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Posts posted by bergen

  1. Had to put socks on the last couple of days :bah: (Ubon).

    For the first time since I arrived in Thailand years ago, I had to do the same.

    The tiles on the floor are quite cold.

    At least no electricity for air con is used.

    Always a bright side.


    Personally I haven't used the aircon since June, now I'm not using the electric fan either.

    You haven't turned the fridge off as well Thad? :D

  2. Thanks to Anthony for being a good host, serving delicious food and having lots of beer available! :D

    :thumbsup: to IA for the bacon, to WF for the driving, and to both for nice company and chat Sunday morning.

    As usual good to catch up with "old friends", meet new ones, and listening to their tales and experiences. :whistling:

    We all watched the moon disappear in the evening, some were up to see the sun rise next morning, and some saw stars in between....... :rolleyes:

    Will post pics when ready, and I'm looking forward to the next gathering - which - if I remember right will be at my (wife's) farm in February!

    Details will be revealed later. ;)

  3. How many of the critics here ever opened a business in Thailand or worked with Thai staff I wonder?

    There is alot going on & as Gil explained there have been some opening week glitches...broken equipment, staff disappearing.

    We need to give the staff a break here. They are Thai kids for the most part, taking orders for Mexican food from foreigners.

    I was watching the boss train a staff. The menu is complex, like learning a foreign language.

    (Can you imagine an English speaking kid, going to work in a Thai restaurant, that has been open a week, serving Russian food?)

    I think these kids Gil hired are pretty brave for taking on a job like this.

    Good post! :thumbsup:

  4. The wife and I designed our house.

    We bought 2 steel press to make interlocking blocks together with a vcd on how to do. Hired a father and son to make the blocks. When they were trained they made about 300 a day.

    Hired one village guy to do all the concrete work and another to do the wood work - both "skilled".

    One guy with "papers" (and recommendations) was hired to do the electric and together we plan the "what & where".

    Was on site every day to monitor and correct all the wrong turns.

    We started the build in October 2004 and moved in May 2005.

    At lot of extras have been done after, and I guess the house will never be "finished" :rolleyes:

    The workers and management considered - I'm satisfied with the "end" result. :D

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    • Like 1
  5. If you have cash money to build and furniture a house, buy a car and a few other necessities, you could live quite cheap! :D

    That is if you don't smoke, drink too much, or chase women........ :whistling:

  6. I know an Englishman, lives in east Pattaya now and has done for 23 years. He is now ~70 years old and, apart from the bank deposit to facilitate his retirement visa, he lives almost exclusively on his meager UK pension, plus the bit and pieces his wife of 25 years can make selling som tam and sewing/repairs for friends.

    His house? Bedroom /living room, bathroom, hallway/storage and an outside Thai style kitchen with two ring gas cooker. Rents for 2,000 baht/month + 300-500 power and water bills. 95% Thai estate, poor people even by Thai standards but so what?

    He runs a broken down old motorsai, goes for a beer with his mates two or three times a week and yet he is content. I wouldnt describe him as the happiest person I've ever met, but probably the most honest, and without a doubt, the least materialistic.

    He has a good circle of friends, some richer (well, all richer, but that's not the point). His wife takes good care of him and their children live locally and visit every day. He still has his health, a devoted wife, well-raised and appreciative adult children and a circle of good friends. What more does he want? Nothing. He's a genuine guy. Add to that a wicked sense of self-deprecating humour and you have someone who is enjoyable to pass the time of day with.

    And I have never heard him grumble about the hand life has dealt him. I'm not saying or implying that everyone could live the way he does, but I have met many foreigners with much greater funds that live a less satisfying life. Myself included while I was there. I envy him his peace of mind. He may not have material wealth but he has the kind of 'wealth' that money cannot buy: Happiness.

    Just a thought in a thread about money...


    Good post! :thumbsup:

    You don't have to be rich to be happy, but I'm sure it'll help some........ :D

  7. Now the apologists might cite teething troubles but we are talking about a well oiled machine here. Bangkoks' Sunrise has been around for ever and is consistently good.

    I have seen a number of experienced restaurateurs open new branches in Chiang Mai and it always takes around a month to sort out all the problems and the food is very hit and miss. I will not go to a newly opened place for at least a few weeks for this reason.

    I agree - give this place some time! :D

  8. Hello AA1,

    I'll be there, but without any rainbow trout. These things take time. I'll need accommodation. Sorry for the late notice. Sure there are other places in Sangkha if it's too late. Let me know if I should sort something out myself. The Odyssey I refer to is my project on the Bolaven Plateau that I bored everyone with at liberty at the last meeting. You can follow the progress, or lack of it, on my Main Blog page on my website (see my profile or PM me).

    Looking forwardly,


    Now read the map carefully so you don't take the Wrong Way :lol:

  9. I got my license(s) in Det Udom.

    Put my papers and Norwegian license on the counter, waited for about 50 minutes, and got licenses for both car and motorcycle, without any tests. :rolleyes:

    The lady behind the counter told my wife that it was the first time she had seen a foreign driving license that she could understand and approve... :D

  10. Shenanigans is a nice pub with some good food,


    Not a fan but hardly a reason to travel to Jomtien as there is the same restaurant in Pattaya.

    On these kinds of chain food pubs, there is also now a new Pig and Whistle in Jomtien as well (on Thappraya off the complex). Well known for their fish and chips. I used to eat that at their Pattaya location regularly until some better places for that opened up ...


    But when in Jomtien, ref. topic headline................? :D

  11. Bergen,

    Thanks and hope that you can get Steve to join us.

    You have a similar problem to me BUT whereas you cannot get your printer to work, mine does work except for anything to do with Thai Visa. Any printing wanted from TV has to be copied into my computer and then printed from that copy!!!!

    Don't get a heart attack with UHHH as sounds hard work!


    Au contraire!

    It's like a walk in the park, where the hashers explore new areas each time, and at the end listen to some "true" tales, may sing a few songs and consume a modest number of various beers :whistling:

    (or non alcoholic drinks if that suites better :bah: )

    It's not a contest, but a fun social event! :D

  12. Hi Anthony and all others

    The time is flying!! Farmers meet next Saturday, Christmas 2 weeks later and then 2012 is knocking on the door. :blink:

    I think Jim is coming to my place today, and if so we'll make some strategic plans on how to get to the rooms in the evening next Sat., if SantiSuk/Steve doesn't show up in his white limo.... :whistling:

    See you all on the 10th... :D

    Hi Bergen,

    Haven't heard a word from SantiSuk/Steve. Do you know where he is if so can you send him word as would be lovely to get him along too.

    Tell Jim that I hope his head is fully recovered.

    Hope the directions worked okay as when I tried them the maps appeared very large and didn't condense back to A4 size again BUT that maybe my very slow internet connection OR the useless computer operator!!!!


    Anthony I've sent Steve an email, but so far no reply.

    Will see him on this coming Saturday, as the Ubon Hash House Harriers (UHHH) will have their monthly run (walk) :whistling:

    You're all welcome there of course :rolleyes:

    See separate topic on Isaan forum

    As for the maps they look "first class" ;)

    However I have a new printer that doesn't work, so can't get them printed..... <_<

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