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Posts posted by soc

  1. Maybe these "obnoxious" & "ridiculous" statements as you put it are because the majority of us can see, even if you & PCI governments can't,what these muslim's true agenda is.

    And just maybe we don't like them for the actions that they do.

    Furthermore just maybe we are sick & tired of muslims demanding special treatment.

    And even of <removed> muslim apologists like yourself championing their cause continually.

    Perhaps we realise that we have & had enough problems without adding another one to the mix.

    Most of us just want muslims to return to their own countries where they can carry on acting like they do in ours & can demand & receive as much special treatment as they like.

    Most of us find them extremely offensive & we don't, in their countries act like they do in ours.

    Doubt that l'm getting through to you.

  2. This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

    Why do you call it a troll post?

    People are expressing their views.

    Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

    l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

    Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

    lts God not god.

    You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

    Who knows what they can do.

    I work directly with Muslims in a Muslim country and have many Muslim friends. They are no different than any other people. There are good and bad people in every country of the world.

    <deleted> with your comments directed towards me.

    Your last sentence makes no sense.

    Please clarify.

  3. This is the biggest troll post in TV history! What in god's name is wrong with you. So what a muslim country has to outsource a different religion workforce to provide security for muslims? I can not believe this post has been allowed to continue and for 10 pages what in the world is wrong here? What an idiotic topic, survey thread whatever you want to call this.

    Why do you call it a troll post?

    People are expressing their views.

    Perhaps you don't like the fact that we can see these followers of lslam for what they really are.?

    l hope that this post goes for another 10 pages.

    Just trying to be helpful, but when you print the Creator's title, please use a capital letter.

    lts God not god.

    You might get a certain section of society angry at you for your sloppy editing.

    Who knows what they can do.

  4. I am amazed by the bigotry and ignorance demonstrated by many here.

    Are you people saying that the "muslim world" must be isolated and that Etihade, for example, not be allowed to fly into Western Countries ?

    Are all Western based Airlines to be barred from flying to Indonesia (the most populous "Muslim" country" ) and all other "Muslim" countries ?

    I am glad I do not live in the same world as some of these TV "members"

    lt would be a start.

  5. Most of the airport personnel are North African Arabs/Berbers who don't even practice Islam.

    Are you sure about that? Isn't a large majority of Berbers Sunni Moslem? And aren't the North African Arabs who are attempting genocide in Darfur Moslem?
    Junior Abdeslam was gay and used marijuana and alcohol.

    Senior Abdeslam used also marijuana and alcohol. He made his money with small burglaries and theft. He was known to open a pub for dealing soft drugs.

    Asna Ait Boulahcen was known as a party cow girl which had multiple random boyfriends.

    El Bakraoui brothers were arrested for carjacking and shootout. They've served prison time.

    And I can go on...

    None of above could be included in the Muslim community. Their controversial lifestyle isn't a pinpoint reference to result in a false collective judgement of Islam.

    Many here tend to forget that the Toulouse, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan and Brussels attacks were perpetrated including many Muslim and/or Arab innocent victims.

    The Egyptair crash has yet not been confirmed as being a terrorist attack...here again (a majority) victims were Muslim...

    So you are in effect, saying that these people DIDN'T kill other people, in the name of lslam?

    So, in who's name did they kill?

    Take the stage, we're all ears.

  6. The poll result thus far show the opinion of the silent majority. The pc crowd who pander to muslims are costing lives. It's time to open your eyes, and see the threat.

    I dont pander to muslims and by the same token i dont pander to old bitter paranoid racist white men either

    So because someone doesn't agree with you they are "old bitter paranoid racist white men"?

    How can lslam be a "race"?

    lf you cannot see the threat of lslam, then you are a part of the problem.

    How many more bombs are going to go off, airports & aircraft destroyed, lives lost, while you PCIs refuse to see where the problem lies.

    l would say that you DO pander to muslims.

    Some of you people disgust me.

  7. A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

    The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?

    "And the sins of the fathers shall be on their descendants until the seventh generation"

    Or something like that.

    Not only have the Japanese NOT apologised for their warcrimes,(to the Allies & the Chinese people), they still feel justified for their actions & have a sense of being harassed by us.

    How many nations have apologised for their crimes?

    Quite a few.

    Australians had "sorry" day.

    Now fly the Aboriginal flag along side the national flag.

    Have given land back to the Aboriginal people.

    The British are continually apologising & compensating native peoples.

    e.g. Chagos lslanders, Mau Mau terrorists in Kenya.

    Don't know too much about what the Americans are doing, but the lndians have reserves where some of them are making money from tourists & casinos. Also the lndians have the final say on "sacred" lands.

    The Japanese however don't acknowledge that they did ANY wrongdoing.

    As some one pointed out, they do not teach their children about their part in WWII.

    They even try to brush the "comfort women" saga under the carpet & hope that they will all die out.

    Does that answer your question?

  8. Day off for Thai bashing, looks like it's the Japanese's turn, albeit in tragic circumstances.

    Thank god it was a Jap. Delayed justice in my opinion !

    Never too late to show your racism, eh?

    "Jap" is an ethnic slur, whether you think it's justified or not.

    Any moderators willing to do the right thing?


    Oh what a goody-two-shoes you are.

    "Jap" are the first letters of Japan

    "Brit" are the first letters of Britain.

    Are you going into bat for the British posters?

    No……thought not.

  9. Didn't a Dutch guy fall out of the same train last year whilst taking a photo.

    The locals will say evil spirits are up to no good on this line.

    If there are any such, and they're up to no good, this would certainly be the place for it...

    Can't understand why Japanese ever even go near this.

    Because they have no shame about what they did to their prisoners or the local civilians.

  10. A family member, buried nearby, would probably call this poetic justice.

    The victim was born 19 years after WW2 ended how on earth is this justice?

    "And the sins of the fathers shall be on their descendants until the seventh generation"

    Or something like that.

    Not only have the Japanese NOT apologised for their warcrimes,(to the Allies & the Chinese people), they still feel justified for their actions & have a sense of being harassed by us.

  11. Americans whistling.gif

    I found Americans to be the most courteous drivers, so I just joined them and was courteous back.

    l drove grain trucks in the US(Nebraska)& l found Americans to be far more courteous drivers than back in Australia.

    There are some dkhds on the road in Australia. l don't like driving in the city there now.

    Thais, ah yes, Thais. what can you say? just surprised that there are not more accidents.

    Try driving in lndonesia!

    Out shopping with my brother's lndo girlfriend.

    Came to a crossroads where all 4 roads had red lights, but about to change for the road across in front of me.

    l stopped as the light was red, not amber.

    Cars overtaking me on both sides, furious honking behind me, and a petite 5' lndogirl screaming "go go go go"!

    Have you ever tried to deliberately drive through a red light?

    lts a psychological barrier to overcome.

    So l had to.

    Then l had motorbikes overtaking on both sides, then cutting in in front of me.l was just waiting for two of them to collide! But that never happened.

    And the motorcyclists wear ridiculous little plastic helmets.

    Keeps their hair out of the wind, l suppose!

  12. although I think the women were being a bit insensitive to local mores, does one then have to logically come to the conclusion that most Thai men must therefore regard partially clad women has an invitation to rape?

    There are a lot of nationalities who are extremely aroused by white women.

    Scantily clad only increases the attraction.

    And some nationalities believe all sorts of myths about these women.

    Especially if you come from a sexually repressive society & think that white women are more relaxed with their sexual standards.

    l have seen the males reactions to white women in several non-white countries.

    Just cover up girls, until you get home.

    The Police were trying to help you.

    And it made more work for them if you were attacked!

  13. There is no direct bus between Ekemai and North Pattaya.

    On the way TO Bangkok it will stop at Central Bangna, HomePro BangNa, BTS UdomSuk (if needed)

    On the way FROM Bangkok they often stop at Roong Ruang busstation Bang Na, Laem Chabang, Nong Yai and the intersections at Banglamung and a temple along Sukhumvit before making the U-turn back to the station.

    The stop at the gas-station is not regular, but it happens.....unfortunately.

    Bad aircon? Probably bus 48-1.

    Last December l took a bus from North Pattaya direct to Ekemai, no stops (Baht 115).

    The airconditioner was not ok though- it was absolutely freezing cold.

    l noticed that someone before me had tried to block the vents with cardboard to stop the cold air.

    l was so glad to get off that bus!

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