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Posts posted by soc

  1. Nigerians seem to have a talent for this sort of thing.

    And they've took to on-line scams like ducks to water.

    Some of them need a bit more imagination though.

    How many emails have l received where some bank wanted to transfer $10million into my account, for a service fee, of course! lol!

    Or some joker's father, a gold & cocoa merchant, no less, was poisoned by his rivals & the joker is willing to give me 50% of some account if l just send him $5,000.

    Even got several born-again-Christians calling me "Dear" & wanting my hard earned.

    Haven't been conned by a Princess wanting my hand in marriage yet!

    l feel sorry for the honest people of Nigeria.

  2. Note to self. Do not buy two story house in Thailand.

    or anything else for that matter,,

    A typical mortar mix ratio is 1 cement : 3 sand.

    how hard is that to figure out

    Laying some concrete right now, 60 metres long 3 metres wide hand mix, i let my helper put the sand in but I put the cement in, the second he does it hes using less despite being told daily 1 cement 2 sand 3 stone all he can say is " boon mak mak" not only that its taken him 3 weeks to learn to count the shovelfuls in as opposed to the "total guess" method.

    Then on top of all that is the water ratio...........sheeeeeeesh lets make it like "p****S, even cpac have delivered me this crap, which I sent back

    Thats the ratio that l use, 1:2:3.

    If the concrete has to be really strong, l use 2:2:3.

  3. Ah Yes on tipping here in LOS.These local people in the service industry have an income of very little and most depend on tips to make a difference. Usually if you are American or Canadian German,Scandinavian and several other Europeans a tip of 10 to 20 % is made .The Japanese about 5 to 10 % ,English and Chinese it is ZERO and if a Scotsman you might ask for a reduction in the bin.

    ln all my travels around this world(been to every continent except Antarctica & South America), l have NEVER met a mean Scotsman.

    l guess you were kidding & its accepted that Scots are like their stereotype, we & some Scots even joke about it.

    l have met good & bad Scots, but none that l remember as mean.

    Maybe they try harder as they know what people think.

    Some of the meanest s.o.bs are my fellow Ozzies.

  4. The USA is much more corrupt. #1 in the world I think.

    Sorry, but after checking a number of corruption rankings, your opinion is apparently worthless.

    One source, Fortune Magazine:

    The most corrupt countries:

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1464785566.620212.jpg

    The 12 least corrupt countries.

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1464785617.184323.jpg

    You can check out similar results with quite a few studies/sources. Google it.

    So where does that leave our poster? Just another garden-variety America basher; a common troll on TV who only knows one tune to play for nearly every topic.

    Take note all you Poms, Stralians dont even enter on a list of corrupt countries.

    Thats because we are so corrupt the meter went off the scale.

    Because of our lying, sneaky, conniving, backstabbing, untrustworthy politicians.

  5. If the little blighter is yapping its bloody head off, I can understand how he feels, we have one next door and its yapping away from 6am till 9pm everyday, what annoys me the most is the owner can not control it, it does not listen to him and does what it wants!! If you can't control the bloody thing you should not have one! some people have no respect for their neighbors, and can not understand why you get mad. It might be your little bundle of joy that you love but to me its annoying little @$%ker that need a kick up its arse! on in his case a can of soda!

    I had the same issue as you have and had come up with a plan so that the neighbors would understand the annoyance.

    After they had come home from work I would turn on my 1000 watt stereo system which I have set up with my TV and notebook. I found a video on YouTube with 12 hours of large dogs barking and would turn the volume up to 100, open up the windows and then go out for dinner with my girlfriend for a few hours.

    One week later their dog was gone.


    My ex-wife(yes, l visit her now and then!)had trouble with a neighbour's 2 barking dogs.

    The neighbours were at work all day & the dogs didn't bark when they were home, so they didn't believe her that their dogs were a nuisance & just laughed off her complaints.

    l heard the mongrel things & they were driving me mad & l only stayed there one day.

    Anyway, my resourceful ex, recorded a tiger's roar from her computer, set up some speakers facing the dog's yard & gave it full bore.

    The effect was startling & instantaneous, the 2 problem dogs shut up immediately, took off & cowered under their owner's house.

    The dogs had a short memory & started barking again, so my ex, upped the volume & gave them another blast.

    That was a year ago & she says that they've never been a problem again although they need weekly tune-ups.

    For anyone who is interested, the site is:- www.wildfilmsindia.com & the title is "The Most Blood-curdling & Frightening ROAR you have ever heard"

  6. Older men in many of the eastern cultures are admired and revered rather than despised and insulted as in the west.

    On a visit to my home town of Eastbourne on the south-east coast of the UK two or three years back, I was walking down the main street apparently not fast enough for some folk as a teenager shouted from behind me "Get out the way you f**king old fart". I have yet to experience this sort of attitude here in Thailand, thankfully.

    l agree

    My brother formally worked in Borneo & when l visited him l noticed that the lndonesian youth treated anyone with white or silver hair with respect.

  7. Can I add a rather more personal note than I think most of the previous posters are able. I am 73. My wife is 31. I was divorced in 1998, lived alone and unhappy for 14 years. Met my wife in 2012, we lived together for 3 years, to assure compatibility, married March 2015. Both very happy. I give my wife a better life style than she has ever enjoyed before - two bedroom house, swimming pool, A/C's, hot water in bathroom. When I die, which is almost certain to be well before her, I shall leave her a rich (by Thai standards) woman. To those of you who criticise - I can only say "Mind your own damned business". Good luck to them both.

    Exactly so.

    Couldn't agree more.

    If no laws are broken, then its no-one's business but the newlyweds.

    l knew a white couple in PNG, she was 65(looked younger)& he was a long haired git of 20.

    They seemed very happy & no-one forced either of them to stay together.

    l have had both younger & older girlfriends, much younger & much older.

    To all you, "not righters" & moralisers, Butt Out, lts got jack sh!t to do with you.

  8. FACT: Around the world everyday, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of followers of Islam working in some type of security successfully protecting all religions and races of people. Id say that fact alone, answers the question posed in the OP.

    And some are not: FACT. Question not answered.


    And it's not just 1 or 2 people, it's around 100, and that's just at a single airport in a moderate Moslem country.

    Indeed. What happened in Malaysia is just the tip of the iceberg.

    2fishin2 seems to go out of his way to exonerate the muslims, but there are still too many of them working in bad faith in security jobs and threatening the safety of millions of tolerant and peaceful non-muslims. (FACT)

    Why he keeps ignoring the OP's main argument is baffling. Repeatedly screaming "troll topic" and refusing to debate this topic honestly is extremely immature.

    Because he/she is most likely a PCI?

  9. all of that + getting my leg over with amenable girls half my age

    Suddenly I feel a bit sick


    l'm with Fairynuff.

    l'm in my sixties(no l don't have a beer belly)& am fit.

    l see nothing wrong with having affairs with 30 year olds.

    l treat them all like Ladies.

    My mistake, l agree with eddie61, NOT Fairynuff.

    Not enough coffee & me lose'm ting-ting.

  10. The idiocy of those that subscribe to the deliberate propoganda of "islamic evil" are no different to those extremists who "use" the excuse of Islamic religious justification.

    The horror of extremist acts which has polarized the world has led to the blind ignorance of the fact that retaliation by the " justified" innocent non Muslim has killed many times more totally innocent people who are not always followers of Islam.

    The political manipulation of the issue has been masked to hide the objective.

    Even the very apparent collaberations have been brushed aside as conjecture or corrupted anti establishment media agitations.

    Never is it addressed that the very cause of the exodus of Islamic people who are deemed by propogandist discrimination and suspicion are actually the victims of political aggression rather than actual religious iddentity. Nor is it suggested that those potential extremists amongst them are also the product of the same cause. Instead trhere is a consistant affirmation that followers of Islam are inherently evil in defiance of the fact that non religious acts of horror globally account for many more deaths for reason or unreasonable motivition than Islamic beliefs outside of arenas of political conflict .

    Cultism and the human rights abuses they inflict have no media or social impact currently unless there is an Islamic slant.

    The concept of any conspiracies relating to the ongoing issues are also demoted and ridiculed despite the confusion demonstrated in the Syrian situation.

    There is a very high level game being played and the outcome may not be satisfactry to anyone regardless of the victor with the exception of the

    Referees who will change the rules to suit their outcome.wink.png

    Good try, but you don't win a cigar.

  11. We could have done with a few of these superb aircraft in Malaya in 1942.

    lnstead of the junk that we had.

    Malaya and Singapore were lost before thie P-47 was in combat. ..

    They did provide close air support later in retaking Burma.


    l know that re 1942, l was just thinking how to rearrange history! lol.

    Didn't know that they were in Burma though.

    My neighbour across the street, who died not long ago, was a 14th Army veteran. Had many great conversations with him. RIP.

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