at least.
  11. Was very surprised at the price of Mangoes in Phuket markets. Same price as France, and honestly, the ones we get in France are nicer. Mostly from Peru. The ones I bought in phuket are the often 120 B kilo, and no taste.
  12. I’m a lady and would never dream of wearing anything perfume in this weather. Nothing worse for me than walking into a room and someone saying “ah, Chanel number 5”. All personnel toiletries should be ultra discreet. Same with face moisturizer, very few are adaptable to hot climates., As for deodorants, you can buy long lasting ones that have no smell everywhere. Sweet smelling stuff attracts mosquitos as well.
  13. I’ve just left Kata Phuket. They were getting less visible in the last week. They have no respect for anyone, pushing their way into queues , not wearing masks. Being rude. Obviously not all, but most. The Russian restaurant was doing well with Russians even queuing outside to get in. They didn’t look a happy lot at all ! Huddled together . Money problems ? I doubt they have roubles , probably dollars when they travel. Flight problems probably. They won’t be back for a while, they’ll be too broke. Phuket airport looked a bit empty yesterday and so did Suvarnabhumi domestic.
  14. Thank you RAZZELL, seems like they have one at Paragon which is near my place.
  15. Hi, just returning from phuket to Bangkok. Got a mild ache in back tooth or jaw. Obviously, don’t want to spend 10 days in misery before going back to France. I’ll be in a hotel near Erawan Shrine, can anyone give me a serious pointer to the best dentist / hospital dentist in case of need please? I am not looking for surgery or removal, my teeth are checked regularly. Only in case of more pain. I’ve started Amoxicillin 2 x 1000 as a preventative in case of infection or abscess. And I have paracetamol. Thank you ++
  16. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black ? And what exactly is it when foreigners stand in front of the bars and shows in Thailand and * oogle* the Thai girls ?
  17. Methinks foreign reserves might be falling rapidly, and more so since the crisis of Russia invading Ukraine. This will affect Asia and Thailand will have its share of the outcome. I came despite being told not to. I must say initially I was very happy, but within a few days I was amazed at the total shambles I was seeing. Many tourists having witnessed this will not have the fond memories they once had of Thailand. The government and authorities need to put all their strength in making the country worthy of the tourists who want to come here. Otherwise, do they expect everyone to relish the idea of a holiday in places that resemble shanty towns ? A pretty beach and blue waters does not suffice.
  18. But we don’t know if the girl knew this do we ? This news came out after. Apparently he was a science teacher in a Samui school when they met.
  19. Read the full story of this . I believe she is totally innocent. For one, I don’t know how many times I have signed for neighbours packets or parcels, but many. And I’m,sure nearly all of you have. The postman, probably a policeman, arrived at the restaurant while she was working , and insisted she sign for the packet. It was not in her name or her boyfriends, but a previous owner. She didn’t even look. 5 mins later she was arrested. In the meantime, the famous boyfriend Triss Nepps ( USA) had left the country , and after claiming she was totally innocent, finally admitted that he was an international drug smuggler. He will not come back to Thailand to innocent his girlfriend obviously. He said she had no bank account, absolutely no transaction possibility and knows nothing. Just on the grounds of signing for a packet does not merit this handling of the case. Hopefully the lawyers are good and some sense will come out of a horrific experience.
  20. I hope they know what they’re in for. The Saudis and the Thais. I’ve worked in the tourist trade for 45 years in Cannes and August is the biggest arrivals of Saudis, following their kings families habits, in their private jets and entourage of often 300 personnel , secretaries, chauffeurs, Nannie’s, cooks, doctors etc. Where the Royal family go, they go. They expect 10 star service, not 5 star, eat in the very best restaurants , clubs where the youths can spend 100 thousand euros and more on champagne , etc etc. They bring their own cars, Ferraris etc. These are the good American or British educated families who are used to a way of life no Thai can ever imagine . Then you have the other sort that I remember from my first holidays in Bangkok. The lesser class that come here for only one thing, and we all know what that is. They were not liked by the Thai girls and I’ve even seen signs myself forbidding them entry to certain establishments. So. I would say, it is that last class of tourists that will come to Thailands Bangkok and it’s infamous clubs etc. Of course, it’s quite accepted isn’t it, and I suppose the masses of jobless girls will welcome them. Sad in my opinion but I’m sure you won’t all agree.
  21. My post says it all really. A really serious question so no jokes please. Obvious to me would be a change/slowdown in tourism, flights etc. I imagine it would have a worse effect in EU and the West due to energy shortages. Over to the experts.
  22. Clear as mud ! i don’t know why they can’t do away with a TP, ask for hotel reservation 3 days with PCR test , insurance , all in 2 documents. Show at check in at home with your PCR test, and basta.
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