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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. As a Foreigner you can not be in the Blue House book. Thai only. Some Amphur will allow you to have a Yellow house book with your name in it.

    Yes I know this Thanks so how can I buy a car on finance without it was the Question or do I have a Rouge Honda salesman who is not correct?

    If it was me - and the salesman insisted on something that is not possible, I would shop elsewhere. If he - I assume it is a he - is Thai - another assumption - and does not know that Foreigner can not be in a Blue House book, what else is he not sure of ? Again - assuming there is not a translation issue here and he says house book but means the foreigner equivalent.

  2. The side cameras only record the ground - what's the point?

    The front/rear parking cameras have a FOV that only runs a few meters out - again, what's the point?

    Cameras used for lane keeping assist are probably the only ones looking down the road far enough to be of any use as a dashcam.

    Was not aware of this - thanks for the info. Seems money wise - and ease of installation - just buy two dash cams which are already setup. Plug in and go.

  3. Well, I just hired a car and Avis wanted a copy of my international license.. Insurance also stated its needed.. For the small cost of getting one, why risk anything if an accident accures

    I hear you. Even faced with proof some posters maintain that it is not required. Tell them different and the belligerence starts. Let them do their thing, one day they will get bit. Show me a Link they say. Wonder what would happen if you printed off a Wiki page - tried to give that to the RTP or DLT or insurance company to show that you are in compliance ? Their Arrogance is only Surpassed by their Ignorance.

  4. EU has finally realised what a mess they have created. blink.png

    The mess was created when no one in the World helped these people out. NIMBY. Place all these troubles on the Worlds almost total lack of Compassion toward people who have lost everything due to natural causes, war, famine. If you were in this situation, what would you do ? Stay in the desert and watch your children starve ? I don' t think so. Help these people out when they first needed help, and this would not be a problem. Now - Reap what you Sow.

  5. Taste is for sure subjective. But to think that bikes were better in the ' Good Old Days' is lunacy. My BSA would die if you rode it beside a pool of water. Lucas was not called the Prince of Darkness for nothing. Drum brakes were garbage. Forks and shocks equally bad. Reliability in modern bikes head and shoulders above those of yesteryear. Brakes actually brake, bikes actually handle. But if you are locked into the Stone Age, and have never ridden a modern bike, you have no frame of reference for comparison. Buy a 'new' bike based on 40 year old technology is not a new bike. It is a copy of an outdated design. Personally I do not like most new bike styles - except the Honda 1100 which is a design based on the 70's CB750. Just like the look. The new Ducatis - like to Monster above - look to me like a Bulldog with a Hunchback. But that is my taste.Rode HD for too long I guess. End of the Day - buy and ride what pleases you. But face reality. Which is that Old technology is just that - Old.

  6. Wiki is correct. Blue letters in white plate is not taxi but non laying transport, eg hotel staff.

    Pickups with 4 doors are seen as sedans, hence black letters on white plates, # doors are seen as commercial, hence green letters.

    Not according to the driver.

  7. Just had a look at the link provided above. You might want to check with your local DLT before committing, as the Wiki page is dated 2011 and changes have occurred since then. For example, most new pickup trucks come with black letters on white background. One of mine has green letters on white background, and was explained to me as being for commercial use when registered in 2001. I have also hired a Toyota Camry with driver a few years ago to go from BKK to Khon Kaen to pick up a bike. That car had light blue letters on a white background. Licensed as taxi.

  8. While I agree that the dealers service departments can be a bit hit and miss, I have always been in favor of finding an independant shop. Seems they care more for their customers. The problem - both here and in the West - is finding a good one. But once found, I try and stick with them. Of course, warranty considerations apply to those who bought new, but I try not to succumb to the temptation - and the hit you take when you leave the dealership for the first time. All the new doodads do not interest me in the least - lane assist, park assist, assist assist. My view - learn to drive.

  9. Limit should be 0.0 for operating any equipment. Driving, flying, riding. Countless studies show an impairment, yet people still do it. Same as cell phone use. Drink and drive - mandatory license loss for life. Cell phone use - minimum one year in jail. Anyone who does not subscribe to this ...

  10. When you upgrade your alloys and tires you need to tell your insurance company to include this into your policy.

    Some will add a few baht to the policy some won't. However as it stands now, you will only get 50% of your tire (original suzuki tire) back.

    Bought insurance from 3 different companies for my HD. If I changed anything, it required a trip to the office of their agent so they could take pics. And bring a receipt for what you bought if you want them to add it onto the policy.

  11. Is it a copper/brass Rad ? If so, clean area well with wire brush, coat area to be soldered with muriatic acid to get down to base metal, use flux and solder away. If it is aluminum you will have to find some place with GTAW to weld it up. Probably cheaper - in both short and long term - to replace. Not expensive here. Install a new rad cap along with all new hoses too.

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