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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. I am still patiently waiting for these "moderate muslims" we are always hearing about

    Why are they not demonstrating all over the world; why because in their heart of hearts they think the nut jobs are doing Allah's work

    If you search for their statements and reactions you should dig the news yourself. Strangely not a lot of newspapers relate the NUMEROUS condemnations from moderate Muslims and their representatives..

  2. Something very serious has to be done about Muslims invading and setting up home in Christian Europe. We as many nations have tried our hardest to live alongside these Muslim peoples. But, it just does not work smoothly. We are the infidels... their Islam bible tells them to hate us and kill us. The male population have no respect for women. They simply are alien to us Christians.

    It's time for us to do something drastic. It's time to expel them from our countries or to ask them to change religion. That's a fair choice ! Live together with us as Christians or get away. Our governments can buy them out and fly them to another Muslim country. No hard feelings. And we can live and feel safe again with no fear of bearded men and covered women.

    D-day is coming..... ask our governments to do something or expect daily bombings such as London, Madrid and Paris....wai2.gif

    Your comment is exactly what the terrorists want us to do and believe...so you let those terrorists win.

    You must be very uninstructed about Islam.

    Catholic has also a long history of killings, colonization, proselytism,...

    You strangely avoid how WE mess with their countries for decades, bombed them. twisted their minds,...our stupid goals have been to believe we could put in place governments which will suit our hegemony and oil thirst...

    Saddam was not religious, we put in place a religious one, Khaddafi was not religious, we put religious one,....

    So your comment is typically one of those who make the terrorists happy : they win, we lose...

  3. You like it in Europe? Stay there. Enjoy. Eat the cheese, drink the wine… And I hear the chocolate is superb.

    We like it fine the way it is in the USA.

    ...and if you were to take your own advice and stay there, we might not have some of the problems we are facing now!

    But you choose to destabilize Iraq, because GW had to finish what his daddy started and you let hellfire rain from drones onto unarmed and most likely innocent civilians on the off- chance, that you might eventually hit a terrorist...

    US politics has created more terrorists, that ISIS or the taliban ever could have achieved on their own.

    That's a whole different topic than Trump and guns, but I agree completely. Since the USA gets a small percentage of their oil from the Middle East, and a small percentage of the oil from the Middle East ends up in the USA, we should quit spending American blood and treasure cleaning up the mess left behind when European colonies collapsed (as a result of yet another Euro squabble) and borders were drawn by Europeans with no thought of ethnicity or history. And while we're at it, we should stop protecting the sea lanes headed to all the countries that enjoy US military spending so they can spend their treasure on chocolate, cheese, wine and all the other niceties.

    We'll get our oil from our hemisphere.

    But be careful what you hope for. Europe can't afford their own security.

    We'll get our oil from our hemisphere.

    You mean by changing the governments in south America because they don't want to follow your rules?

    Europe can't afford their own security.

    While USA clearly can, as we can see ...oh the irony!

    Yeah stop your hegemony which is not done because of your willing to help but to steal or manipulate

  4. nonsense..

    Gun ownership in France = 31.2%..

    French Police carry weapons..

    The French have several different police forces, many carry assault rifles.

    People inside club, bars, restaurants, rock concerts, football stadiums do not carry weapons.

    I don't know myself, but I read in the newspaper that France has one of the strictest anti-private gun laws. Wrong or right, I don't know.

    Europe, well all of the EU do have strict gun laws that is common law in the EU, that doesn't mean you cannot own or use a firearm.

    Many of these guns have been around for years.

    It's a misconception that Europeans do not have firearms.

    Much central Europe there is around 30 firearms per 100 people..

    In the UK its around 6 firearms per 100.

    But, we are not a gun culture.

    As I posted before the last time a British police was killed by a firearm was in 2012. If the UK police draw their weapons it makes national news. it is a very rare event. I hope it stays like that..

    I'm not so bold as to think my ideas on gun ownership should be imposed on any else, but I take umbrage at those, from a culture where 10s of thousands die each year from firearms, where toddlers are shooting other toddlers, trigger happy policemen murdering folk, start telling me that we need more guns. its madness.. pure and simple madness. you guys do what you want, but please don't assume to tell me your way is better

    I've been trained to use high powered weapons, and it'd scare me to death if I thought that these sort of firearms were readily available.

    I've fired off 1000s upon 1000s of rounds, both in a military environment and sporting environments.

    I've also been confronted with weapons many times more than I'd like. not least of all here in Thailand.

    30 firearms per 100 can mean that out of 100 people 1 has 30 guns or that 30 have 1 gun each.

    I doubt that with more guns we would all get Americans and all the American problems. In central Europe and in Thailand the police have guns and still they aren't murdering folks. So more guns in Europe would not make us American cops.

    From my male staff in the office in Thailand almost everyone has an (illegal) gun (well most are southerns). But we don't have shootings in the office and non got shot by the toddlers. Yes in the village at celebrations some idiots shoot in the air with gun and on the close by rice field (it is Bangkok, but still here is a rice field) they shoot birds (with the lead sometimes falling on my roof blink.png), diotic.....injured or dead people in the last 10 years: Zero

    Each one of your staff is then holding holster with a gun everyday at your office, right?

  5. Trump please, just shut the <deleted> up..

    Things would have been different if USA and Europe didn t stick their nose in middle east for 30 years.

    Things would have been different if USA and Europe didn t deal with Saudi and Qatar who promote wahabism and praise the same idealogy than ISIL.

    So buzz off and shove your NRA ideology deep where the sun never shines.

    Oh jeesh....

    here is another dumb post about how usa caused all the religious zealots in the middle east to get riled up. Give us a break.

    Thats in history 101.....muslims have been trying to get their hands on spain and france (priorily Gaul) for ages. Most of Spain was invaded by the Saracens more than 1100 years ago.

    USA had nothing to do with it. Sharia law is ages older than the USA

    get a grip. read some history. El Qaeda group had their affiliations...but this religious war against the infidel is old hat. I would say the Crusaders are the ones that really kicked the hornets nest....and that is when the "Holy Land" dilemma really got out of hand. If you got to point fingers...point it at the Holy Roman Empire...whose Emperor came from..???

    You re blind or don't understand sh.t about ACTUAL geo-strategy, do you?

    You should just go read a bit more about what is happening actually in middle east.

    I am quite sure there was not any recent bombing or invasion in Europe, USA or South America by any middle east government with the goal to bring "freedom", exploit ressources,...

    But your blindness make you sleep tight, so keep dreaming little boy

  6. When there's a bombing we blame the bomber. When there's a drunk-driving accident we blame the driver. But when there's a shooting we blame the gun. Nice logic. The next time an armed thug enters your house with the intent on robbing and killing your family, protect your family by telling him you feel his pain and singing Kumbaya to him. That should work.

    Firstly you're comparing apples and oranges since the first 2 things in your failed analogy are intrisicly illegal acts whereas gun ownership is legal. Secondly, when is the last time an armed thug entered your house with the intent of robbing you and killing your family?

    Secondly, when is the last time an armed thug entered your house with the intent of robbing you and killing your family?

    December 23, 1965.

    Thats the whole point...you just don't know..do you? Tonight, somebody may just decide to knock on your door...and rape your wife and kids...or just shoot up the place (as in Paris). When you finally decide that your luck has run out...you will not have time to acquire protection. You buy insurance for your car don't you? So why not buy insurance for your loved ones? get armed !!!

    If we could only talk to the victims...who did not survive....or saw their friends and family slaughtered in front of them.. I think they would all say that they wish they could of prevented deaths.

    So at home you carry your holster all the time with your gun ready, right?

    Always ready?

    Or are you a responsible gun owner and have it locked in a safe, where it will stay if someone storm your house...

  7. Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

    Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

    My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

    of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

    mothers and the god they worship....

    This thread starts to be used by some who like to express extreem right and islamophobic ideas...

    Even funnier to see the usual apologists for Islamic terror rushing in to "explain" this event, minimize it, or claim it's just a few muslims who support this carnage and murder.

    theadiest thing is seeing the terrorists winning as their main goal is division, and racist sheeps like you falling for it.

    The ones you believe in, namely USA and Europe in middle east are the closest friends of Saudi Arabia and Qatar who share the Wahhabi ideology.

  8. As well as cans or bricks, why not put wine in there...

    Corks of lower quality can leads to wine corruption but is still preferred for the best wines, because we know how it ages. Caps are easy to use, but comes from non renewable ressource, can easily get corrupted if not correctly handled. It was created because of its low cost and easy to incorporate in the bottling process...

    But it is a way to label it "table wine"

  9. Put on any label you like.

    Israeli wine from the Golan Heights:


    I wonder if it pairs well with Israeli hummus.


    Wine from Israel..., with aluminium tops...now THIS is Funny...

    So one more product which comes from illegal land stealing...

    A strange propaganda, considering most of the export is for the USA (so you can even label it comes from Yehovah's blood Himself) and its most expensive wine tops around 100$ (except some real old ones)...

    Most european people are against settlements I highly doubt of its sells there, it is probably not even exported there

    The funniest part is each bottle of wine is a french advertising as 90% of the grape variety come from there...

  10. Some 300.000 foreign workers are active in the West Bank for Israeli companies.

    Palestinians are mostly refused to be employed on their own lands by the Israeli's. There are cases that underaged (-16) Palestinian boys are working with pesticides without personal protection....

    Moreover, the laws and rights for these foreign workers coming from SE Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe,...are close to modern slavery.


    Please read annexes of the link at the end...

    The EU should ban these Israeli products made in Palestinian occupied territories and with foreign labour !

    Utter nonsense, Palestinians working in Israeli settlements receive approximately twice the average pay they would receive working in Palestinian authority controlled areas. Little wonder the average Palestinian worker is not in favour of BDS. But hurting Palestinians is of no concern to one issue anti-Israel activists who in trying to cut economic ties between Israelis and Palestinians do nothing but undermine a two state solution they pretend to favour.

    P.s and about your totally discredited NGO, seeing as you yourself are such an avid source policeman.


    But hurting Palestinians is of no concern to one issue anti-Israel activists who in trying to cut economic ties...

    More an extortion than any economic ties: I take your land, exploit its ressources and hire you because you re cheap, or you can go home and be jobless

  11. The settlements, illegal or not, do exist and they do produce some products and some of those products are for export. The existence or not of the settlements is definitely an issue somewhere, but the issue we're discussing here is actually about the labeling by the EU and how it's related to the international BDS movement. Also in question is if such specialized labeling is being enforced on Israel, why not the same treatment to the other regions in the world with disputed borders?

    A person can easily be in opposition to the settlement movement and yet at the same time be in opposition to the EU's double standard labeling (picking on Israel, ignoring other areas with border controversies) and also in opposition to the horrific goals of the BDS movement in general. Yes, to me, the goal to end the existence of Israel is a very horrific goal.

    As far as the legality of the Judea/Samaria settlements, legally yes they are illegal under international law, legal under Israeli law, and the state of Palestine which some say they are located in does not yet and may not ever exist. Obviously, that is a messy conflicted situation subject to change. I don't think many people would dispute that part of it.

    Well, the issue "somewhere" is deeply linked to the labelling.

    As a previous poster say, Israel has the choice to clearly advocate for settlements, and then be "proud to be labeled" or find a solution to stop the settlements.

    It is not an issue "somewhere" but THE issue here, not the "horrific BDS".(people are free to boycott the products coming from what they think is an unfair and sneaky process, they are not forced into it)

    As far as I know there is not anywhere in the world a region where a country settle as much in territories which are not their, rule them, expropriate them...and so much more...and elected under a democratic process.

    Israel, boasting about being a beacon of democracy in middle east, has much more power to get out of this dead end..it is not ruled by an unelected leader, right?

    So maybe the big companies won't give a sh.t about this labeling and BDS (even if many Israeli news and speeches say the opposite) but once the citizens are targeted where it hurts, the incomes, they will clearly turn against their leaders when elections will come.

    Big companies can suffer losses and move, the small companies and individuals who where encouraged to settle will clearly let their politicians know about it

  12. George, you're not really interested in this topic.

    I figured that out.

    You're only here to do a generic Israel demonization dump.

    Typical here.

    I've explained what I think are the reasonable objections to the E.U. labeling and I agree with the objections. It's going ahead and the conflict continues. What else is new?

    You also figured out that the labeling is concerning Settlements, don't you?

    What is new is that now illegal settlers will suffer economical loss from this law, and it is a good thing...

    And this labeling would stop once the government change its politic toward those illegal settlements...

    So if this labeling is not related to Israel politic, then you fneed to read my post more carefully

    There seems to be a lot of controversy about the level of economic damage, to the Israelis in Judea/Samaria, to Israel in general, and to the Palestinians in Judea/Samaria. But my objections are more about what I posted before ... the double standard and also the slippery slope aspect of this as it's clearly a stepped tactic by the BDS movement.

    If your argument is that settlement labeling is going to do anything to bring about a quick and mass abandonment of the settlements, I don't think anyone pushing the toxic Israel demonization agenda thinks that is actually true.

    It is true that both the government of Israel and supporters of the existence of Israel consider the BDS movement in general a threat and a threat that must be aggressively fought against, because the goals of the leadership of the BDS movement go well beyond support for a two state solution -- their movement is about the complete end of the Israeli state in any borders.

    Point proven one more time that you avoid the issue here: illegal settlements.

    You may use of some rethoric to hide but the BDS movement is growing, and this worries Bibi.

    It take time but if even Bibi is worried and lobby worlwide the government to limit the damages, it is a clear growing concern.

    But your "demonizing Israel"is nonesens and an old and useless song: the facts speak for themselves and Israel needs nobody to demoniz itself

  13. George, you're not really interested in this topic.

    I figured that out.

    You're only here to do a generic Israel demonization dump.

    Typical here.

    I've explained what I think are the reasonable objections to the E.U. labeling and I agree with the objections. It's going ahead and the conflict continues. What else is new?

    You also figured out that the labeling is concerning Settlements, don't you?

    But you typically avoid any discussion about THE problem which poison Israel image worldwide...

    What is new is that now illegal settlers will suffer economical loss from this law, and it is a good thing...

    And this labeling would stop once the government change its politic toward those illegal settlements...

    So if you think this labeling is not related to Israel politic , then you fneed to read my post more carefully

  14. You incorrectly and probably intentionally twisted what I wrote about not stopping at the settlements. That's about the BDS movement's tactics which generally include boycotting everything from Israel, not only from the settlements. Many of them go further into vile Judeophobia and boycott anything in the world they can associate with Jewish people anywhere.

    As far as "apartheid mind" let's look at the goals of even the moderate Palestinian leaders, the segment that would be satisfied with a Palestinian state and not aiming to expel and kill all the Jews of Israel. You want to see apartheid minds? Look there. They want a "Jew free" state. Israel on the other hand proudly includes about 20 percent Arab Israeli CITIZENS, both Muslim and Christian.

    I would hardly say "proudly", or you have never witnessed the life of Arabs living in Israel. Their citizenship is comparable to the Indian casts, ifyou don't know it then you have a lot of homework to do, and by this i mean getting informed by other medias than the ones "pro-israel"

    Israel is scared by one thing : in two or three generations, Arabs living in Israel will outnumber the jews, and therefore the government will be leaded by arabs.

    Your use of the eternal "yeah why do't you yell at this country which do worse" has one explanation : Israel elect its leaders, and the CITIZENS has the power to change thi far right winged government each time an election occurs...yet they choose each time a government wich promote settlements...

    Israel justice for palestians? DO we have any news of the settlers who burnt an house in Palestine? No of course and we won't.

    So yes, Israel is an apartheid state, like it or not. The world is fed up of this country acting like a bully and branding anyone speaking against its politic as antisemit.

    Do you say that people against Assad politic is racist toward Syrians?

    Do you say that people against Putin politic is racist toward Russian?

    Well it is the same for Israel. Its citizen has the choice to change the way it is and they don't do sh.t...

    And about the boycott the proof it works ans scare this government, coming from a jewish journal :


  15. I am quite happy to boycott all the products from Israel.

    Their last exaction : 12 disguised to enter an hosptial, take a palestian, kill his brother.... that's a privilege only few regimes can be proud of, Israel is one of them

    Almost definitely you used some Israeli products to write that hostile post. Love it.

    The truth is the BDS movement's leaders are clearly against the existence of Israel with ANY borders. So of course they don't stop at settlements.

    This thread isn't about the hospital incident. Maybe wait for a thread about that, dude.

    As you probably use oil from Saudi....

    Technology is not the privilege of the Israeli...

    Israel is obviously also against the existence of Palestine with any border.

    The sentence you wrote : So of course they don't stop at settlements. is a clear clue of your apartheid mind.

    So yes I boycott Israel products, and I am quite happy that you hate the Settlement labeling"...the proof this boycott movement scare the shit out of Israel is a bliss

  16. There are over 100 disputed territories in the world today, I wonder how many of them result in the E.U marking this on goods from them as disputed? In other news some European Countries have been found to be buying cheap oil from IS, flaming hypocrites.

    Ahhh the old....but he murdered someone too so why cant I.... Deflection. So boring.

    And the same old deflection of not addressing an issue.

    The issue is quite clear: Israel settles land which is not its own.

    The only ones who seem to not say "mmayyyyyyybeeeee...we should stop illegal settlements once and for all"

  17. They asked that officials stop summoning people, stop visiting and spying on them, and that they stay in their barracks and perform their duties.

    1) summoning, 800+ people summoned

    2) intimidation is S.O.P. for the military

    3) stay in their barracks and perform their duties : clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    wouldn't it be so nice....

    Until the Thai people collectively kick the generals in the crotch, nothing will send them to their barracks, much less keep them there...

    And will you publicly apologise and tell us all how wrong you were when elections are held ?.

    Of course you won't. You'll ignore what you said and change to something different. That's why I have no time for anything you say.

    Just think : if you people hadn't passed that amnesty disgrace then started murdering protestors to try and scare them back home, none of this would have happened.

    What a shame 'Thammasat' didn't speak out about injustice sooner - say right after the amnesty bill and definitely when women and children started getting blown up. People might still be alive instead of inconvenienced. Do we know why they didn't ?.

    We are all waiting for your uprising. Set a date yet ?. I bet you wish a few people had disappeared or been shot on the streets to help your cause a bit because from where I am standing, the country has a much more promising future now then it did under the dirty cronies. And unfortunately for you, the decent and intelligent people in Thailand realise it too.

    "That's why I have no time for anything you say."

    But write the longest post so far in thi thread.

    Do you notice how as soon as he does not agree with you, this one write "you people" like "you the red"

    You should really learn about a few things John:

    Thailand History

    Thammasat History

    How you could read news about Thailand coming from outside of Thailand so you would understand a bit more what is happening around here.

    The pro junta like you are oviously not aware of their bad habits worldwide nowdays and in the past.

    Your hate for "the reds" is a bit amusing but you tend to repeat yourself.

  18. Africa, the cesspool continent of the world, no matter how many billions in aid the were given over the years,

    no matter how many government and presidents elected and falls, the countries of Africa are still a backward.

    miserable place to exist, Africa is the richest continent of the world, yet, fighting, genocides and mass killing,

    extreme property and hopelessness is reigning supreme, and wholesale killing of animals for profits is another

    ugly and despicable act.....

    Don't forget Africa is mainly the playground of occidental countries.

    The borders were set by people unaware of the tribes before and nowdays most of the countries under tough regimes have leaders appointed by either USA or Europe so they can steal most of the ressources.

    It is easy to give a dime with one hand and steal a truck full of :gold, uranium, rare metals,... to build all the electronics we have in hands.

    Before judging Africa, look at its history and especially the colonial one

  19. Assad said many times he is ready to leave. USA and Europe want a military victory. Under Assad :12% christians, 1% jews (and was growing).. as the "coalition" support Al Nusra, a "moderate"al Qaeda member, and has in its rank the Saudis, well known for their democracy and their clean war in Jordany, the population of syria will be happy to have an occidental appointed dictator instead of Assad...6 years ago Assad was not a butcher... the sheeps force feeded by Faux News and USA/EUROPE propaganda still not understand that this coalition is a joke and their only goal is to grab the natural ressource of the country.. the ones thinking we bring "freedom" there must have slept for the past 30 years and not look at the ptesent situation in :Irak, Afghanistan, Libya,....

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