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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. YOu have to be able to show that you have a health insurance policy guaranteeing 50K USD of hospitalization locally if needed or as stgated on the requirements, have a 100K usd acct for 12 months I think to be able to pay for any health issues.
  2. WHat is your nationality..I am US so That is what I am experienced in and the BOIU LTR got my stamps in March 2024
  3. Take the chair to a reupholstry shop and explain why you find it uncomfortable like it currently is and he could probably change the seating to better fit your body size.
  4. Well I changed to a BOI LTR, know the current DTA with the US and my govt pension so unless it becomes a regulation that as a tax resident we MUST obtain a TIN then I will do nothing but if necessary, I will get a tax number.. I will not have any tax on remitted funds unless they get rid of the DTA and the LTR as it stands now. I like it here and plan to stay but I have moved from country to country more than 15 times in my life so if it becomes necessary, I will leave but truly don't think that this issue will affect that many of us ex-pats when all is said and done and then just like the drug issue - the govt could come out with all kinds of new regulations and then cancel all of them.
  5. Under the wealthy pensioner LTR, funds remitted into Thailand from working outside of Thailand are exempt, but since an LTR holder can work legally in Thailand, those funds are taxable though I am not familiar with the rate. That is explained if one googles BOI LTR visa and work permit and taxes.
  6. Yes, if one says a Thai massage, they can be very painful if one hsn't had one before. One must tell the "person" doing the massge to be gentle.
  7. Yeah, he expresses the threats to Europe and what must be changed to thwart that threat but as the leader of France he did the opposite it seems to me.
  8. Just got my LTR in March - Yes, I was on a retirement O visa and the BOI when you go to get your LTR stamps, you can also get the immigration officer there at the BOI to cancel you current visa. No problem and only takes a couple of minutes maximum. Easy and they are very helpful!
  9. My insurance company didn't provide a sentence in the benefits package for overseas only stating that hospitalization is covered in full so I wrote a note to the company explaining why I needed a letter specificallly indicating that the company would pay hospitalization of at least 50K USD - the company has done this before and it was no problem at all getting that letter and BOI was happy.
  10. You must be earning that taxed money in Thailand as you don't have to pay tax on any overseas funds that you remit into Thailand with the LTR.
  11. Well for the next ten years you should be good to go with immigration if you have the LTR visa. in 5 years/10 years just keep the 100,000 available or health needs
  12. Yes, they indicate that the 1099 can be used for other category but for wealthy pensioner I learned from a previous recipient that if you send your 1040's in they approve that immediately and then only the insurance question might remain. I have a US govt sponsore insurance and the company wrote a nice letter to the BOI indicating that all was covered as they wanted. SO within 3 weeks I was stamped!
  13. The expiration date of the LTR will be 10 years from the date that is stamped in your passport by the BOI immigration officer.
  14. The wealthy pensioner LTR through the BOI exempts monies earned from overseas and remitted into Thailand. However, since one can also work legally under the LTR, any work earning monies in Thailand will be taxed. Clearly stated on the LTR benefits.
  15. I read media about situations in the US (and the world) every day. There have been numerous articles about the illegal immigrants invading from the south. Once in they apply for asylum - that means they have to have an immigration court hear their "plea" but due to Trump's cut back in immigration judges, that means that those illegals coming in today can roam around the US (including with their families) whereever they want - most go to Democratic controlled cities where they can get "free housing, food, schooling, etc. If one wants to see how these folks are affecting US citizens, one would have to follow the news as I do as it is open media. Google "Denvier cuts hours of public employees in order to provide monies for illegal immigrants" and there are several articles cited about this very practice. NYC and Calf both have also been providing much to the immigrants forcing hundreds of thousands of their citizens to flee those taxes by moving to Republican states (lower taxes). Goolge can find those too if one is concerned about the accuracy of what I wrote. It is all open source and being reported almost daily.
  16. re-read the article - that was the guy's name, not the girl's.
  17. So, how is success measured? My education was at an institute ranked higher on the worldwide scale than that of yours. Does that make a person happier? I couldn't afford college when I graduated from HS in 1964 and enlisted in the military. Then the Gulf of Tonkin incident occured and I eventually spent the next decade working in that problem. I never did get a college education but, had those that worked for me almost all had a college degree, many had their Masters (lsome with several as they couldn't make up their mind what to study I guess) and some even had a PHD. But like I said they worked for me and in the end, I made a lot more money than they did and was much more successful in my profession. So, now I see my some of my tax dollars being spent on "FORGIVING" college loans to people that got useless degrees and cannot afford to pay for those loans they SIGNED for. My success was through hard work and now my family can enjoy the rewards of that career. I paid for my first daughter's college (5 years) and now am paying for my younger daughter's college career. From what I read on this and other forums, I am not concerned with what college anyone went to or not as I easily see that there are a lot of disgruntled ex-pats here so guess those that wasted their college degrees must be a minority or folks just don't seem to be happy here or other foreign countries. Me, I realize that this country is not perfect, but I am accepted here, treated fairly by any that I associate with and can live a much easier life than being in the US in the current society. Not many people there seem to be happy either. So, guess that sheet of paper doesn't mean happiness is guaranteed.
  18. The student demonstrations were blocking the further education of the paying students that were not participating in the demonstrations! when a couple of thousand students were arrested around the US, the majority of the colleges were trying to continue teaching for the payment of tuitions as the end of the school year approaches. One can demonstrate peacefully but those demonstrators were preventing the schools doing their jobs and impeding on the rights of the other students. Now those arrested will probably beg Biden to forgive their college loans too.
  19. same with me - wife has no income but needed the TIN for 1040 joint filing, realtively quick response from the necessary office.
  20. I once read that many folks live in a dream world (neurotic) but when their mind goes and they believe they are in that dream world then they are psychotic. I think that is what it said anyway so when I read on this forum about people living in dreams, I google that "how many people living in dream worlds actually think they are living in that dream?" and found numerous articles from many different magazines over the years have actually published many different studies showing the widespread practice....interesting reads! Take care be happy be satisfied ... glory just fades too quickly!
  21. Well if one has an abode, doesn't mind eating at home, there are numerous restaurants serving good quality and healthy foods too that can be delivered just about anywhere in country. Several grocery stores selling local and foriegn foods say online that they will deliver within Thailand. I for one don't eat the fast food type from any shop since there is healthy and hearty food everywhere (ALMOST).
  22. as mentioned by others, those in the US and other countries all seem mad about the world in which they find themselves either through drugs, schools, parents, the lack of same plus other reasons too I guess but their only response seem to be VIOLENCE with whatever means they have available to them. Like mentioned too, I also am glad I'm here and don't hang near any of this type. Be safe all.
  23. I have an LTR too, 90-day reports are not necessary according to my benefits. I think you should check about your LTR to see what benefits you have about out and in country too as well as the 90-day reports and benefit of TM.30 once a year too and how that works with the LTR. Just a suggestion from me,,,be careful of agents some good some not from what I hear but since I never use one (in Thailand over 25 years) so have heard a lot of stories.
  24. Agent not needed. BOJ officers extremely helpful and speak English well. If you have the proper documentation to provide proof of the requirements, it goes smoothly and quickly. Good luck
  25. I had overseas health insurance coverage so only 3 weeks from start to finish. In my opinion the best for the least cost.
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