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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Yes, but laying with dogs just feels wrong, doesn't it? Though, it's still better than marrying into a family of maggots.
  2. Men are clearly dumber, but at least we don't base our entire worth on our piss hole or crap hole.
  3. Interesting That's like 400 calories a day though, in oil. That's like a meal. You really ought to consume that oil on a salad.
  4. It's true. A Thai woman once told me, "My pussy gave me everything"
  5. Even the "uneducated" in the West are better educated that 99% of this country. I am working class but I still studied at a top 20 school in my country simply due to living in a good postcode. You really can't compare it to Isaan (and other rural Thai areas) which is basically 3rd world.
  6. Yes, and even more mindblowing: women seem to genuinely believe their hole has some kind of intrinsic value, too. It is humorous that so many women base their entire value on their sex appeal 😳 like they literally have nothing else to offer.
  7. Your mileage may vary. Glad it's worked out for you so far
  8. I'd call it 'theft' of perhaps 'fraud' since the crime involved cheating someone out of payment. It's a financial crime, not a sexual one. Definitely not rape.
  9. In general, the West has conditioned men to not see the bad in any female; they are virtuous creatures that can do no wrong. There's really no concept of "a bad girl" in the West. You'd be a misogynist if you judged them negatively. In Thailand, society sees women a bit more clearly; they are capable of sin (just like anyone else) and it isn't politically incorrect or socially unacceptable to blame them for their actions.
  10. Because...... 1. Farang were never taught that some women are whores and should be treated as such. 2. They have no concept of social class and are willing to marry way below their own class. 3. They have white knight syndrome and want to save a Thai hoe
  11. That's irrelevant, unless they were friends or something. Her fidelity is not his business.
  12. As a Tesla shareholder, I am gonna take great pleasure in watching all these Somsaks buying our product. Like shaving a <deleted>. Tw@t.
  13. 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 Wait, how could she leave the scene if she was electrocuted? Electrocuted means 'dead.' She got an electric shock - there's a difference.
  14. I, too, know a few angels here, but they are in ridiculously short suply in the Land of Sin. The women are no different.
  15. Beautiful and eloquent summary of the typical mentality here.
  16. I did it. Then, I converted back again a couple years later.
  17. Naw, they can take care of themselves alright. Their children, on the other hand...
  18. Ah, okay, that helps. It ain't something that everyone knows, so why abbreviate it?
  19. Lemme guess this 'Dr' is a chiropractor? Pretty sure, he is. I am no doctor (nor is this guy), but I'd suggest it's more important to cut out the bad crap, than to start some supplement. Like, would you put a bandaid on a dirty wound?
  20. Oh aye, sure. Ever seen how they use a fridge? Open one of them up n have a look. You'd think they put a pig in there with a stick of dynamite about a year or two ago n just left it.....and continued to use it.
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