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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Yes the nunmber one killer - cause of cancers - SUGAR! should be outlawed in my opinion.
  2. Not sure if you have noticed or not but now You tube carries tons of videos by reputed doctors and researchers. But even with proof that our foods are unhealthy it doesn't sdeem to affect the brains of the ill. Sorta like smoking and how many years they have screamed about that, alcohol being poisonous to our bodies, etc and illegal drugs which no person can deny that basically one should never do them. We are creatures of habit and just can't believe that the foods we grew up on are killing us but I read from around 1980, the large food suppliers began altering the foods, replacing natural foods for "processed" as they could then last longer and the stores/manufaturers could make more monies. We also noted that the FDA has keep some bad foods on the market for decades because the manufacturers were making so much money off them. Two years ago, Dr. William Li, a noted Harvard heart specialist and food researcher wrote a couple of books one Diet to beat your diet" and "Diet to beat disease" in which he talks abourt the research and test results of various foods to counter almost all the diseases that we encounter today. Not any specific diet like the Keto diet but just hundreds of "good" foods providing support in the prevention of various diseases and treatment to help cure such diseases. Good reading a actual test results for all his claims. Fast processed foods are all bad! But too much money is spent on just that.
  3. 100% correct, even worse, our foods are killing us or making us ill giving us diseases such as various cancers, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, even dementia can be traced. While researchers tell us that only around 20% of diseases are possibly within our DNA and some researchers now claim that cures through diet and lifestyle can overcome most diseases. Dr. William Li, a reknown Harvard heart specialist and researcher has written two books recently citing the exact laboratory findings - His books "Diet to beat Diesease" and "Diet to beat your diet" which advises what foods can fight disease or which foods can prevent disease. These are not regular diet fads but just reasearh in all kinds of fruits, nuts, veggies, seeds, herbs and any foods that can help us fight health problems. If one wants to lose weight, there is also help with proper and good tasting foods which are readily available in Thailand. Good health to all.
  4. Never read the articles but I saw headlines and just referencing changing tax world of today. Sorry for incomplete info
  5. Like I say, it should prove interesting if the TRD publishes any data on 2024 tax filing of expats, including how much money they were able to make out it.
  6. well, 136 countries signed on to the OECD agreement so I have notice some other countries too making tax chnges...latest being Spain which announced that they would charge a 100% tax on houses sold to anyone other than the EU including those from the UK that purchases houses in Spain. Thailand will continue debating on the announced draft tax bill and who knows how long that will take to come to fruition and in addition, we are now in the file your 2024 taxes so that should be interesting too to see any numbers of foreigners filing and amounts the revenue dept have been able to get from expats. Best of luck to all.
  7. Personally based on the most recent LTR offers, it gives me the impression that the govt will honor the 10 year foreign income non taxable - that is my opinion only of course but it seems to me that the govt wants as many "quality" long stayers meaning who will have more to spend on daily life.
  8. I also get a nomad news letter regularly and both those I offered have recently been written up by that newletters. Just saying and keeps you in that general area anyway.
  9. 78 and have no diseases yet. don't drink though until about 35 yfears ago I did have an occasional beer but in those days some years I had none. Smoked for 3 years - VN war days but survived both obviously, and haven't ever had any drugs. I haven't even had a headache for more than 30 years, never need aspirin or the like, eat healthy IAW Dr. Li's diet books, maintain a healthy weight, do 6 kms a day, lift weights 2-3 times a week, do hour-long core exercises on the weight's days and awake each day without pains. I drink a glass of water just before getting into bed, sleep 7.5-8 hours daily and drink another glass of water before getting out of bed. I drink 2-3 cups of green tea a day mixed with ginger, and 2 cups of coffee a day. I eat during a 5 hour period each day and fast for 19 hours daily (during my sleep period ). I noticwe that now the FDA people in the US want health warnings on all alcoholic beverages as they too recognize that even a drink a day could possibly cause cancer, or heart disease. I do wish good health to all readers.
  10. well, my daughter began college in BKK two years ago so we are renting a house in BKK even though we own a house in CM. I have for years owned a 2.5 micron meter (cheap from Lazada) and every AM when I the dog(s) out for their morning business, I measure the pollution - almost daily, the level is above the WHO recommendation (38) for clean air - accuweather for your district/city/country daily also provides a reading and I have found that more often than not the air is not healthy in BKK so my family continues to wear an N(% mask whenever we are outside and our house has air cleaners in every occupied room. Even when I was assigned to the embassy in the mid 70's, 90's early 2000's, visiting US govt doctors complained about my outside exercise and advised about masks as the pollution here is permanent it seems for various reasons. NASA has a satellite that shows open fires too - during the burning season ast least, Thailand along with SEA is almost all RED indicating thousands of fires. Needless to say itis not good for our health but...to us Thailand is still enough of a Paradise to remain though some thoughts of seasonal travel are being discussed more often now. Even the current govt recognizes openly about the problem and indicates talking with other SEA countries but even with agreements, nothing will change in my lifetime for sure. Farmers have traditionally burned waste on farm lands, mushroom hunters still burn forests against local laws of that, govts promise to "fix" the problems but nothing seems to change except for more and more pollution in my opinion anyway.
  11. thai immigration will give you the form - as for US passport transfers no letter was needed nor was there any cost at CM immigration for them to do it.
  12. I saw one doctor on You tube interview and others mentioning something akin to this too -that in med school they spend less than 4 weeks on nutrition if even that much. And yes, doctors are great fans of pharmas and big food industtry as they provide customers regularly. Amazing how the health of citizens of "developed" countries are so unhealthy - all because of the food and pharma industries which supports doctors and hospitals too. Look at costs of health insurance....
  13. While it sounds great, diet also is even more important, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco use, minor if any alcohol and Thailand has a steady supply of healthy foods that provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals. But whatever you do, I wish you good health and above all else happiness.
  14. Meanwhile, countries around the world are changing just as fast or faster than Thailand. the OECD agreement, CSR and FACTA are minor changes only in my financial world but for others are seemingly big game changers. Life goes on, I began living in Thailand in the early 70's and while many changes have occurred, I plan to stay until my demise. WIth all the political changes that might occur, BRICS, tax schemes, China influence, etc who really knows?
  15. Some seem to like in the genral vicinity of Mexico - Panama and Costa Rico for retirees anway based on costs and acceptance by locals.
  16. as noted many times by this formuand the users - this is an opinion forum and since we all have an opinion, whether it agrees with anyone else doesn't really matter - readers just need to be aware of facts and not try to sway others with unproven data. I personally have spent at total of 30+ years in Thailand beginning in the early 70's and have seen all the amazing changes and the only think that hasn't chnaged in that time is the unpredictability of the Thai officials and new laws (or interpretations of old ones). I welcome reading all the diverse opinions and some I laugh at but I also see people write what they think are "facts" when in reality they are just guessing. I do apologize if I misquote someone's meaning and wish all happiness with any new tax schemes which I am sure will be coming in the not-too-distant future.
  17. AS I mentioned, "assessable income remitted so since you said no assessable remitted, then you agree with what I said not necessary to get a tax id, only if you remit assessable...
  18. Dark chocolate IAW Dr. Li (researcher) says a small amount daily can help the body produce stem cells.
  19. I do believe that the TRD is just like the immigration folks and other govt organizations - failure to reign in all offices of that agency and in this case, since the finance/TRD folks at hqs are supposedly working on a draft tax law, they can't get all to agree so it just keeps awaiting a final act to be passed by cabinet /parliament and publishing. Even, if there are a lot of changes which is possible, it may be many months before even the field offices are advised. Just read the TRD guidelines of tax reporting/filing, that is where my info came from.
  20. In that case, I apologize as I thought you were ignoring the tax laws.
  21. yes they say as they are not changing the law, only closing a loophole and amending the "existing" law.
  22. well what you and others fail to understand, there are specific Thai laws about taxation of assessable income from Tax Residents including any foreigner who remains in Thailand more than 179 days in a calendar year. The TRD publishes the criteria for obtaining a thai tax id number - #1 for example says if one remits assessable foreign income he must obtain a thai tax id number within 60 days and is required to file tax forms. Just because YOU haven't read the rules, doesn't excuse you from being a tax resident and if you do have assessable income remitted this year, then if you fail to follow the local laws, you could be prosecuted for that failure. The TRD and finance people have mentioned many times that their draft law is to get all tax residents to be part of the base paying taxes be it the negative income scheme, worldwide income taxation scheme or something entirely different. But right now if one has been in Thailand in calendar year 2024, who remitted assessable income, they that person is supposed to get a tax id and file the tax form.
  23. what you fail to understand is the Thai revenue dept definition of a tax resident - more than 179 days in a calendar year. some foreign retirees might not have assessable income that is true but, if they do they will be required to get a tax id number and file a tax form even it means no taxes need to be paid as their amounts are below the necessary amount. Some retirees may be exempted by royal decree or DTA with their home country but if not, then they are required to file. However, this is 2024 and only remitted foreign income that meets the criteria can easily be found and ignorance of the thai tax laws does not stop the trd prosecuting that tax resident.
  24. well, it comes down to facts - if a foreigner stays in Thailand more than 179 days in a calendar year he is a Tax Resident. If that tax resident has assessable income key word of course is assessable, then by law he is supposed to get a Thai tax id from the revenue dept. Then, even if this tax resident doesn't have to pay any tax due to amount below the lowest amount then this person is required by local law to fil a tax form. There are some questions about exemptions by royal decree or DTA's which might mean the tax resident might not really have assessable income but some of these things are questionable. Just by studying the facts in the revenue dept web site (in English if needed) one can see some facts about an expatt and taxes. Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse from prosecution, even here in LOS. But, I do wish good luck in the thai tax endevors.
  25. Greek ogurt is higher in protein, look for probiotic yogurt.
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