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Everything posted by Airalee

  1. Scare off? Can we take bets on “Bot or not?” 😁
  2. Bangkok Beef Facebook group. Send Greg Lange a message with your order. He’s the beef kingpin for sure. You will laugh at all the other offerings after seeing his beef and prices. here’s the current list of beef. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qgQecYDx6Ufjy4r5PDdA0s3O1B8relJx/view?fbclid=IwAR3dLntJSYCWRHWTQS1VbZYg5yjwl8Ty4OsPULrU-xlJH-0OVzxwbcyGe8c
  3. I wouldn’t. Up to You.
  4. Not sure why everybody rags on Bignoks threads. Most of what he says is rather deep. Just have to be able to read between the lines. Simpletons and midwits won’t get it. Not sure if one needs to reach a state of boredom in order to reflect. People who get bored are people who need to be entertained. Sometimes it’s good to keep busy. Sometimes it’s good to enjoy the bliss of not having to do anything.
  5. She didn’t read the “fine print”
  6. What was the diagnosis? Do you have a sinus infection? I would assume so as you mention pain above the eyes (you don’t say exactly where so I can’t determine if ethmoid or frontal. What did the scopes show? Were they those old metal ones or the modern fiber optic endoscopes? Did you have a ct scan or mri done? Antibiotics and “sprays”…..what kind of sprays? Am I correct in assuming fluticasone etc rather than oxymetazoline? I’ve been through the ENT merry-go-round more than once and rather than looking for the root cause and addressing that, I placed too much faith in ENTs. 2 surgeries later, I now have empty nose syndrome. Go see a functional practitioner before any kind of surgery. They might seem “hokey” for those who only know allopathic medicine (which definitely has its time and place), but they will work with you to figure out the why. Then, you can work on that. As far as different sprays etc. nothing has been mentioned above that I haven’t already tried. There are many other options both spray and rinse. I prefer rinsing with a Neil-med type bottle as sprays don’t get into the sinuses well enough. They (sprays) are ok for management if you have chronic issues or if you feel something coming on, but at the later stage (full blown infection) it’ll feel like it’s helping but any improvement will fizzle out. One thing to address, if it is an infection and has been going on for some time, is biofilms.
  7. The lady doth protest too much methinks
  8. I post facts which I back up. You post spin and obfuscation just like you have done under all your other prior screen names which you either ditched after being called out so many times….or were banned. You can feel free to put me on ignore….you always threatened that in the past. But for some reason….you never do. Replies on a notecard please.
  9. of course you did. It was your attempt to bolster your ridiculous assumption (which still failed) next
  10. The bottom line is that your original post was wrong. That is why I used the statista numbers which do not include “informal lending” or any other “unofficial borrowing from unauthorized sources such as loan sharks”. They have other areas where they estimate “shadow economies” But you keep bringing that up. Obfuscate much? Now….instead of your cherry picked 4 year timeline….try a 5 year or a 10 year. I’ve included a screenshot from your source because 1. Most people won’t click on your link and just take whatever you say at face value and 2. The picture shows just how cherry-picked your numbers are. It’s laughable. https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/gdp
  11. You said “Household debt or consumer lending has barely changed” The article is about debt. It’s simple. But….I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and we’ll just use the Statista figures for debt and the Trading Economics for GDP. 4 years (2019-2022) GDP goes from 544 to 495. A drop of 9% Debt goes from 13.5 to 15.1 An increase of 11.85% Now….it is your turn to do the math and using those figures, show me the debt to gdp ratio. Remember….there are 2 different currencies (gdp is in dollars and debt is in baht) and you will also have to account for the change in exchange rates over that period. have fun.
  12. Actually it has changed substantially. “According to Surapol Opasatien, CEO of the National Credit Bureau, the current total household debt stands at 17.62 trillion baht” https://www.nationthailand.com/business/banking-finance/40030064# “Household debts have grown by 11.5% this year, and a Thai household is now 559,408 baht in debt, on average. 80.2% of the debt amount may be attributed to formal lending, and 19.8% involves informal lending, according to a NNT report.” https://www.thailand-business-news.com/economics/99401-thailands-household-debt-level-hits-15-years-high https://www.statista.com/statistics/1401253/thailand-household-debt-value/
  13. Bangkok private hospitals usually run promotions. Prices are all over the place. No idea about Huahin
  14. I thought I saw a ghost when I saw your avatar and screen name. Welcome back!
  15. The US already has something like this although it is administered by the individual states and is capped. The average cap is about US$25,000 (twenty five thousand dollars). It might or might not be available to foreign tourists depending on the particular circumstance. https://ovc.ojp.govp
  16. Western vs Asian sizing… WRT Uniqlo…even though it’s a different style…here is a size comparison photo between a Ralph Lauren T-shirt purchased from the Ralph Lauren website in the US. (size XL Tall (not XL Big)) and a Uniqlo XL purchased in the store in BKK. Even the RL slim fit shirts are like tents compared to Uniqlo.
  17. Many places for $20-40/hour all over the greater LA/SFV/SGV/OC area. Most places will also offer early bird discounts (before 2pm) The $20 massages are generally done in large communal rooms with 50 people at once. https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=%2420+Massage&find_loc=Koreatown%2C+Los+Angeles%2C+CA
  18. I’ll take “things that never happened” for $500, Alex
  19. Just checked out the chili radio website. Was expecting to hear something like Dark Side of the Moon…or maybe some cool bootleg Grateful Dead shows. Hendrix? Nope Or maybe it would have been something funky like G Love and Special Sauce or Wax Tailor? Nope Was it something even more “out there”….Primus perhaps? Nope Rap? Maybe Dr Dre The Chronic or Cyprus Hill Hits from the Bong? Nope
  20. I’m not seeing masked Japanese. Very very few. here is a much better live video where you can actually see the people. https://worldcams.tv/japan/tokyo/shibuya-crossing
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