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Jonathan Swift

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Posts posted by Jonathan Swift

  1. 16 hours ago, retarius said:

    I am well aware of what paedophila is. It is a psychiatric term that came in to popular usage. It is defined differently by psychiatrists and in the law and popular usage.


    Psychiatry defines it as a mental illness where there is sole sexual interest in pre-pubertal children. It is not a crime, unless the fantasies are acted upon.


    Common popular usage in the MSM and elsewhere, defines it as sex with minors below the age of majority. Age of majority varies from country to country. In the UK it is 16, in the US it is 18 and in Thailand I believe it is 20.


    The guy is American, it is a crime in the US for a US citizen to have sex with a minor. The crime is statutory rape and carries a seven years sentence. They are aka sex pests and have to report to the police where they are living or sign the sex offenders register. The crime is often popularly referred to as pedophilia and the convicts are referred to as pedos or pedophiles, and this includes anyone having sex with minors irrespective of whether the minor was pre-pubertal.



    Oh, you seem to know what you're talking about then. Fish out of water here. 

  2. 4 hours ago, London Lowf said:

    Let the Thai-bashing begin, but before you do maybe the guy deserved it?


    Maybe he was giving the Thai guys trouble?


    Maybe he stole from the store and abused the staff?


    Maybe he was assaulting female customers as they went in or out of the store?


    I'm a Brit and I can assure you that many cannot hold their booze and become downright obnoxious after a few. When they get to a free and easy place like Thailand they completely lose it.


    A very intelligent and well-educated guy I worked with many years ago explained that you can reason with the vast majority of people that are mis-behaving, but there are a few that only understand one thing, and that is a smack in the mouth!



    A smack in the mouth doesn’t teach them anything. People like that don’t learn, it’s why they act that way in the first place, and why they have less and less teeth the older they get. How many misbehaving drunks remember why they got in trouble the night before?

  3. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Here we go again. There have been fights on the beach between groups of young people. The police actually do their job by patrolling and checking for weapons etc - and sure enough, along come a bunch of idiot AN contributors slagging them off for doing their job, just as they would if the police did nothing. Pathetic.

    This is their sport. If they didn't have this, life would be unliveable. Best not to take them seriously. Drunks at your local pub. 

  4. 5 hours ago, bradiston said:

    I had a mate banged up for 2 and a half years in Klong Prem. They lay head to toe on the floor in the cells. Everything was down to a bribe. Extra floor space, everything. I used to visit whenever in Bangkok. He got out on an annual royal pardon, but not a special one. You just have to wait your turn, be good, help others, maybe teach English, give massages etc etc. Can't see Tony feeling so inclined.

    You know what “banged” means in American slang, right? Your mate must have had a heII of a time for those 2 1/2 years!

  5. 6 hours ago, Hawaiian said:

    Your choice.  Besides, I am talking about individuals who are ill or not feeling well and would be better off by conserving their energy.

    Are you a doctor? Because unless a person is deathly ill or fragile and elderly minor variations in outside temperature aren’t going to affect health one way or the other. The human body is not a battery, it is an engine which runs on fuel (glucose from carbohydrates).  Energy comes from glucose/glycogen reserves, burned in the mitochondria of cells.  . As long as you are healthy and not starving your body will maintain internal temperature and metabolism automatically, If you are hot you sweat, if you are cold you shiver, If you’re tired you sleep, no one needs to “conserve” energy due to simply “not feeling well” and outside temperature not being ideal. We have doctors who can diagnose and advise us if need be. As a matter of fact, “common sense” as well medical fact says that if you’re cold you should expend energy (not conserve it) because that creates heat. If you’re hot you slow down because expending less energy creates less heat. If you would like to learn more about metabolism in sickness and health I encourage you to enroll in medical school.

    • Like 2
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  6. 13 hours ago, bbko said:

    What's up with the drunk Germans these days?  I was out with my wife the other night 2 days ago and as we are walking to the restaurant, there's a crowd of Thais and I see they are checking on a unconscious 70 y/o ish farang on the sidewalk.  I see he's a foreigner, and I'm a ex-paramedic so I stop and see if I can help. The Thais call for an ambulance and as we're waiting, I try to determine why he's laying on the sidewalk. A few minutes of "Mister, are you ok?" and he rolls over and throws up, he starts to come around just as the medics arrive and he's a mix of belligerent and giddy. Turned out he was a drunk German, he declined the ambulance ride to the hospital and kept asking me if I'd go drink with him. 555, I tell him he's had enough to drink and it's better to go home, problem is he can't walk, the medics call for the police and I continue on with my night.

    I wasn't aware that it was only Germans that get drunk and misbehave

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    "Him, Him fight me."

    "Him, Him push me to ground."

    "My shoe come off."

    "I give Him 2000 baht."


    NO WAY will this guy be able to attend Oxford until he receives grammar lessons from a Language Institute in Thailand.


    Also, there is NO WAY this guy is from the UK.

    Even Americans speak more grammatically correct English than HIM.







    American here - Americans in the US speak fluent gibberish. "Aks me a question" and "I could of" etc. But your'e right, the few Americans I run into in Thailand are quite understandable. 

    • Sad 1
  8. 14 hours ago, bob smith said:

    Total overreaction to the situation by the Thai bouncers.

    They could have killed the Brit who was helpless on the floor.


    These unhinged Thai males need locking up before they do some serious damage to another patron.


    Bouncers should be trained to use 'reasonable force' when dealing with violent altercations, not beating someone to a pulp who is already on the floor helpless. 


    Shocking behavior from the Thais once again!


    Yeah, no one buys your whiny poor helpless Brit victim version. They brought it on themselves. When you're directed to leave a bar, duh, you leave. The few times I was ever asked to leave a bar I said nothing other than to clarify the reason if possible. Never threw a punch in the process. Wonder why they were thrown out? Bad behavior? Ya think? And how stupid to you have to be to provoke Thai bouncers? I don't think it's right to beat someone to a pulp, but they could have easily avoided it. 

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