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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. This as well as anything else about the new interpretation is only guesswork until the final paper is put out on the subject. Any comments by experts, even TRD folks is speculation based on the latest meeting of those folks making the decisions. Good luck
  2. The Thai weather department has had an official on TNN news broadcasts saying that the country officially entered the rainy season on 20 May as the sun began its yearly trip back to the north. He said that the first two months, rains will most likely be light as the country exits the ELNINO effect and beginning in AUGUST heavier rains are predicted with possibly two big storms in the latter part of the rainy season. They also predicted these "heavy" rains lasting until 26 May. Weather here is as predictable as in many other locations. I grew up in the US on middle eastern part and when one is asked about the weather, they always reply "well if you don't like it, wait 15 minutes and it will change". That is why the "Farmers' Almonac" predicting weather is usually more accurate than the weather folks with all their equipment. I once heard that for the daily London weather, they use 57 computers, each with the same starting criteria and then make a prediction based on the higher % of computers with close to the same results and they still hardly can predict it acurately. Weatherfolks are hardly ever correct and thus the number of jokes made with weathermen as the subject and the unpredictability of the weather.
  3. hey all must remember whrere we are living TIT and I have been living here off and on since 1972 and nothing is permanent here except the changes. Hopefully, someday SOON the TRD/govt will put out the final documentation on the tax interpretations and most of us can jus totally relax as we are not affected one way or the other. Take care, all be happy in the LOS.
  4. Well, I am not so sure, I still see some asking particular questions about documentation for qualifications, plus clarity in this new interpretation of the tax laws and how they might or might now affect one's quality of living due to taxation or problems associated with the interpretations of the TRD, some might just decide then so that they don't have to think about it for an extended period of time, they might go ahead and apply for the LTR. I only go mine a couple of months ago (MARCH) as I have not had any realproblems with my retirement O for 20 years and even with the new tax bit, I only have a US govt pension so felt pretty confident that the DTA would mean no effects from the new interpretation but then looked closely at the BOI LTR and realized it fit me better than any other visa. Glad I changed. Happy to stay another 10 years and hopefully worry free as TIT and one never knows...just like this Thursday we might see some unhappy people.
  5. Research now finding that the BIG C as well as most other major causes of Health death are lifestyle/diet induced. Big phama of course (who helps control politicians) loves SICK people but now the researchers are learning that proper foods can be better at preventing and even curing many health problems of today. The food industries (fake coloring, fake taste, sweetners -sugar and fructose artificial) are too big and will fight the researchers while they use wheelbarrows to carry their profits to the bank. Many best sellers now available and loads of YouTube health videos. In my life I have faced the BIG C through my and my first wife (also died of breast cancer) my older daughter (breast cancer but a survivor), father, and 1st wife's mother and father and definitely not any fun whatsoever but as long as big pharma can still make trillions of $$$ in my honest opinion a cure will not be found by their researchers. Reminds me of the fairy tale of the golden goose eggs. Good luck and good health to all.
  6. so, they do just accept 1099R where as for me after I submitted my 1099R for 2 years, they kept insisting I provide them with my 1040's for the 2 years. Once I did provide those, I was approved less than a week later. Strange in that the 1099 is necessary for me to fill in my 1040. just saying...
  7. just remember, one of the reasons they are changing how they interpret their law is to weed out those that have not been paying taxes elsewhere nor here - this is part of the international OECD CRS, etc from some governments feeling they have been shortchanged especially pushed by the US which taxes their citizens no matter where they are. Ben Franklin made the comment after they did the declaration of Independence ---only constant forever - death and taxes
  8. well as there aRE AT LEAST 7000+ LTR approved folks so far, that is at least 7000+ that will not have to pay taxes on foreign funds remitted into Thailand, but those working inside Thailand will probably have to pay taxes but at a cheaper rate. By the time tax time comes around there will be more so the RD will not be getting their monies. Plus in listening to the "experts" one from the RD department, DTA's will be honored too and that will limit even more folks from how much they would have to pay if any. But, if people have been able to obtain an LTR, they have most likely already been paying taxes to another country, and some will have exemptions from certain pensions, etc so it does appear to me that the RD might think they will be getting more from ex-pats...on top of which many ex-pats will cease to be tax residents this year and others will remit funds much lower than normal so Thailand will lose a lot more than they gain from the ex-pats in my opinion. But, as usual until we see the final law interpretation, who really knows what the outcome might be. Good luck to all!
  9. Funny, that is an Aesop's children's fable (133) saying the exact same thing and based on translations of Latin similar story with many other civilizations having basically the same moral meaning of an animal having some type of food in its mouth, sees a reflection water or in some stories a fish in the water, drops his food to grab the fish, loses it as meanwhile a buzzard flew down and stole the food he was carrying. Lots of different stories... take your pick.
  10. well onthis note, the immigration officers want to see the bankbook that shows 65000 remitted but is the taxable percentage taken off before the immigration sees the 65000 or what...Not sure how all that will work out. How about the cost of visas - is the tax added on as the money comes in for that purpose or are the visas all going up in price (i.e. 800K - tax so have to add the taxed amount too for the cost of the visa? Just wondering as that is what I used to do for my yearly extension. If I had to bring in 50K for an LTR would I first have to pay tax on it and then 50K for the visa? just wondering and hope that the RD folks would put out some official word so we know how to start complaining officially and to where.
  11. Just like many of us have been saying about this issue, experts of different countries including Thailand continue to say that DTA's trump Thai RD. If the Thai govt plans to ignore 61 international agreements at once, then since they have now reportedly applied to join the OECD, I would imagine many governments will be opposed to their joining if they fail to abide by international agreements without consultation with those foreign govenments. But just like we also have said many times - until the final bill is laid out there for all to see, we just continue to hear about possibilities.
  12. problem is planning/spending. I could easily live in the US if I had stayed there, was living in one of the houses I owned but to go back now, try to find a livable house that I could afford is just about impossible if I even felt like it. I still love too much about Thailand to even consider that. I realized from the start that Thailand was not perfect by any means but life here to me is just great. I love the food choices, love the travels around the country, love how I can save money as costs are much lower than in the US. I am not a fan of the drivers here and thus traffic problems. I think many things have changed in a positive manner...look at the moving around BKK nowadays compared to 20 years ago...train stations being added regularly, can avoid traffic jams; immigration too has changed...now with the LTR available even more so; and even the foods that I love, I now can buy just about any kind of food I want - something that many many years ago would have been impossible. As for other Americans, too many just waste too much money and once problems start, credit cards become their go to favorites - the economy goes up and down, interest rates zoom too and pretty soon a credit card issuer sends a note that they will give you a different card to pay off the other cards and the increases just keep growing. My father refused to ever get a credit card and told me many times that if I did get one to never pay just the minimum payment or one would eventully go broke with the cards. So, that was my philosophy - and I still follow that and while I use a credit card regularly, I pay it off totally every month - just don't want to have to carry cash around all the time or pay by checks. Even in Calf now, fast food places have to pay their workers 20 USD an hour yet none will ever be able to buy a house on that salary in Calf - a news program indicated that every morning, some 600K Americans come across the US border with Mexico to go to work in Calf - they have bought housing in Mexico that they can't afford in the US...also in San Franciso, there are no houses sold under a million dollars nowadays. Last year the population of Calf decreased by quite a bit as those people fled to states where life was cheaper! Yeah, in the US one can make a lot of money but it costs so much in taxes and other things necessary in life, it becomes difficult to manage that money...just check out some of the college costs! Obama & co enticed way too many youngsters and their families to take out loans for a useless piece of paper and now his number 2 as president is trying to forgive all those loans while the rest of us paid our own way after signing for something that the rest of the X Y and Z generations are crying about. Now they are preparing for an election...since I became a voter too many years ago, I always voted for the lesser of two evils, then I stopped voting as they were worse and worst, and now just two real evils that will bring about about total failure of the US as a nation. Glad I am OLD now but worry about my kids and their future. But for all ex-pats here in Thailand...it is still a paradise or can be if one elects the essential things in life in my opinion. I am a happy camper here.
  13. But I thought biology that creates male and female was the determinate in order to procreate the species (or population - notice how they are falling around the world including especially, Japan, Korea, Thailand and China). I for one do not know, and basically I don't care one way or the other as long as they don't bother me. Live and let live is my motto but some people seem to think that it obviously means something different from what I feel.
  14. That is fairly close to my situation...married a restarant owner/head chef (small place) who asked for money occasionally to "bail" out her siblings - did that for a year, sat her down, chatted about the situations of each - only one was a hard worker moving up in the business that she worked for, and explained to my wife that I didn't mind small donations for health of mom and dad occasionally - cheaper to buy them insurance along with their national healt care so pretty cheap and that has been the way it is for 20+ years. Wife is happy (moved away from family), family continues on their ways and mother and father of wife are happy. I too am happy, I could afford to give them all monies regularly but...I was not brought up in a rich family - lower middle class - did without in many instances until I learned to get a job and have money available when I needed it. That has carried through my career (2 families) and retirement where we can afford just about anything. Now 77 so don't plan to make many changes in that philosophy.
  15. Actually lived in Malta for a while - lovely climate, views, available food and cost...but after a while "island fever" sets in...only 1 stoplight on the whole place and way to easy to run out of space to move around. Italy was not too bad, and Spain/Portugal pretty nice too...especially that one can go to the beach today and tomorrow ski or sled on the snowy mountains. But obviously not so great for everyone but just like Thailand, SEA area, some of us just love it here. I lived in many different countries (fortunately paid for by govt) and when retirement came around Thailand was at the top of overall likes and still feel the same as 20 years ago.
  16. When I first lived in Thailand '72-'73, a friend of mine said that he couldn't understand why I walked so fast as in order to survive the heat, one must learn the Thai shuffle! He was correct.
  17. Well that is the final documentation that the BOI kept insisting on me forwarding although I did have other US gvt documentation but they insisted on the 1040's just like I had health insurer documenation of unlimited funds for hospitalization but the BOI insisted on a letter from the US insurer saying "USD 50K for hospitalization". They want some proof I guess of taxes paid somewhere and something that their deciding officials can easily understand. Good luck wherever you go.. This visa was perfect for me and I guess at least another 7000+ residents.
  18. I mentioned that I would bring my initial application and documentation to the BOI office but they said they were entertaining walk ins and that the application and supporting documentation needed to be done on line so that is what I did. They also did not accept some of the US govt documentation that DID actually fit the criteria but they were insistant about tax forms and 50K hospitalilzation too even though the health insurances documentation said "unlimited for hospitalization" but finally insurer sent a letter saying USD50K hospitalization and within a week my LTR was approved. was easy once I understood that their senior folks will apparently only accept exactly what I said they wanted as I am not so sure that the senior folks don't want to have to figure out what something means to us that does fit the qualification but to them ...well they just don't want to have to figure out if something is right or not. Good luck again
  19. The bottom line in qualification for the LTR - that is the decisions set down by the senior officials that decide yea or nay on issuing the visa. The front office receiving the applicants documentation have specific directions on WHAT can be accepted. They have gone through over 7000 applicants so far with approvals so many people provided the BOI with documentation that fit into the blanks that are required. One of those blanks for me was the tax forms for the previous two years, and USD$50K hospitalization coverage. They are very specific in what they need to send the application forward so call and talk to them, forward whatever they decide they will look at but also be prepared for providing EXACTLY what they must have in order to forward your application. I called at least 5 times before I was able to provide exactly what they wanted though previous to all the calls, I HAD PROVIDED US govt documentation of my pension for the previous two years and health insurance I have had since 1996 that showed "UNLIMITED" hospitalization but that was not sufficient as it did not say "USD50K hospitalization". Once I understood (but still don't understand clearly why) I did just what they said - 1040's and USD50K hospitalization. Good luck and hope my explanation helps you to better understand the why failure in your initial application.
  20. Where did you pay taxes as that is also one of the OECD CRS that is bringing up the taxing of remitted income. You say remitting to Thailand 5m THB, did you file Thai taxes? If not then you must have paid taxes elsewhere - that is prehaps why the BOI requests tax forms filed for the last two years which they kept telling me I needed to do also as I did the 199R for my pension but they still insised on the 1040R for the previous two years...USD 50K hospitalization is an entirely different matter which can be replaced by a USD 100K self insured fund in the bank for the previous 12 mos. The initial folks at the BOI know exactly what their senior folks deciding whether or not one gets an LTR so they just tell the applicant that this or that is not acceptable documentation for the LTR qualifications. Good luck to you and all applying for this what I consider to be the best visa for people retired like me as a resident.
  21. If one qualifies, get a BOI LTR - check the benefits and qualificatons. A wealthy pensioner can avoid having to pay taxes on foreign remittances into Thailand. The BOI will assist with getting a work permit if the applicant wishes to work in Thailand and by getting the LTR can pay lower taxes on the salary from the employment in Thailand. Just saying.
  22. Personally, I would contact BC/BS and info GeoBlue and advise them of the situation as they are the actual signers with GEO for proper support. If BC/BS doesn't support you, then contact the OPM retirement of the lack of support as they are the office paying the insurance payments from your annuity. Please continue to advise the support or lack of support so that your fellow retirees can at least have a heads up on what to expect from the insurance provider. Good luck
  23. that is why I saId the 1099R replaces the W2 for retirees who do Exactly that, as the purpose of both is exactly the same - preparaton of tax form 1040. But who cares in any case I didn't say anthing about a salary and you are the won stoking that horse nor did I say I receive a salary. Now I see why so many current users of this forum talk about how useful it used to be and now we have these people who make up stories to counter whatever someone is talking about. Some people need to get a life I guess.
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