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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. On the big picture they don't care or we would be hearing about a mandatory nationwide intense drivers education training for every student starting at age 14. As opposed to many who simply blame it on the police yes, they could be better but they cannot set the foundation for proper driving skills which should start at a young age before a person ever starts driving.
  2. Some claim to provide special content for members. Many request payment for this option. I personally would never give a dime to so many of these idiots walking around Thailand exploiting Thai people especially females. Disgusting they should be banned.
  3. Sure yes, she has a government job.
  4. Yes, he did have insurance they paid for the damage
  5. Yes, it certainly helped me a few years ago. Coming back from Nan the front camera showed me slowing down for traffic. Then bam, hit from behind the camera catches the quick jerking and and some side movement of my vehicle. The police reviewed it later at the police station confirming 100% the fault of the guy who rear ended me.
  6. My brother has had several pit bulls and they have been great dogs. People are scared when he walks them, but they never harmed anyone. Not every pit bull is bad.
  7. Could be a conflict with Kennedy. Trump is fat and loves McDonald's and a bucket of KFC. He sets a poor example on this topic.
  8. Wonder what the cost of a human life is here.
  9. Wow, when I saw the title I thought they were referring to Thai police. Surprising British don't have much faith in their cops.
  10. Kids just trying to enjoy a holiday what a bummer.
  11. They should but say they refuse too? If so, what will be the consequences? Fines, past audits? Visa rejected? Jail or mass deportations?
  12. The arrogance is laughable don't they realize this place in many areas is a notch above 3rd world? Comparing it to Japan or Singapore is a joke. It is known world wide as a cheap place to holiday, so the lower level tourists will continue to be the majority.
  13. Sad incident hope he is ok. Don't you know every Thai man has a grinder. It is the universal tool from cutting, shaving, digging holes, cutting grass. Hell, it is probably used to cut hair, it is used for everything. l especially love the noise it makes.
  14. To much Muslim influence there for my liking.
  15. Look Arab to me. No matter what the circumstances it is ok for them to assault him? They should be arrested for assault.
  16. What does it have to do with the rainy season which is May-October?
  17. It truly is the greatest place. Everyone in the world wants to come here. Congratulations Thailand.
  18. Maybe it is time to get a credit card.
  19. Kanchanaburi or khao yai .
  20. Yes exactly very intelligent post. Thailand is different when driving or riding in western countries. People with experience here know this. Always be looking out for the other person your head needs to be on a swivel here. People walk across in front of me all the time. Sometimes they stick their hand out. They really don't have the right of way if it is not a crosswalk. But, it is your responsibility to stop. It is rare to see on these cases that they are already charging him criminally most of the time they will say it is still under investigation.
  21. Sorry, yes you bought it on the street but I would not consider a cheap cup of ice cream Thai Street food. Thanks for your thread though. I like pad krapao.
  22. Not enough to see a woman in front of him crossing the road.
  23. Bunch of inexperienced idiots on motorcycles on the roads now.
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