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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. So much for ¨enjoy your meal¨. Jeez crazy.
  2. Got to be 16k a month. Long term rentals here are not cheap. If you like the car and have not had issues with it, why not continue.
  3. Seek professional medical advice for possible therapy or medication. Otherwise, try going to your nearest entertainment area, find a nice girl and have a good time. Gets my mind off other issues and always puts me in a great mood.
  4. Sounds like she has given up on the marriage. I would divorce her and try to find another woman to take care of your kid.
  5. Schwab international account with do a currency exchange for a fee. As far as Tesla; several predictions are it will increase by 1000 % over the next ten years. It is not just a car company, but innovators in AI and clean energy, batteries, etc. I believe it is a very good long term hold.
  6. I think bar girls make the best lovers and conversationalist as many speak some English. I would never marry anyone anywhere.
  7. The English they can speak helps in their confidence to interact with people. But, I was in the Phillippines recently my fifth trip. I was surprised how unfriendly people there have become post pandemic. It is overall a depressing dirty extremely poor country with little hope for a lot of people. I would never go back there, Thailand is a much better overall lifestyle I believe.
  8. The current ones are filthy dangerous gas guzzlers. And, I think they should be banned in certain areas especially Soi Buakhao where they constantly stop and jam up traffic on a one lane road.
  9. My observation is CM may be having the most difficult recovery of the tourists spots. Nimman and old city at their peak were crowded, I have not seen nearly the same numbers as before. I guess they think this will help doubt it though.
  10. Natural causes? It is sad but sorry, his body is not natural how many different enhanced drugs was he on? Not uncommon for drug enhanced body builders to die early.
  11. It is not a major airport. I go to CNX quite often I disagree with the time comparison with BKK. The other day on the new highway that connects to the 7, it took me 34 minutes to get to Pattaya from UTP. BKK is at least twice that. I pay 700 b private car. Make sure to tell the driver to take the highway, not Sukhumvit. Some will stupidity take Sukhumvit to save the 30 b toll fee. It is under utilized, but the EEC at some point will start to materialize and that airport will get busy. The high speed train is many years away I bet.
  12. I hate it makes for a total time delay vacuum. People paying 20b using their phones. Stand there and watch the item being rung up, get the phone from their pocket or purse, open phone, screw around trying to find the app, try 2 or 3 times until it finally goes thru all the while the line waiting gets longer. Stupid and ridiculous maybe try keeping a few baht in your pocket.
  13. I would get away from her ASAP. Too many stories about physical harm or even death in these escalating situations.
  14. Pattaya is the place to be no rain.
  15. The self insured folks I know seem foolish. 100 to 500 k is very little for a major illness or accident. Unless you have about 2 million today in an account for this, you are way under insured. Good luck.
  16. Yes, get a quality full blood test and an ultrasound will show it along with any flaws in your kidneys. Many older men have fatty liver just try to do the best with your diet and drink reasonably.
  17. Sylvan Resort I think is the best place. One month there? I like KC but seems like an island fever bore after a few days.
  18. The AI dools of the future will probably make coffee, do laundry, and take care of other needs. Real women (if there is such a thing) may become obsolete.
  19. That and playing golf meeting friends is a life. What is yours?
  20. Shameful archaic train service here 3rd world stuff terrible. I am sure the new government will fix it all.
  21. I am here now I usually come one week a month to get away from the madness of Pattaya. Unfortunately, the smoke early in the year is not just annoying but a true health hazard in my opinion. Stay home mostly for 2 months with air filters running to get through it. If you play golf it can fill time. It is not terrible in CM better then some places in Isan. It seems to kill time many people go to one of the 100's of coffee shops or walk the mall. It can be boring, but any place gets a little boring over time. I personally prefer Bangkok over here just me, as many I know dislike Bangkok.
  22. Wow, if you open the subset photo of him in the drivers seat with a bulge he is quite well endowed. Lucky man, probably feels so proud he wants to show off.
  23. My expereince is antibiotics do not work well at all for tooth infections. Have you had a root canal? Is it sensitive to pressure, cold or hot? If not, a Dentist can determine with xray and examine f you need one. Further, you may need it pulled with an implant being the replacement.
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