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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Maybe the previous two posters have already taken a few hits to their heads.

    If they have, it's been their choice to wear or not wear a helmet. If they've paid the price, let's hope they learned from it,

    Unfortunately, no matter how often some people stumble over 'smart,' they seem to just pick themselves up again as if nothing has happened, ignore it, and go on being stupid.

    No need to insult people. You think it is stupid, does not mean everyone else does. Live your life. Let me live mine. And yes, I wear a helmet. Blew a tire, Ides of March 1972, rode off a 40 foot cliff. broke left leg in 3 places, split the fibreglass 3/4 helmet from brow to neck roll. Crawled away.

  2. ^^^ That is the whole idea. If someone is not going to control these animals then do not moan and scream when someone else steps in and does it. For you and all the other people who walk on these Sois. Are you out there giving rabies shots. mange treatment, feeding them ? I would guess all the moaners on here have never did it. Maybe have a 2kg fuzzy ball of whatever at home who they call a dog - you know, the Yap-Yap-Yap kind whenever anyone walks by the gate. This country needs a cull - guys in pickups going up and down the Sois with non lethal means of getting a muzzle and a leash on them. Off to the nearest pound. Then all the do gooders can come down and adopt 47 dogs and give them a good home. Like that will ever happen. No adoption - Sayonara

  3. Same Duck CNX. Million baht Multistrada broke down in Laos, had to truck it to the border, cross and find a Thai pickup, truck it to the dealer. Sensor gone. Took over a month to get - it was the size of a matchbox. Unbelievable. Not the bike for this country, too bad too as I would buy one.

  4. Absolutely no public interest

    Begs the question why BBC Newsnight made such a big deal out of it! Now that would be interesting

    I think the potential public interest angle is whether the press sat on the story for an extended period in order to pressurise him into being lenient on them as part of his remit as Culture Secretary, and, more importantly, whether he caved in to that pressure - and the abysmal response to the Levenson inquiry certainly suggests that the press won that battle.

    Press sat on it because the owners of the papers and Big Business, Big Banks, Big Pharma ... are all in the same club. Get together over drinks at the Club, decide what spin to put on what story, how much to tell the public - even if they should tell them the truth, which rarely happens. Spin it so we can make some money and lets Go to Press.

    “Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.” ― Edgar Allan Poe
  5. I see the changes in the USA also. But a big hurdle to overcome. President Coolidge said " “the chief business of the American people is business.” this goes for law enforcement. No one is going to give up the blackhawk helicopters, night vision, arms, and the truly huge budget without being dragged kicking and screaming. It will take the will of the American people, and I do not see it happening on a Federal level. State by state - yes. Sad really, all those people locked up in jail for mandatory life, families wrecked, when drug use is a Social Welfare and Health issue, not a Law enforcement one.

  6. I think most posters get into trouble with the Powers that Be when they do not keep it polite. An example - #1 - you are an Idiot ! #2 - I disagree. both say the same thing, get the same point across. One can stay - one can go. Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool. Charles Simmons.

    Along with all the Racist, Sexist posts - especially in the news topics, which I do not read.

  7. Unbelievable. Dogs threaten your family, you take care of business, and this is wrong. When I was a kid, had two paper routes. I am like 10 or 11 years old. My Father filled up a water pistol with bleach, said if you are being attacked, one good squirt in the face will end it quickly. What is so hard to understand - it is a dog, the cops family are human. Oh NO, poor little Fluffy, or Muggy, or some such other name is being bad. What are you going to do - wave your finger at him and say 'Bad Dog ? ' He is attacking you. All bets are off at this point.

  8. This discussion is not about other vehicles but about motorbikes so it is pointless in you bringing those up.

    Topic title - Nabbed for loud exhaust

    Posted in the Motorcycle forum, but noise is noise. So my point is valid. And how many HD in LOS ? Compared to how many other brands. So your position that it is all HD's holds no water. And your assertion that they are nasty, law breaking, selfish and disturbing individuals is the exact same thing as any blanket statement against any group, religion, race, gender. Male cow Patoey. And the illegal noise limit thing - have you purchased a decibel noise meter and tested that lone HD you are so offended by ? Or the countlesss Honda Waves, Ducatis, etc etc with this meter ? Or just a guess that it is over 95db ?

  9. Who really cares. I sell myself every time I go to work. Only difference is nothing is inserted - and I do not insert anything. Nothing wrong with what the lady does - her choice. When Coercion, Blackmail, Threat of Violence is used - different story. But seems she is the violent one. Let people dress up in a chicken suit if they want - just don' t do it in my yard. Your place, behind closed doors, no sweat. Live and Let Live.

  10. I live here and know at least one noisy HD.

    How many bikes in Thailand ? How many are noisy ? Not even counting the cars, speaker trucks, pickups, people on internet Forums, airplanes ... I could go on. And you know one noisy HD ? Might be a help to you to go back, read what you have posted, and have a good long think of where this post is coming from. And I - if I may - am of the opinion that it is not about bikes per se, but about a brand of bike, and the people who ride them.

  11. As said above, and in the many threads preceeding yours, Thai Customs will give you the valuation when the car enters the country. No one is going to provide you a cost before - unless you know some people very high up. A search of this Forum will find many threads which asked the same question, with the same answers, you are asking now. When all is said and done ... if you can afford the Customs charges, save some money and buy it here. It will cost less. If it were possible, Thai citizens would be doing it. and they are not. Ask yourself why.

  12. Last weekend, between Fang and Thaton, DLT had an inspection crew working. Bunch of commercial trucks pulled off the side of the road. Guys in coveralls underneath them, men and women checking paperwork. Few pulled off the road - for defects I presume. Drivers not visible. Windows rolled up. First time I have ever seen this. Progress is being made.

  13. Just a guess on my part - but might be blind, or so close to it that his license should be taken away. If his bumper hit the Vios windows, then the roof might well be close to the top of his hood when close. Bang ... What was that. Back up ... Bang. Altho' the chances of that happening are low to nil, and even if it did, the chances of him stopping driving are about the same.

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