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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Amazing the business people they surveyed reported below. That is, yes we paid bribes to govt officials but a little less in 2015. Wonder if those business people are ready to confess to the justice system their crime and identify the officials they paid the bribes to? Probably not.

    In the Western world, the same applies. There it is called campaign contributions. No Difference

  2. Sold an HD to a guy living in Hua Hin. He wanted it registered in BKK like all the rest of his bikes. Went to DLT in CNX, checked serial numbers, did the transfer to his name, but not the registration. I provided copy of my green book, signed some transfer papers, nothing else required. Buyer did the same, the ladies gave him a bunch of paperwork to take to BKK to complete transfer. Neither he nor I provided anything from Immigration, they did not want a copy of my yellow house book - not to say he will need it to register later. Your experience in a different DLT will be different.

  3. Adaptive cruise control

    Lane Keeping assist

    Forward collision mitigation

    Driver alert system

    Bit off topic - but all those extras - if they malfunction will the system just stop working or does the system go into limp mode until the offender is repaired ? Most seem to be designed for drivers who do not pay close enough attention.

  4. Your point is the Israeli flag is a flag of terrorism? Oh boy, how original. The sickness again.

    Please do not point words in my mouth. Terrorism is - and has been - committed on both sides. I am not anti anybody - just Anti Fanatics. If you do not agree that Israel has committed atrocities, as have the Palestinians, then this explains to me in glowing detail why there will never be Peace in this region. Both sides need to sit down, acknowledge the harm they have done, work toward a solution, and implement it. But both sides are so entrenched that they will not back down. Don't give me the same old speech about how persecuted the Israeli side is, or the Palestinian side is. Old news. If you can not see this, it explains why there is no hope. In that case, a bigger bully than either side will have to come in, hammer down, and MAKE both sides behave. Is that what you want ? I do not think so. So both sides need to grow up, forget that someones great-great-great grandfather stole a goat form someone elses great-great-grandfather and work to a solution

  5. . The coverage is fairly low but it is there. 3rd class with bail bond is the minimum I would be happy as a foreigner.

    The coverage is so low that any damage - not even substantial - will be beyond the policy limits. In effect - zero. But if you feel that you are OK with third class, I hope you never run into me or mine.

  6. Back before there were dedicated lift kit manufacturers, we used hockey pucks. May be hard to source in LOS. But to just lift the body off the frame would not be that big a deal if you stay conservative. Be aware that your steering shaft angles will change. We solved that problem by elongating the mounting holes in the frame and tilting the steering box a bit. Worked, but strictly backyard.

  7. For a Raider 150, I paid 750 baht for tags and insurance. Not sure what class ins. that paid for.

    That is the very basic Gov't required insurance. If you injure someone - you pay. If you cause property damage - you pay. If you damage another vehicle - you pay. First Class the only way to go. If bike too old, get second class, or better yet second class plus. Then you have a chance.

  8. This Forum - as all Media - is a microcosm of what is happening all over the world. Israeli Government will not change - no matter who or how many people tell them they are wrong. Even an attempt at meaningful dialogue with Palestine is antithema to them. I fear that things will need to get much worse before they get any better - if they ever do. One thing to Fear in the world is Fanatics - of any stripe and any persuation. They are so sure their cause is just that they will never listen to the opinions of others. Just blindly follow their own narrow, short-sighted course of action until some one grabs them by their short and curlies and forces them to change. Just a shame that they seem to have taken this quote to heart - Caligula: Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.

  9. Let me see if I have this right ... When people of the Muslim faith wish to create a nation state using their faith, cries of Terrorists ring out loud and clear. But when people of the Jewish faith do the same, then they are courageous people standing up against their oppressors. People need to take a good hard look at the actions of the Israeli government in acting in the very same way that they have accused people since time began of their persecution of the Jewish people. Genocide, Apartheid, ... all can be laid at the door of the Israeli government. And anyone who refuses to acknowledge this fact is just as guilty as the perpetrators. Stop defending these Jewish Terrorists just because you share a religion. It is Wrong. End of ...

  10. My wife's brother is a Police Captain - so I would call the Wife if alone. Or she would call him. But Seriously - get at least class 2 insurance - 2+ better - if they will not sell you class 1. As soon as an accident happens, admit nothing, call the Insurance company - whose name is in your cell phone isn't it ? and do nothing until he/she gets there. Leave it all to them.

  11. Now I don't see why anybody would waste their time typing and uploading pics when hardly anyone is going to see/read them.

    I guess those who are unwilling - or unable - to recognize the changes and adapt their posting and viewing habits will miss out. Those who can will read - and write - trip reports. Enuf of the 'Oh - the Good Old Days !"

  12. Why would you not post a trip report of interest to others ? Too much work to click an extra button and scroll down a few lines ? Sure, it would be nice to have a dedicated bikes trip forum, but the powers that be said no. Their House - Their Rules. To say 'I won't post because I don't want my bike report mixed up with car reports' sounds like you are posting from a schoolyard. 'If I don't get what I want, I am leaving!' My reply - Goodbye.

  13. What is your knowledge level ? If you know your way around cars and trucks, it is easy to spot pitfalls. A magnet and a length of heater hose can tell you an amazing amount of info re: the condition of the vehicle. Body damage is visible to the naked eye re: panel alignment. If your knowledge is limited, and you do not know someone with the requisite know-how, you are at the mercy of the sellers, dealers, etc. But new - take the hit. Buy used - in good, well-looked after condition, and save heaps of money as well as having a much broader selection of vehicles to choose from. When I decided to buy a V6 Teana, checked the online sites, found BKK had the most choice, flew down, got a central located hotel, and picked up the fone. Many dealers will pick you up to inspect the vehicle.

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