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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. There was an issue reported in the national papers of a big surge of the numbers patients who used pot and now seeking medical help and overloading the health and the emergency systems...
  2. If it wasn't for the bad name those t/genders got for themselves what with the cheating, robbing and stealing, they might just been left alone just like thousands of other sex workers, still though, they provide a service many people comes to Thailand for...
  3. For starters, why are they publish the man's name? second, he's ;alleged, rapists, not proven yet, thirdly, the one million baht to a well known man is a farce and lastly, if he want to abscond overseas, he's going to ask the court first, yeah right, and about tempering with witnesses, let's 'assume' he will not do it...
  4. The first part should be easy, the second part however, i'm not so sure of, as them t/genders are a nuisance lot and difficult to deal with and control...
  5. Give the police a break will you?...They're busy now putting the points system for bad driving to work...
  6. They have been 'promoting safe driving' for as long as i remember and all for nought, and this to too will fall by the wayside...
  7. They said that cigarettes can kill, but not to this extend...
  8. How many of them are draft's dodgers i wonder....
  9. Like Duh... what will be a better article to read if 2 elephants were caught making monkey business...
  10. Expect to pay 1200 baht for the pleasure and at times, a long wait...
  11. For once, it'll be a lot easier to publish what IS ALLOWED to partake in Thailand than coming up everyday what what is not allowed to which lengthy jail terms awaits the offenders...
  12. No one 'cat-calling' my GF when we're about, only the dogs howls...
  13. The ills, crime and mayhem of the the rest of Pattaya are never mind, as there's money to made in them pubs and bars where foreigners smokes a bit and don't carry their passport on them...
  14. Approx.. 6500 workers from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal died while constricting those mammoth stadiums, the grounds are socked with the blood of those poor workers, all in the name of a soccer games...
  15. This world cup is NOT about sport, much more to do about Money, show of power and influence...
  16. It's all about being 'politicly correct' now days and god forbid offend someone...
  17. Don't know, looks like a my mother in law a bit....
  18. The question is who's the idiot/s who's trying to ruin Pattaya night life and Thailand tourism? on a one hand the spend billions promoting places like Pattaya and than some blighters are ruining everything, and for what?...
  19. Like the wold care all that much that a tyrant is virtually mass killing men women and children and burning their homes, just like in the middle ages, nothing change...
  20. "please come and collect" and pay them on the spot, is one way to make sure you're not being scammed...
  21. The monkhood, or most of it now, has become like any other business and in need to solicit funds to survive, so car depicted on amulets its not a surprise, i'll wait for the one with a half naked bar girl on it and i just might buy one for fun...
  22. In order to qualify for old age pension being a non resident you must go back to Australia for a 2 years stay continuously and than you will be qualified for it..
  23. It seems that when it comes to cheating and fraud Thais are in front of things and fully updated, pity they do the same with more, shell we say, honest deeds...
  24. It's like importing rice to China, in any case their dreams of getting rich just gone up in smoke, literally, mind you, many are being asked to act as the men in between, where the bosses send the stuff to a middle men to avoid getting caught themselves...
  25. For once, job well done boys, those cubs belong in the care of the right people and not as house-pet...
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