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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Yes, I do not understand the "all the Retirement rules have changed" rhetoric. Have they really? It all seems pretty simple and similar just the lines are longer. One thing I would disagree with on the list is health care. I do not think it is that great at least not as good as it use to be. And, they do seem to have a tendency to over test. Add, many procedures are out patient in western countries. Here, they want you to stay in the hospital for several days. In some cases it may be cheaper and better care to fly home.
  2. I am in Macau. Much much less people wearing masks here compared to Thailand. Large groups of Mainlsnd Chinese getting off busses no masks. Casinos jammed many no mask. I agree Thailand has an obsession with continuing this. People walking on the beach or driving in cars with masks seems senseless.
  3. Disgusting place 70% fat/obese and for some,reason the females seem mostly bossy big mouth. Sad times.
  4. Auf der Augarden.
  5. Jeez, sure seems stupid of a person to say or think they actually have no regrets. Of course, we all have regrets in you tried to actually live a life, had life experiences. It is perfectly normal to have regrets.
  6. No worries OP you tried, but unfortunately sounds like typical behavior of the UK visitors I have met lately.
  7. I believe those with money who are very cheap suffer from some obsession or addiction. Worrying about every last baht they spend. And, if they find out they spent 50 b too much on something, they will be bothered and think about it the rest of the day. Borderline some type of mental illness in my opinion.
  8. Good for them for the aggressive enforcement.
  9. Most counties seem to have their priorities messed up on issues like this. Putting in a bunch of time effort and money for birds. While people are dieing by the hour on the roads during Songkran. Maybe put more effort into saving human lives.
  10. The markets in the major malls are packed. Long lines to check out even T21 at the bottom jammed. Tourists want to go to these markets as the brightness, abundance, freshness and quality are superior in my opinion to the other well known Falang markets. Walking into the Foodland on Soi 5 is a downer. Has a dungeon unkempt feel and the ceiling so low in some spots I have to duck my head. The cost may be more in these other markets, but not that much more for an overall much more enjoyable shopping experience.
  11. A lot of it is fake you probably know. Many of these people buy subscribers, views, likes, just about anything to do with a channel. These actions are accepted by You Tube and are a big scam in my opinion these seem mostly bot buys, probably not real people at all. If I were an advertiser, I would be questioning this practice. They are paying for advertising on channels that could be virtually nothing, but do to these buys look popular.
  12. Where are they? Could have sworn I saw them the other day in Bangkok it stuck in my mind becasue the guy looks like a total geek, and the girl was nice. Maybe just another millionare though.
  13. They need mental confinement. I cannot think of much crazier then being out, or driving drunk during Songkran.
  14. I left Pattaya heading out of the country tomorrow. In Bangkok now and it has started water throwing on just abotu every Soi in lower Sukhumvit. Let the party begin, so glad I won´t be here.
  15. My experience it is all about keeping it clean. In a place like Chiang Mai now, you should probably have it professionally cleaned every month. Add, if your unit is not sufficiently sized for the space, performance will seem poor. So, have a size plus for the space and keep it cleaned should be no problems.
  16. The best thing about those dolls is they do not talk.
  17. Hope to see him at Soi Cowboy.
  18. Feel for you hope it gets better soon.
  19. Buy a quality coverage from a reputable company. Sorry, the " wear a helmet" may protect from insurance not paying. But, it certainly will not protect your injury or life. The lids these people are using from rented bike shops are make of Styrofoam. Might as well fold a piece of paper over your head. Worthless POS.
  20. So, she spent 3 days in the hospital, had many tests (HIV test is not unusual for a person admitted to a hospital), part of her time she was in ICU, there were 466 items on the bill so for some reason they felt thorough testing and examination of her was necessary. All this for $2,000? Sounds like the bargain of the century to me doesn appear to be a rip off at all.
  21. Several airlines fly to CNX from BKK Suvarnabumi. Air Asia started in 2020. Air Asia Viet jet Bangkok air Thai smile Approx 25 direct flights total to CNX a day. Tomorrow Monday, Air Asia has 3 flights. I prefer Viet jet myself. Below are some of the flights for tomorrow.
  22. My opinion is they prefer a younger guy in shape more then Thai ladies do. Most spend a lot of money on their bodies a guy who is the opposite old, fat, and out of shape is mostly not attractive.
  23. All sounds like a terrible inflationary idea to me.
  24. If a person does not have a sex partner, masturbation before bed time seems to work well to help with sleep.
  25. You searched where? I just did a search on Abnb and about 100 places: homes, condos and villas popped up for 30,000 b a month or less. Some had pools. If you want something on the beach it may be difficult, but plenty of available units it seems. Maybe broaden ypur search filter for HH.
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