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Posts posted by bergen

  1. The snake will not leave for good, if the door is open. It has found a "safe" hideout in your house and will probably "only" come out at night to hunt.

    I've had snakes living in my walls/ceiling for years, and know because now and then I find snake skins hanging from beams in my garage. <_<

    However I've killed a small one in the kitchen and a bigger one the car port lately and seen no skins in some time, and hope I've got rid of the free lodger(s). :rolleyes:

    You could try to seal the gap where it's hiding, and make sure there no other escape routes and it'll be prisoned for life! :whistling:

    Good luck! :D

  2. ]

    I know for utter certainty that Thailand was a far better place prior to the general existance of the internet !!

    Link please.

    What ??

    It's called irony. Considered funny, mostly in the UK

    I got it..... :D

  3. Yeah, I've checked out a few online recipes and just thought I'd post one which is dead simple and flexible in what sort of ingredients can be found easily in Isaan. I hate recipes that tell you precisely how many milligrams or ounces of this and that must be adhered to. Bring back dear old Keith Floyd who drank and cooked himself to death as one of the greatest TV chefs ever!

    Wouldn't it be more correct to say: "cooked and drank himself to death." :rolleyes:

    Anyway thanks for the recipe.

    Maybe we should have a "my favorite recipes" topic? :D

  4. I'm in for a party at any time. :whistling:

    My take is that you will usually get what you deserve... :rolleyes:

    Good luck to you all! :D

    What about Issan Farmers number 3 at your place in Feb. I'll be there.( I drink anything) even fermented floodwater as long as it's over 5%

    Ok with me, will probably be one of the topics at number 2 :D

  5. I didn't realize Sunee was that cheap. Thanks for the info.

    There's also another "massage' place when you're passing by the big park, coming from Warin Chamrap to "Kilo Zoon". Just make a left turn right after the park, go straight and you'll see a bigger place after the seven eleven.

    Please be aware that they've got big bath tubes and the massage is more to satisfy men........laugh.gif

    Writing about such places lowers the tone of this forum; by the way, is it any good?cool.gif

    If it gives you satisfaction, it should be good...... :rolleyes:

  6. Ubon Hash House Harriers ( www.Ubonhash.com ) will have their monthly run on Saturday 3rd of December.

    You're welcome to join us if it's not too far away?

    The run is not a competition, but more a walk and social event....... :whistling:

    It's a dangerous sport Trond, and I always have memory loss after it. Jim

    Not many "run" as committed as you Jim, and the lost memory can be filled in the day after...... :rolleyes:

  7. Ubon Hash House Harriers ( www.Ubonhash.com ) will have their monthly run on Saturday 3rd of December.

    You're welcome to join us if it's not too far away?

    The run is not a competition, but more a walk and social event....... :whistling:

  8. Yes I'll be there and probably transporting Jim who'll be eager to arrive at Anthony's where he can finally have some Leo to calm his nerves. :whistling:

    1 room with big bed for me please..., and I'm a Singha drinker por favor.

    IA - the wife has told me to order 4 kg bacon, and if you have any smoked ham, bring it along too. :D

    If anyone play guitar, I might bring my harmonica................ :rolleyes:

    Ear plugs may be useful to some.... :P

    Looking forward to the event!! :D

    Jim and Bergen - Rooms at hotel are booked for you for night of Dec. 10th.

    Andy - A room is reserved and very much hope that we can turn it into a full booking at the beginning of Dec. and so learn more about your interesting venture as well as meeting you!

    As said before I do hope that more of you will be able to come as it is a good chance to make new friends, have a fun day or two away from your farm as well as meet and get good advise while chatting to Thai Visa Farming Experts! such as IsaanAussie (pigs), WormFarmer (worm compost), jamescollister (rubber), hopefully andycrosby (Emus & Llamas!!) as well as the rest of us.

    Should be a good day!!

    One worry is that it might be only a 'Leo' day as yesterday I heard that Sangkha is running out of 'Singha' and may not be getting further supplies for a considerable time. Am putting in an order with our regular supplier and will see what comes BUT, Bergen, I will warn you if you have to bring your own!!!!!!!!!!

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Anthony (AA1).

    No shortage of Singha in my part of Los, but I understand I have to bring my own reserve........... :rolleyes:

  9. Thanks for the feedback, just the sort of info I've been looking for. A bit about me:

    Age 50. Lived and worked in SW London (the green bit near Richmond Park) all my adult life until a heart attack in 2005 at age 44 stopped me in my tracks. Doctor said to carry on doing what I was doing (London bus inspector - very stressful but well paid) would result in an early death. Not only that but I found I could not tolerate the cold anymore as my circulation was pretty poor after the heart attack.

    Time to take stock. Didn't fancy dying just then. A friend was going to Thailand (well, not Thailand, Pattaya) and I tagged along.

    I met my GF in a beer bar in Jomtien as she found Pattaya too noisy and chaotic. We hit it off straight away and when I went back in June 2007 she left the bar and we set up home on the 'Darkside'. There were a few issues between us but as we lived together quite happily and grew fonder of each other. A number of things happened to rock or cement our relationship but I won't go into them here. You get that sort of thing in all relationships, especially cross-cultural ones.

    A spell up in Chiang Mai followed (I liked it, she didn't), back to Pattaya then a spell in Trat (nice and peaceful little town) which we both liked but by now she was yearning to live near her family. Back to Pattaya for the last time before I came back to UK to finalise selling up here. Got some inheritance money in the bank and my house in London is worth a fair bit so money is not a concern. As I get older I realise that I prefer the quiet life. I've got nothing against chickens and the only thing that would worry me about the tower is if it fell on me!

    I get on well with her father and feel sorry for him. He's worked hard all his life and now has a few health problems that make working the fields very difficult. He's only about 54 but looks so much older. Her mama is an alcoholic who has been in and out of hospital ever since I've know her and my GF gets very angry with her mother. A younger, married sister and younger, married brother with their children complete the inner family. They have never asked me for money. My GF has her own 'house' on a quiet soi on the outskirts of the village. Behind and to one side are paddy fields and woods. She tells me that this is her land and where we would build our house. The more I think about it, the more I am tempted.


    I think you're on the right track! Give it a try and best of luck. :D

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