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Paul Catton

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Everything posted by Paul Catton

  1. Naughty, Naughty, Mr Chomper. Do you read "Tass" to get the Russian perspective view on the war in Ukraine. Do you read China News Daily to get the Official " CCP" view of news. Fox v CNN etc... My point of view is based upon my perspective and thrust by potentially flawed narrative. Iraq, Weapons of mass destruction etc....
  2. Thank you, good Sir. Hope that you still have blues punk music available, wasn't aware it was actually a "genre". Likewise, the "genre" of "Northern Soul" for Chomper in Wigan, more than amazing. Kia Kaha ((Be Strong) Kind regards Paul
  3. I do not hide behind anonymity. My personal details can be found under a "Google Search" (bank account excluded). We have funded from both Opal and my wages, a men's refuge and opened up our home for males who were subject to abuse from domestic violence. Have no time really for rhetoric. by side liners.
  4. Wondered when you would jump into the fray. Crosby, Halewood, Aigburth and back to Waterloo are my areas of familiarization. Represents N,S & E of Liverpool. West is the Mersey. Please refrain from tag-teaming.
  5. Dear Chomper, I don't subscribe to the Mirror, neither wish to visit articles of aggrieved sensationalism selling a rag, albeit on line. With you having assumed ties to the UK going back to Wigan and a penchant for alternative music, I do respect your views. However, our viewpoints are poles apart, mine being real-life experiences over six decades of life spent throughout the World.. Always kind regards. Paul
  6. Dear Chomper. Likewise, I say from 1962 to Present Day, The UK has always progressed and been a progressive inclusive society. I never saw racial divisions in Merseyside, perhaps Scousers are different. My Aunty Barbra was married to a West Indian back in the late 1950's, Black as the "Ace of Spades" was "Uncle Ron". although you might find my layman terminology racist.
  7. Dear Kwilco, Have time on my hands and wish to discuss your generic list. here's a litmus test for you........ Tropes and clichés used by racists ….. 1. Saying someone’s playing "the race card" People do try and use a "race card" when you call out their offensive behavior outside of acceptable behavior from the local established community 2. Dismissing an individual who brings up race / culture in a discussion Any culture or race can be dismissed by an individual espousing representation for the same. Think Osama Bin Laden 3. Use of the concept of “other” (we/them syndrome) Other is a valid word in the dictionary, It reinforces that their is a concept against True/False 4. Stereotyping of an entire nationality. Stereotypical humor is the best background that breaks down barriers. 5. “I married one, so I can’t be racist, can I?” I have married one, Opal's welfare is foremost in all my thoughts Stop using generic lists from a website and compile one from your own perception. Kindest regards Paul
  8. Absolute tosh unless you were ensconced in a village with bigotry entrenched.
  9. They are starting to slowly open up for tourists. Dirirya holds fond memories. Likewise the camels trail (1 &2) up the escarpment. Have thought about returning someday to see how vastly different it is now. Visit Saudi Arabia website
  10. 16.66%, however, some Bank economists are predicting up to 27% might get wiped off valuations.
  11. Academician failures spouting bull excrement for validity seems to be the "soup du jour" Married to an Asian 1/4 Chinese by descent, I must be Xenophobic! Liverpool born, Liverpool bred, Thick in the arm and thick in the head, must be my role in life. However, back in the day, racism wasn't on our radar back then, struggling classes were all together regardless of ethnicity trying to provide a meal for ones family. Would elaborate further, however I have a real job to get up for tomorrow, so sleeping time calls. Kind regards Paul
  12. Seems there is a lot of "Faux outrage" that needs to be called out. Fifteen times now?
  13. Smelling "Faux outrage" from the bottom of the world.
  14. Hi kwilco, Thanks for the provision of a link to a post of yours, makes a little bit more sense now. Will peruse at leisure and provide feedback. Your quite a cracker. Kind regards Paul
  15. The OP was headlined under sensationalism, by "trashy" woke journalism, yet the body of the article was illegal immigration by economic migrants as opposed to bona-fide war torn refugees. How hard is that to fathom by a Scholar?
  16. For tracking purposes of our equity, I use the latest house valuation from One Roof - House for sale in New Zealand They quote four valuation scenarios, being indexed as Low, Rateable Value, High, and lastly, Their Estimate. I garnish my figures for tracking from "Their Estimate". Their website is continually updated as data becomes available from source. Over the last two months I have wiped $140,000 ( 3,038,000 THB ) from our equity spreadsheet, representing the devaluation. ????????
  17. Opal and I do, put a deposit down 11 years ago and paid the mortgage off last Xmas. It's still worth 3.18 times what we paid for it, so plenty of liquidity left to Hemorrhage if things completely tank.
  18. I don't believe the post from @thaibeachlovers to be an example of "outrage and offense", more a discussion point. The topic of the thread is "OTHERED: How racism, xenophobia and religious discrimination were woven into the fabric of the UK" yet the focus of the article appears to be centered around illegal migrants, lawful refugees and "trashy" woke journalism. "In the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter protests swept through the United Kingdom, demanding the nation weed out systemic racism across its institutions. England’s footballers took the knee at every Euro 2020 match, books on racial injustice sold out, and the government agreed to hold inquiries. A racial reckoning was coming. Two years on, the urgency to find equitable paths forward appears to have been lost. The government is pressing ahead with plans to send to Rwanda hundreds — eventually tens of thousands — of men who arrive in the country from the Middle East, Africa and Asia seeking asylum. The government calls them “illegal” migrants because they arrive by boat. In reality, most are refugees. At the same time, the UK has opened its doors to more than 100,000 Ukrainians since Russia launched its war." IMO, the UK doesn't have the topical behavior woven in, perhaps a little bit of fluff lingering in pockets from a bygone era. Kind regards Paul
  19. Take note of what? And why? More crypticism.????‍♂️
  20. Posted 23 hours ago Hi kwilco, Your post is a little too cryptic for me, perhaps you would elaborate for clarification. To what "list" in my post are you referring to? Glad you love my wording choice of "faux outrage" now in triple form. What exactly is in denial? And lastly, #15, is this a reference to a bus route, meal on a menu, queue number for immigration? It has me beat. Kind regards Paul
  21. Cannot see any evidence of offence here, seeing discussion, and rightly so. Faux outrage at its finest.
  22. "How racism, xenophobia and religious discrimination were woven into the fabric of the UK" Faux outrage. IMO, the UK doesn't have this type of behavior woven in, perhaps a little bit of fluff lingering in a pocket from a bygone era. However, voicing disapproval and taking action over illegal immigration is a completely different topic.
  23. Too date there have been simple facts released by the media and Police. Apparently edited footage being aired showing a Thai person hit in a "fight" and striking the pavement, statements released by certain persons, and a record of the fighting Thai person ending up unfortunately in ICU. None of these "facts" show the truth behind this "incident as a whole". Presently these facts are being strung together to form an either correct or false assumption. Before donning my Salem witch burning costume, I would wait until the Police have gathered all the evidence available to them and successfully presented it to a Court securing convictions.
  24. Women multi-task better than men, possibly correct, results are usually border-line adequate at best. Men usually focus on a singular task and in the words of Hillary "Knock the <deleted> off"
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