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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Great work Bibi.

    Now there is no more room for discussion : having Lieberman who lives in a west bank settlement and want to retake it fully for Israel show what kind of politic this government wants. For sure not a solution!

    "...and want to retake it fully for Israel..."

    Second (or third?) time you post the same. Most of what Lieberman advocates does not include Israel taking over the whole West Bank. He got not interest in making demographics more problematic than they are.

    Well that's not what he says!

    And speaking about repetition, why you worry about a speck in other's eye when you have a log in your own ?

    Itquite funny to read that the people defending this government seem to be quite upset the future defense minister will send to trash everything they want to hang about the goodwill of Israel government...

  2. I have always felt that prisons should, by design, be a miserable frigging place to live...to discourage a criminal from a repeat performance...

    If you want to be treated like a member of a Country Club...get a real job and pay your dues...

    It does not discourage them : having bad prisons just make them even bitter, get close to other criminals, get more connexions with them and of course more hate...

    Prison should be for reinsertion as well...not only punishment. Not all the convicted are mass murderers there...Believe it or not you even have innocents in prions or people waiting for trial who may be freed once proven innocent...

  3. The most sad and unsettling part of all this is how the world have become numb, uncaring like and lose interests very quickly

    from such a catastrophe, we all got used already to hearing and seeing atrocities reaching new heights

    and when another plane gone down or a huge blast in some place killing dozens of innocent people, we

    hear ourselves thinking that thanks god it's not in my back yard and my family and me are safe

    while we pass the jam on the breakfast table....

    You can witness that every day : look how the people don't give a shit when a terrorist bombing happens in Africa or Middle east: 100's are killed...but for sure no more than few headlines and of course no big social network group...

  4. muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

    As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

    To a large extent, you're right. Muslims in France are integrating well. Marseille has a giant Muslim population, for example. They're even building a giant mosque to add to many other large mosques. However, it's a matter of degrees. If 99% of the Muslim population are decent folks, ......that leaves 1% who could be radicalized. 1% of a million is 10,000. 10,000 baddies bent on destruction can do a lot of damage.

    The rule you state is applicable to any group in a society : politicien, army, vocal choeur...

    The problem with muslims in europe and France is due to the zones where they grow up and live: france welcomed migrants after the war to help for the reconstruction (something the far right sympathizers forget) and after with the french colonies (far right sympathizers also forget or are nostalgic of them). And instead of settling the families a bit everywhere in the cities they put them all together in areas, far from the center...

    The french governmentS never worked for their integration. It does not explain all but yet it contributes to the situation.

  5. Thorgal and GeorgesAbitbol are the new additions to the older crop of "Israel lovers" who profess to know everything

    about politics in Israel and the middle east, so much so that they find it ok to use foul language while showing

    their ignorance on the subject, so much so that it's a waste of breath to explain how wrong they're....

    I probably know more than you on the subject. But i understand your lack of knowledge on the subject irritates you.. I am not the only one saying that, even israeli newspapers tell it : Lieberman is a far right ex bouncer who wants to retake the west bank, lives in a settlement and support them.. he is a dumb politician and even some members of the Likoud ate worried... but you will probably tell me i am a jew hater and avoid any constructive answer on the subject...
  6. Not saying it is (at this time) but the issue of securing air-travel from inside jobs is a real one.

    That's true. For instance, Switzerland Airport Zurich fired muslim workers. Several dozens luggage carriers.

    This might be not political-correct, but better safe then sorry.


    Please let us know how the muslim countries will do? Do they have to close their airports, train, boat companies? Cause i am quite sure they all have muslim workers...
  7. He should stay quiet. At least for now. After he is elected to public office - which as a hero to 90% of muslim youths he certainly will be, he can enjoy diplomatic immunity or other immunity from prosecution. FWIW I will never vote for scrotes like Abdeslam, he is not a true European in the classic sense(no matter how popular and fashionable he is with the progressive left), although going forward a decade or 2 most "Europeans" will think and look just like him. He is the future.

    What you say, Sir, is utterly crap....
  8. However, he said he hoped the information given to the visiting European Parliament representatives by the ex-premier would be factual and was not distorted.

    ​This is the same women that still think not attending one rice meeting as the chairman of the rice committee is not negligence. Of course she will twist it. She know doubt will read word for word from her Mongolia speech.

    Strangely the UN seems to be more enclined to speak to an elected pm than your dear Leader.

    And we may add :

    John Fisher, Geneva director of Human Rights Watch said The Thai governments responses to the UN review fail to show any real commitment to reversing its abusive rights practices or protecting fundamental freedoms

  9. wouldn't be easy to get a bomb on Board in Paris

    Wouldn't had been easy to carry out a major terror act in Paris too...

    Many muslims works at the airport.

    Political correctness, and stupidity, have prevented authorities from taking any lessons from the Sinai crash. It will continue.

    So how will you prevent muslim countries to hire muslim people, smart guy?!

  10. If only the masses would get together and attempt to oust another group of poor performing self appointed politicians.

    But they did that already and YL is now standing trial. So sometimes indeed it works.

    Sorry robblok, but the masses of people you are talking about most certainly are not the masses, not by far mate.

    The masses were told to stay at home and on their farms and let democracy and elections and the law take its cores, but once again the masses were cheated out of their right to choose a leader, cheated out of the right to vote and cheated out of the laws of the land.

    Get your history right mate.

    As for people standing and calling for reliable water supply, bloody fantastic, I think there needs to be more of it.

    The problem with this is if you are not of the correct political persuasion then you could be put in gaol?

    Unfortunately the village I live in half of them haven't had any tap water for the last 4 months, me my wife and her family family uses our bore for our water, but the rest of the people have use an old well every day for water.

    You should get your history right.. the people revolted against the amnesty of a convicted criminal. However an terrorist group aligned to the government did anything to keep them from protesting killing a few children while doing so. In the end the people won and YL stepped down. Your version of history is the wrong one.

    You are right about one thing though its great that they calling for a reliable water supply. Its great that they did so. I did not see them wearing any kind of shirts so how did anyone know who they supported same with the mining protests.. also no arrests. Monks protesting no arrests.. only if your trying to cause trouble red / yellow will you be in trouble.. seems that protesting for other rights is still something that can be done.

    If you live real secluded then you can expect that not everything is up to spec and the people in your neighborhood choose their own mayor and there are town funds and so on. Can't blame the government for everything. Just like the people protesting there it local level stuff. Maybe the people in your village should oust their local leaders. But I am sure you think the junta caused the problems.

    You mean the people leaded by Suthep? Ahhh stuhep, an exemplary guy, not corrupted, wasn t involved in the palm oil shortage couple of years ago, didn t sell land reserced for poor people. The people you saw in the streets wete not the majority, they were a part of the wealthy and middle class who support the idea of more taxes paud means more vote power... (by the way where went the money Suthep collected?)

    If you follow your reasoning then you should also support the anti junta as the first thing they did was to grant amnesty for themseves because the coup is a high treason case...

    Like it or not the ThaksinS were elected, something which is not the case now and even wasn t the case when Abhisit was kn charge...

    So let s hope suthep and the popcorn goons will come ouy soon to oust the pm like last time eh?....

    The people waited 5 years to revolt, i m guessing we will wait 3 more years then to have the same...

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