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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Exactly. And if genitals don't make a particular gender then why would cutting them off affirm the gender? No logic. In the girls' bathrooms, "It's a woman's penis. Nevermind" Then, "We will affirm your gender by cutting that thing off" Just so messed up. Do they really feel better after this? If not, then clearly it is a mental disorder
  2. They are ethnically different, Khymer, Lanna. Thai is a nationality. I'd say Asian is a race.
  3. Well, in the OP it talks of genetics which has nothing to do with ethnicity. Ethnicity is cultural norms, behaviors, and beliefs. It has nothing to do with our DNA, genetics, appearance, or any other physical characteristics
  4. They are just inhumane. They'd rip off a 70 year old woman at the airport for all they can out of her. There's no limit. I just don't use taxis anymore where possible and when I have to I just don't tip.
  5. They are the type of people who would rip off an elderly lady at the airport. They just take advantage wherever they can. It gets to the point where getting a taxi can be a challenge cos so many do it.
  6. I think you are talking about race not ethnicity.
  7. Well, hang on, the guy was saying he feels like motorcycles are safer than buses. Jeez
  8. If that's what they were really doing, fine. But the fact he had been trashing them and only then they started trying to find dirt on him is highly suspicious. He slagged them off. They cancelled him. Doesn't seem like they give a damn about these women. They had a different motive.
  9. People get cancelled all the time. He's been cancelled already. Demonitized by YouTube, lost his prospects. His career is over no matter the verdict. He can't recover from this, even if he is found no guilty. He's been taking shots at the media. Then, the media tried to find dirt on him. The media investigated it (not the police; they hadn't even received a complaint at the time) and published the story clearly as revenge. Hardly a noble thing to do. Absolutely not. But I don't think the media should be able to act as it does.
  10. It really doesn't matter what you feel. The fact is: 80% or more of road fatalities in Thailand are people on a motorcycle. But it's your risk. You do you, man.
  11. So, that means you actually care? Shouldn't the expression be, "I couldn't care less," if you are trying to express how little you care?
  12. Please...... don't you see "the trend?" The message is loud and clear: go against the agenda and the media will dig up anything they can.
  13. These Thai women are such admirable people. Where can I find a pedestal to put them on? ????
  14. Well, they were made for each other. One of their many redeeming qualities. ????
  15. Well, it's a matter of opinion. These are not facts. I happen to think they smell.
  16. Have you tried investing based on business fundamentals?
  17. I want to go where all the fish are. Most investors try to find their own spot in the ocean hoping to get all the fish, only to find there are none.
  18. Richmond are the best link sausage anyway.
  19. You think it is worse than a Thai diploma? Let's see how the 7 modules by Krusapa goes.
  20. In the UK they do appentaships? ????
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