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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Post 40 tells me about a weird noncence post.. i want to see one where someone has shown a recognized Licence and then been asked for an IDP..

    Here is post 40 -I was recently pulled over , 3 cops at a random check point , que of westerners a few Thai , a cop came up to me I handed my [ $75 not to expensive ] IDL to him ,he grabbed it did not open it stepped back to the cop in front of us who was arguing with some Poms , waved it in their faces and said this is what you need , handed it back unopened , waved us on . Poster says IDL - good chance he means IDP. Do not know where this was, but shows that some RTP want to see one

  2. Source a bottle of leak detector. It is added to the system, then charged with refridgerant. Many times a flourescent green color. Drive for a while and the leak is easy to see. DIY you would need - possibly - a vacuum pump to remove all air from system before recharging. The refridgerant. Gauges - both Low and High side (usually red and blue). But find the leak first - take it to the shop and show them where it is. Could be pump seals. Doubt if evaporator or condensor as it would not hold charge for a month. I know a good place in CNX if you are close by.

  3. Unless you specifically want the ability to convert to LPG/CNG capability, go with the diesel.

    Not sure how this would work out. Not that cheap anymore looking at the gas price, and also from the power you get out of it if doing a conversion (open loop system) probably not worth it.

    We have a lousy Optra with LPG conversion. Worst car I owned my whole life smile.png

    The new Multi Port systems are miles ahead of the old style "dump it into the intake manifold and see what happens" style. Here in CNX price about 30K installed - complete. And we realize a cost saving of 50% on fuel. Use gasoline for the mountains tho'

  4. So that's the advice for when you're back in the other world.

    Here in Thailand, however, you're free to do whatever you want.

    Sure - you are free to ride unlicensed and uninsured. Free to have an accident. Free to be sued. Free to go sit in the Monkey House awaiting trial. And Best of all - Free to have an accident involving people with connections who will make your life ... well, use your imagination. But Feel Free !

  5. And Israel siezed land in 1967, and is now building houses on said land. And a Wall. And cutting power and water. Sounds like a very humanitarian country to me - short of this. Do they not realize that all the things they accuse people of doing against the Jewish religion down through the centuries they are doing to others right now ? I am sure they know, but just do not care.

  6. Watch this Video - Defamation Anti Semitism - produced, directed by members of the Jewish faith. Exposes a lot of what is said as pure pro-Israeli propaganda. And I take offence at being called a Hater of anybody. If you can not see what the Israeli Government is doing as the same Terrorism as they say everybody else is doing, I despair of ever having a solution to this issue. Short of dragging all parties kicking and screaming to the bargaining table and make them come to a compromise. Sadly - this I think will need to be the ultimate outcome.

  7. I wish people would get off this talk of Jewish Hatred when referring to Israel. This is not how I see it at all. Many Topics, Many Posts, the underlying thread linking them all is Against the policies of Israel. Quit playing the 'Hate Speech against Jews' every time someone talks about Israel. Who are just as big a Terrorist organization as Hezbollah, ISIS, - pick one.

  8. ^^^ I had to go back and check the title of this Thread ...

    That's a little bit harsh on the Honda double abortion in OmegaRacers post. But I fear there is even more horrors to come from Honda in the future. I used to admire "Soichiro Honda" for being industrious and creative, a real go getter. He has been dead for many years. Now the accountants run Honda! They may be looking at washing machines and refrigerators next!

    You are right. That Honda - Vultus ? I think. I had that in Mexico circa 1972 from the Zona Roja. Nothing Personal

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