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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Men have an attachment, but it doesn't last much longer than a few minutes. Nature made it that way.
  2. They have a funny way of shooting themselves in the foot, don't they? I suspect there will be less sick buffaloes being taken care of in Thailand's future.
  3. This makes no sense. Taxing all money you send to Thailand, even if it's not income/gains? So, if you invested, for example, 10k abroad and you gained 1k profit. Then, you send the whole lot to Thailand, they would tax you on the 11k? Is that what would happen? It would defeat the point in even investing.
  4. But what about savings? You could have been taxed on that income years or decades ago and have no documents to prove it. And what about savings you didn't earn (e.g. gifts)? Will Thailand tax that if you send it over?
  5. Calm down there sunshine, he hasn't even been conclusively diagnosed is herpes.
  6. You had blisters in exactly the same place before?
  7. I'm no expert, but it sounds like you've had this for too long for it to be herpes. My general understanding is that herpes goes through a cycle (bump, blister, open sore, scab, heal) which completes within a week or so. Then,there would be no symptoms for a couple months or more until the same process happens again. It also sounds like your skin lesion did not respond at all to the anti virals that you took for herpes (and I assume you took them as per the instructions) which would also go against herpes. So, both Bumrungrad and the Institute of Dermatology said yeast and they even did a test to confirm it? That sounds pretty conclusive. Did the antifungals help? I am failing to see the problem here. Why are you still searching for a doctor?
  8. Yeah, they are colonizing Europe now through asylum seeking. Though, I can't figure out why it's almost exclusively young military-aged men on the boats. Not a woman, child, or elderly person in sight on most boats ???? Islam without a doubt will take over the West eventually.
  9. Yes, some dictionaries include injury, though it would generally be used in the industry (which I worked in before) to describe death ( and it comes from the word 'execute') or maybe sometimes when someone experienced a serious, near death injury, like they got frazzled -- not just a small shock. Electrocuted is a very strong word and usually used to describe death (or near death perhaps) Otherwise, what's the difference between electrocuted and electric shock? Death is usually the difference, or maybe some life-altering, serious, grievous injury. I've had numerous electric shocks. I've never been electrocuted. I didn't know there were 5 dictionaries that actually mattered. I checked Cambridge. It just said "death." I didn't see it mention injury, but know others do, such as Oxford. Okay, if you are saying they got electrocuted. What injury did they sustain to make you say that? They felt the electricity isn't enough. I feel as though you would render the the phrase 'electric shock' obsolete, cos apparently even the slightest shock is enough for you to say electrocuted. It is a very strong word.
  10. You just need to be financially successful. Surely it isn't that hard.
  11. I didn't see anything on that video about victimization of conservatives. White men are pretty much subject to the same problems as everyone else in the Western world. This is sooo off-topic. You like this guy? Why do you like him if you have a low opinion of him. And why do you think that vegan lesbians wouldn't harass him?
  12. Would that be the recommended drug to use for a routine cleanse just in case? Does albendazole cover the liver flukes?
  13. They got an electric shock. They were not electrocuted. The quality of journalism couldn't be any worse.
  14. The irony. What is it with these damn socialists thinking they can just adjust things. Nature prevails.
  15. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. Was trying to find the health forum, but couldn't seem to locate it. Basically, the gist of it is that Jordon Peterson claims that a lot of these people are really suffering from depression or anxiety, but it's being rebranded as something else and normalized. Any opinions?
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