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Paul Catton

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Everything posted by Paul Catton

  1. You never responded back to me whether you are in reality the Spoonerism tag team member with "Iron man - Steve Logan". PM if you wish. Prayut Chan-o-Cha, another beacon for democratic rule.
  2. We are now at 32 pages of rhetoric, What is quite clear a name change should be forthcoming, No longer do we have the U.S.A (United States of America) but perhaps DEMSVGOP, (translation, Dis-united States of America), sounds rather Russian to me. "America" itself is a rather large continent that spans from Utaiavik to Tierra del Fuego. I don;t believe there is any true democracy within the current "Western Style" of governance whatsoever. What we have is a regurgitating "two pony trick" fooling the masses to get a snout in the trough. USA = Democrats v Repuplicans UK = Conservative v Labour Australia = Labour v Liberal NZ = Labour v National Canada, Germany and France etc.. (ad hominem). President Trump has always been a sleaze ball in my opinion. However he succeeded to secure the "Presidency" and should have been backed without detriment as opposed to persecution that followed. He called out and gave vocal aversion toward "President Putin", "Premier Xi Ping", and "Supreme Leader" Kim Jung On presumably citing "fair play" for all of us. The meeting with the "Rocket Man" and his meeting in the DMZ, suggests it to be so. What is your view on Democracy? How do you determine it? Apparently, Thailand has a democratic government.
  3. Worrapojn (Vorapojn) Dental Clinic I cannot give you the name of the attending Dentist who performed my bottom molar extraction. My Thai family have used this practice for many years. 18/3 Rat Chiang Saen Rd 1, Phone +6653208777 Located on the South side of the Moat https://goo.gl/maps/memqv7BzuJmSQ7U89 After clicking on the link which takes you straight to photos, at the top left hand of the page there is a "back arrow" next to Vorapojn Dental Clinic. Click on that, it takes you to a detailed map and reviews. Pity about Naphat Taduangta
  4. By the family, was given the boring default สมชาย Som Chai, with the exception of a nephew who calls me "Mr Bean".
  5. Sorry to hear about this, was also a preferred stay for certain dignitaries, and also had a dedicated suite for a deceased Chinese "National" actress. F'd me right off as the last time staying there, was placed next door, and had to endure a passing through pilgrimage to get back to our sanctuary. As an aside, "Leve Stogan" was maybe a mate of yours? I remember the days with Kent Walton as commentator on TV, and watching live performances at the Liverpool Stadium. Give the place a try if you can, and give your neutral feedback. Take care and kind regards.
  6. I know the partner of the owner of this enterprise, They are based in New Zealand and it is run under management by a family member in Thailand. Over the decades of visiting Thailand (curtailed recently by Covid-19 in Fortress New Zealand) you cannot put generic price comparisons. Staying at the CH Hotel with my youngest son and daughter over a decade ago, he had difficulty with the local cuisine. A fixed trading restaurant in the Anusarn Market did a burger and chips for around 150 baht. Was staying last visit at the Suriwongse and fancied a burger after consuming alcohol beverages on "Catton Corner", MC'D Quarter-pounder with cheese was the desire, About 200 baht or so to suffice munchies and a 20 metre walk. I also love the later cheap deals at Tesco Lotus or whatever brand it wishes to be named in the future. The lovely little Pork Rissoles (small burgers) at almost give-away prices, discounted bakery goods. etc. To finish the post off is Breakfast Buffets. Chiang Mai Expats at the Riverside is extremely good value, Imperial Mai Ping, more costly but was better variety. Hopefully all survive through the pandemic with our support.
  7. Was economical getting imported "Cod, Haddock and Plaice" to grace the first Fish and Chip shop in Saudi Arabia back in the 80's. Perhaps Dee's Fish and Chips get substantial discounts for bulk. https://www.foodproject.co.th/en/seafood-category1.html?page=3
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