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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Nurin condos are the greatest!
  2. Interesting, I lived there several years ago and it was the worst short term rentals crowd probably in the city. But, the management there was totally acceptable of it and I often wondered if they had some financial interest. Maybe they have new management with these changes.
  3. A better question would be why do non Americans especially the British, seem so obsessed with American politics? I bet 95% of Americans have no idea who the British Prime Minister even is, because it is not important they could careless.
  4. 21 year old on his phone I bet now dead very sad.
  5. How long and how often will they actually be available? ¨System not have¨
  6. Generally about WR you are probably correct. The big one however, looks like Cardiovasuclar coverage. It appears they are requesting in this situation; that you need have documentation of a healthy heart if you want future coverage for a heart attack. So,EST, heart scan, calcium test, blood test, etc. some expensive tests. If you don´t have clearance and you have a massive heart attack and have to spend time in the hospital, it appears that won´t be covered.
  7. The only reason I can see getting married is if they want to start or have a family. Otherwise, no sure why so many people get married. It definitely is not for better sex with all the entitled female attiitudes that feel they can mostly tell you NO. More fun to walk beach road and find someone who is willing and able and does what you like. But, not in all cases many guys need a mommy figure. You hear them on here bragging how their wife does everything including handling the finances. Guys who cannot even do a load of laundry or cook a hamburger. Seems so weak and really stupid to me what responsibilities do you have as a man? Probably not much, their wife-mommy takes care of everything.
  8. My buddy in Pattaya has WR and got that policy update. It says nothing about existing customers exempt. In fact, he uses a broker for the policy and the broker told him to get cleared or not cleared for the listed diseases. I assume in many countries it would be illegal to change it for existing customers. Anyway, in looking at the list it would take possibly 1000ś of dollars to get all the tests required to get yourself cleared. It did say if one does not get clearance, they will not be covered in the future. Seems a big shame.
  9. I believe it is the way clothes are washed. Not just Americans, but other people also. Not enough proper detergent and not drying the clothes properly can cause a wet dog clothes smell.
  10. My experience is the medical care here is very expensive and the care sub-par. I try to avoid any medical visits here whatsoever. Overrated.
  11. Filth. Book her attempt animal murder.
  12. Come to Pattaya. Lots of fat alcoholic losers walking around in yellow and orange Singha tank tops with biege cargo pants.
  13. Put a plastic cover on your matress or wear a diaper.
  14. They seem all so screwed up, promoting business, and giving different information. They should be arrested and jailed.
  15. Isn´t that View Talay 6? I do not believe they have 8. Check it online plenty of information.
  16. I really am noticing a change here with their attitudes. They think they are so awesome. More and more entitled and demanding it seems. Too many tourists spoiling them in my opinion.
  17. Another reason to take a Taxi. No control of anything in these buses. Bring a blankie.
  18. I agree in Pattaya, many hate each other especially if you are from a different country. Have never been to a place quite like it.
  19. Not sure why more do not talk about ejaculation as a possible solution or at least, delay on this. A study from Harvard University found that men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer compared with men who reported four to seven ejaculations per month across their lifetimes. Similar findings have come from Australia where prostate cancer is 36% less likely to be diagnosed before the age of 70 in men who averaged about five to seven ejaculations a week compared with men who ejaculated less than two to three times a week. Have sex, masturbate, do whatever it takes to ejaculate as much as possible.
  20. Yes, Homepro may be the worst. Someone advised me a few years back that some of those staff are actually students who are working on a field study for their degrees, so possibly do not get paid at all. In any event, it is ridiculous not sure what the point is having 2 or 3 on every isle.
  21. I bet this high season is the worst ever. It will never change and would take years and billions of dollors to do it. No way.
  22. Most basic maids will not wash clothes, water plants, clean inside frig. I think for a 3 bedroom and the additional work you want done, 500 b total is reasonable.
  23. I use my box think it is good. An alternative is 123movies. Bring it up on phone or laptop and cast to TV. Watched a couple of old 007 movies last night worked great.
  24. Couple of free outdoor public gyms in and around Buddha hill.
  25. They can be loud. I would never move near one.
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