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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I wonder how many stoned drivers will be injured or kill people? Will the weed czar of Thailand feel bad or apologize? Bottom line I suggest just stay home or near home. Even getting on a taxi could be the end.
  2. I like it, but I bet the Woke of today would call it racist because it is White.
  3. They are terrible and dangerous should be arrested.
  4. Have a mix of qqq and s and p up 34%. Got so much P over 100 easily, so great to be healthy and still banging.
  5. It is not just Pattaya other places have agents who will do the same. I never see it going away way too much money.
  6. Even 7-11 is better then Sbucks coffee. But, the bakery there is ok I agree. Probably the place for me which is consistently decent is Sizzler. Hard to find good salad here Sizzler is pretty good and fresh. Add, I get the pork loin meal with a baked potatoe 399 all in. If you hit the salad bar 2 or 3 times it is above average and decent value.
  7. Haha. Well, Trump is a business man not a peanut farmer. But, guess all you want it is a wait and see situation my best estimate is nothing you predict will happen to the degree you describe.
  8. Yes, seem to getting fatter and fatter especially kids. Too much food consumption, social media and lack of exercise. Some want to blame it on western fast food, which is a problem. But, one can easily get fat on Thai food, not always the healithiest choices either.
  9. Well, I have walked it this week and see the described foreign women there. I can tell you everyone I saw was fat, and unattractive I would not go with them for free.
  10. ? A true Christian does not support killing unborn children which Biden supports. So, he supports letting murders, rapists, and molesters live, but aborting an unborn is ok with him. Sick Demented hypocrisy
  11. I think if people had a career with meaning and family as a priority for 30 + years, they have the right to seek pleasure now if the wish. That is what I do.
  12. Let it fly. Bang her no condoms and enjoy.
  13. I think it is difficult to get along "well" with people who do not speak much English and seem to not understand a meaningful or intelligent conversation. I get along with Thais OK. "Well", seems deeper and more difficult here for me anyway.
  14. Oh, she looks lovely. Just more quality British tourists.
  15. Well, if my family member was the victim I would go to the prison with a bag of popcorn and watch these disgusting criminals fry, then laugh in their face.
  16. Yah think? This is one of the most disgusting examples of corruption and collusion I can think of. Terrible.
  17. Maybe they could hire Elon Musk.
  18. Let's say he was a little more spry and put up a bigger fight they may have killed him. Sickening to watch, hope they catch the little bastards.
  19. There will be so many crashes and deaths between now and Jan. 5. The best thing to do is stay off the road way too many idiots and tail gaters out there.
  20. His Vegas places are more expensive the burger price their is around 1000b and up.
  21. What is the dog? Looks pretty cool.
  22. It stopped working for me but my agent only charges 100b.
  23. 3 shags and a ribeye steak lined up.
  24. Terrible really 3rd world I feel sorry for people in this extremely low wage environment.
  25. The darker the better fo rme. Nothing better then a really dark sexy Issan lady.
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