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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. They are there illegally and then commit a violent sex crime - just being illegal should make them liable to be exported from the country. The US has some of the most liberal immigration laws of most countries yet illegals continue pouring into the country due to lax enforcement. Time for sure to make the &^%$hole countries pay for sending their folks especially those countries for which the US has paid big $$ to help the problem citizens but which most likely through corruption goes into some politcian's pockets. My opinion on this issue anyway.
  2. I hope you mean the US...one can see that the democrats again show their true colors - just like in too many other countries, some in Asia, do not look at rape as the HORRIBLE crime that it is. From what I read and understand, rape victims NEVER fully recover mentally from that violent act yet some rapists get minimum time in prison or even just freedom but have to wear a bracelet of some type so that the police can know where they are for some period of time. But we have seen since the demonstrations by the BLM that the dems have been more lenient on criminals of all types, excusing them based on their poor upbringing. SICK is right in my opinion
  3. AGAIN, they all hate TRUMP just as many Dems hated Hillary and crossed over to vote for the other party. Used to be, that there did seem that one or the candidates was not quite as bad, but in recent elections, it is down to the lesser of two evils in my mind. I think the only loser in November will be the citizens of the US and probably allies too. At the very least, I hope it is a peaceful election day and a peaceful turn over of power to the winner.
  4. Well September is proving its past as the heaviest rains this year. record flooding within the countries rivers and the Mekong too. A mid-sept super typhoon has killed more than 500 Asians, with another storm due this week along a similar path to that of last week and many northern and northeastern provinces are inundated right now so any additional rains will only make things worse. The weather person warned of possible "rain bombs" as some of the thunderstoms drop a ltremendous amount of water and with streams, rivers and cities already flooded, things can only get worse. A visit to Thailand during September this year might be okay for some of the coastal cities with beaches but the waves from storms also affect the travel by boat to some islands. Be aware of local conditions at all times. But still a paradise for many.
  5. Yeah on 13 SEP the deptuty finance minister said that they want to set up a new tax and welfare system for ALL thais - a negative tax scheme where richer tax payers will give money to the poor tax payers and basically setting up a welfare state,. He said ALL thai workers will have to register as part of the extended tax base. This is where I wonder if they will separate the Thai workers from the expats or if we too will have to register..
  6. I opine that they will have the local banks provide a status of expat remittances. If they do have access to any other sources for ATM or credit cards then that data may come to them somehow too. I don't have the patience to read the CRS , FATCA or OECD guidelines for trading of banking info to have any idea but since my finances are so basic, I don't have to worry right now. I did read where they will want "ALL workers in Thailand" to register in their plan to broaden the tax base but that this won't come about until the new laws are passed in 2025.
  7. from what I have read here on the forum, whenever someone goes to one office, they tell him that he must go to the office where he resides. I sure have no idea as they never really give us definite info...I did notice the deputy finance guy talking about their goals in that ALL workers in Thailand must register - I think that if they are going after expats that will be the answer for us if we too are required to register. He indicates that it will definitely not be done through passage of a law until 2025. But with all the money not only for the 10k to the poor, now with all that it will cost to repair damage from all the floods! More storms on the way even. But, who really has any idea on what will happen in the short while let alone the long one. from
  8. He has been lying about everything in his entire life. He never accepts any blame for any shortcoming and yet makes false claims on positive activity. And again, after giving big tax breaks to the rich when he was Prez, while they have reaped record profits, he is again promising big tax breaks for the rich. But, Biden has been no better for the average American that is for sure and KH will be even more under the control of the powerful puppetteers IMHO anyway. But, I am too old to even worry about it anymore. After 50+ years of voting, I learned it has been a wasted effort on my part. life seems to have gone to $%$^&& since I was old enough to vote and thought that I did so by studying the candidates - my mistake as I should have been looking at the puppetteers! Hope everyone else has a better life over the next 4 year term.
  9. Not me! I have been aware of her background when she was selected as Biden's running mate. Just as folks saw in this debate with Trump, she still has the smarts to outwit mose males, especially the narcisistic ones. I however, still do not feel that she is presidential-smart material. I for sure that he is not and he showed us just how dumb and easily he can be out-focused by anyone knowing how stupid he can be. The only losers in this coming election are the citizens of the US and its allies, that is my opinion anyway but being on this forum you know what that means.
  10. Am sure that the majority of expats hope your are correct, but the big thing for me in all this has been to be schooled on what I previously was totally ignorant on - my financial status and these tax schemes and visa prospects...I now can continue to ignore whatever they come up with. If they want to challenge international treaties, then believe I have at least 6 months to make plans for any necessary changes. Good luck.
  11. But in the majority of those earlier years, I do believe that we expats as a group were mostly ignorant of the tax laws as we just ignored them and the revenue department ignored us too. But now that the new govt has found that the coffers are totally empty except for dust with promises to spend even greater sums than they have, and with all the international changes brought about by the OECD, CRS FATCA, the government here sees some possible sources that they too were ignorant of ... time is zooming by so one way or the other, believe we will see what they have in store for us...
  12. believe that is what they said in the policy speech - with the negative income tax part in which they said every working Thai will be part of the new tax system. I could be wrong in my interpretation though it wouldn't be the first time. I also think that when they use the term "expand the tax base" they mean to include expats but they already have heard I am sure that we are not happy with these taxation schemes.
  13. when the new year rolls around then we shall be seeing the enforcement of this... possibly if they do come out with new tax forms in Nov-dec timeframe, we might have a better idea of any changes and maybe some more clarification from the revenue folks. But, TIT and I am not considering the holding of my breath for any new info from these folks. Good luck to all the expats
  14. well, local news reports of falling birthrates in Thailand indicate that within 50 year unless the trend is reversed, the population of Thailand will be 50% of what it is now. Same is happening in many other countries too, even as the older citizens are becoming a greater percentage of the populations - who will be around to take care of them?
  15. Can't argue with that! Was that way 50 years ago and little has changed except the cost has risen,
  16. Bt, if you read the examiner note of 12 September on what the PM's policy means, it mentions foreigners being included among those brought into the Thai tax system, even saying the "foreign residents" will be included in the new tax policy. But every article so far except where the DIR Gen of the revenue dept mentioned about worldwide income taxation was being discussed and that certainly woke up the expats here. We still haven't gotten anything past that except maybe in a webinar the local agent might mention it but again nothing specific on timing nor how well the "discussions" were progressing if at all. WE just have to continue waiting, and hope the nay sayers win out over those wanting to include all expats in their tax schemes.
  17. Folk opine about what they read somewhere or hear from someone and then get all upset because it isn't clear to that reader. As mentioned numerous times on this forum (and others) nothing we write about the coming tax scheme is definite in anyone's mind unless they had a dream. By now, everyone has had an opportunity to check out the particular DTA between Thailand their country of residence or wherever they receive any income. Just by reading the policy statements the new PM and some of her lower ministers, one can opine by their language but it seems to me that they are not being really specific on details. This also should show us that they are obviously not in total agreement on all the plans since many that affect the expats also will affect some of the more wealthy Thais who I am sure will be expressing their disagreement with some of the "new" tax rules. We all must wait for the final words - even the "casino bill" one rep said it will not be done until 2025 where it will have to go to the parliament for 3 readings so any new tax scheme will most likely not be totally clear until sometime next year and who knows when it might start or if expats well be affected or not. Maybe some clarification will come out with the new tax forms reporedly coming out in Nov-Dec. Even the Revenue local offices don't seem to be getting any more info than we are. Anyway hope all the expats come out will very few if any problems with the new tax policies.
  18. I read a review of her speech by Reuters, which said "expand the tax base" and that was used before in the Thais finance/economic folks talking abut expats being brought into the tax base. Maybe just an assumption by me on that terminology. I don't link so you can just ignore it until they come out with something clear for all to see.
  19. To each his own, as we all have our own opinion.
  20. Only if they have assessable income which many will not. Any nationality without a DTA exempting some taxes or LTR as on now, might have problems. If that expat has documentation in ENGLISH then that is a minor and cheaper process to provide to the revenue department. However other nationalities with documentation in their native language might have to provide translations of those documents too. Agents/agencies may help provide that translation but probably at a cost. But unless one has a complicated financial activity, there will most likely be little problems for the ENGLISH documentation to show to the revenue dept that they have no assessable income nor are they required as of yet to get a tax ID number nor file tax forms. Seems easier for some more complicated for others. Common sense says those ENGLISH documentation should have an easier time than the others. Sorry if you got upset with my comments, I fail to understand why you and others get so upset with anything on this forum. It is only comments and most of us are just opining about a particular subject. Best of luck to you and others on this forum about this issue.
  21. Yeah saw the number at 30K holding one of these - said mostly Chinese and don't think they would want them to be tax free but TIT.
  22. I think one of the perks is unlimited golf at certain course...if one is an avid golfer then it might be cheaper to have one of these elite viisa...not sure of the other perks...
  23. depends on which of the 4 categories of the LTR as at least one allows one to work in Thailand but tax is lower than normal for that one. I guess you are referring to the remitted income is not taxed yet for the wealthy pensioners. Until all the dust settles on this latest one who knows .... but at least no 90-day checks for 10 years.
  24. you must not read much of this forum then!
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