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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Much controversy on this subject. Back in the day when dinosaurs roamed the earth - the days of cast iron piston rings - the procedure was much different than what is recommended with new manufacturing techniques and materials. I have used the procedures described in the link below since Moly rings made an appearance. All my new bikes and cars for the last 15 years I have done the same. Now have 6 bikes here, none use a drop of oil - or leak any. All have good power.


  2. . There is also a huge market in secondhand and retread tires........

    In N. America the law states that the steering axle needs new tires. All the drivers can be retreads, and 99% are. They are 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of new. Excepting new Chinese made tires, which are close to the price of a retread.

  3. Never wore a Full Face for more than an hour or two - lack of peripheral vision very disturbing to me. They tell me this has improved since. But am going to try a Modular when I can try on different models. Back in the day - when helmets were made of Fibreglass, split one in half from eyebrows to base of neck. Only thing holding it onto my head was the liner.

  4. post-242372-0-03344400-1457156776_thumb.

    Worked with a guy who had a Mitsubishi 3000 GT VR4 - V6 Twin Turbo 4 wheel drive 6 speed. He finally sold it when his insurance company said one more ticket and we will not cover you any more. Nice car. Same as above but a deep Maroon color.

  5. Don't think you can blame the Gov't - try blaming Big Oil. Been bent over by them for years, and no sign it will ever end. But then they are the Government in the Western part of the Globe anyway. Remember the Golden Rule - He Who has the Gold Makes the Rules. As an aside - last 15 years fuel prices in Canada have closely mirrored prices here.

  6. I have never carried a gun, nor have I ever owned a gun in my life. I ask myself, if I was a in situation, would I be prepared to shoot to kill? There is no point is shooting to injure, unless you are law enforcement. The guy is just going to hunt you down later. So, you pretty much have to shoot to kill. What are the ramifications of that, here in Thailand? Do I really want to kill a local guy? And deal with the aftermath?

    A Wise decision if you are not prepared to follow thru after you have drawn your weapon. Many times people have had theirs taken away from them when the perpetrator realised that they are unwilling or incapable of going that final inch. Here in LOS - as a foreigner - you will be in a lot of trouble if you shoot someone - provided you get caught. Remember - it is not a secret if 2 people know.

  7. Back in the day, living near the corner of manchester and Sepulveda in Los Angeles, I bought guns specifically for my young sons to use. And of course taught them how to use them.

    Why else do guns exist, except to defend women and children?

    Hand guns and long guns exist to deliver bullets, which exist to put holes in things. Depending on many factors, chiefly ballistic coefficient, sectional density and impact velocity, they may or may not go through the intended target. In Urban settings this is a bad thing, as it puts bystanders at risk.

  8. It’s a big myth that disc brakes provide better stopping power than drum brakes, drum brakes have much bigger surface and can slowdown a vehicle much faster. The only downside is that drum brakes are difficult if not impossible to cool, especially that extra weight is unwanted or pay much more for exotic materials.

    The disc brake we now find on most motorcycles are the cheapest solution to brake a vehicle without adding to much weight.

    On a low powered 100 to 125cc step-throw motorcycle/scooter it doesn’t really matter if the vehicle has drum or disc brakes. On a cheap budget motorcycle / scooter I would not mind having drum brakes, they easy to service… parts are cheap and no dangerous chemicals.

    As above - so drum brakes are not as good as disc brakes.

    As to heat dissapation -

    Disk brakes require more hardware and higher overall hydraulic pressure to apply. But they cool better, have better overall stopping power and are less susceptible to warping or brake fade with temperature.

    link - https://www.quora.com/Why-do-we-use-disc-brakes-in-front-and-drum-brakes-in-rear

    Granted this is for cars but applicable none the less.

  9. The only case to be made is which brake is more safe, which will stop the bike in question quicker and more safely. Those who choose to believe that drum brakes are adequate are welcome to their opinion. In an emergency situation you can stop more quickly - and therefore more safely - with a disc brake. Stopping distance is less because the brake is more efficient. Which is why all cars and pickups, and 99% of all motorcycles are equipped with disc brakes. Marketing has nothing to do with it. Here is just one link - there are many more. http://www.youmotorcycle.com/motorcycle-disk-brakes-vs-drum-brakes.html

  10. Drum brakes - no matter how well set up - will never equal the power - or ability to modulate - of a disc brake. You are stuck with limited braking until you upgrade your bike to one with a front disc. No matter what size bike, style of riding, or terrain you ride on. Unless the bike in question is powered like Fred Flinstones car.

  11. Well, they wanted around 500K for a whole 135i (2013 model). Thats a straight six, gearbox, fully working interior and electronics, and most of the suspension etc intact.

    I haven't done all the math yet, as I dont know all the details. But I've seen E90 M3's in the UK sold for 750K.. Tax and transportation another 150K (this might be more expensive). So if you buy a 320i here 2nd hand for 400-500K. Then another 200K for work and parts. Total 1.6MB. And all the fun, you get for free smile.png

    To compare, 2nd hand M3's here are in the market for 3 million plus.

    Half price M3 - gotta love it. And you may just get lucky and find some tasty mods done on the donor car.

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