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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Just add your new account to your Bangkok bank account for the online transfer.
  2. Back again, there are way too many bars in Pattaya for every bar to be sustainable. A condo at Treetown? Anything would be better then Treetown but, how are people going to drive in and out of there. The traffic is horrendous now on Soi Buakhao. Or, maybe that planned Monorail system is the answer?
  3. From my recent flying experiences, it seems most airlines are cutting back post pandemic. AnA is I think is very good however, in premium economy or Bus. Class.
  4. People will be parking at the mall. There is no other significant parking close to the beach. Should be interesting how long it lasts.
  5. Open one close to where you are living is better.
  6. Several threads on this company. Yet, I do not believe I have seen one post that said they had a claim and what the result was. Seems strange I guess no none with it has gotten sick?
  7. Anchadian"s post is seems good info. 1000's use agents it certainly simplifies the process for everyone and is generally supported by immigration.
  8. No one knows if it is going to spread beyond the Prostate as it did with my father. I would invest in a biopsy to get a better indication. Good luck. Most of us older men will likely get it hope you get proper diagnosis and treatment.
  9. Not true from my expereince. Thais may pass because there are so many of them all cannot be stopped Go to the police station and from my observation, the majority of the people there paying tickets are Thais.
  10. Bring your own container.
  11. I believe it. Even if it is half many many more are coming. Western countries will be indefinitely involved in political and military conflicts people are sick of it.
  12. Have you asked him to stop or open a window? Yes, if allergic you could get sick if you ingest enough.
  13. Yes, I love watching it a short cute girl taking care of her duties. In the west, the women are mostly fat and almost 6 feet tall now. They throw them in a dishwasher and turn on the knob. Bunch of laziness.
  14. Great, hope it works. These narcissistic people making money off the country, Thai people and exploiting Thai females should be taxed at the highest levels. And, shut down their channels w/o work permits. Many of them are fake also making themselves feel important by buying subs, views, etc to make it look like they have popular channels.
  15. Were they singing in German?
  16. Downtown like in LA, usually refers to government, business, financial hubs or headquarters. But I guess downtown Pattaya is Treetown and Soi Buakhao where drunks and hookers hang out.
  17. The train is fun if you get the high end private cabin. It iss cold at night and in the morning in CM now, so have appropriate cover.
  18. Even if they end it, masks will be around probably forever. Still see many alone in their cars with one on or on the beach.
  19. Could be an infection, uneven tooth/bite, or poorly fit crown. I would say a crown could be removed and additional sculpture of the underlying tooth performed to fit a new crown.
  20. I like seeing old Falang with Thai girl at the shops. Man looking and pointing at pieces, girl shaking their head no but slowly walking toward the more expensive stuff.
  21. I have dated a few in Bangkok. Just stand at the Asoke sky walk at lunch time 100's of them. All of them had big debt/financial issues. Not just a few thousand baht, but talking millions. And, they are so into themselves narcissistic it is sickening. So, becareful what you wish for I believe some rice farm girl in Isan is a better option.
  22. I had a similar situation a few years back. I was told to go where I opened my account due to signature verification. Your home branch is closed? Hopefully, by now they have linked accounts and can verify you at any branch. Be ready to fill out half a dozen forms and probably sign your name 10 times. I wonder what they do with all that paper.
  23. Depending on who is the owner and buyer. Thais seem to not like used cars something about they believe have all been crashed and no good. Some dealers will buy used cars but they give you practically nothing. Check out some of the online sites like Baht Sold or others.
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