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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I think naive do not beleive it. The whole world it seems wants to come here it is packed now. If staying loing time, I would buy a condo now and find a girl before they are all taken. Seriously.
  2. Sign up for a free trial of some online providers.
  3. Bangkok bank asks for mine all the time for what seems simple transactions.
  4. The Chinese will be buying and driving up prices there later this year. You wait, they love CM and will figure out ways to do it. Also, I would buy a condo now if looking as they are salivating get here and buy up condos big time sick of the suppressed way of life in China A real estate boom I bet is just around the corner.
  5. Damaged how? I bet many would gladly pay for that service.
  6. Seems over the past several weeks there have been nunmerous Chinese criminals identified. A little concerning as they really have not started to come in significant numbers, which should occur next month. Should be interesting to see how many more of this element lands here and what crimes they may be involved in.
  7. They like to take their time to make sure it is done correctly.
  8. The area is decent, but quiet? Walk out on your balcony any day from some of the nicer condos all day and hear the loud Crack, Crack, Crack of firecrackers from the Buddha. Seems to happen every 30 minutes. Would annoy the H out of me if I lived there. Add, the place has definitely been discovered seems overrun at this point.
  9. 10's of millions more coming the new normal.
  10. Believe what you want. After visiting 3 major tourist spots during the listed dates, my observations were there were more people then 2019. Traffic and crowds everywhere more then I have seen in 10 years.
  11. Chiang mai is full of the filthy stinky ones. They should all be banned immediately.
  12. Everyone complains and says they are not doing their job well, now they are. So, be legal or pay seems fairly simple.
  13. I was charged 750 b for a 2 b bandage one time. Make sure you ask before hand guess you can walk out bleeding if you want.
  14. There was an unwritten limit a few years back of 6 in one year. They would usually flag you in the computer and tell you to get a tourist Visa.
  15. Very true and factually correct. My best example is the U.S. open course in San Diego Torrey Pines. A resident senior pays $47 to play there. A non resident $223. Even if you live in a neighboring County and drive to play you pay the $223. Happens in many places.
  16. I live in Pattaya and have not gone to WS for 5 years. Not the cost, just burnout and lack of interest in the particular venues. Gogos and discos don't interest me. I do visit Soi 6 and other parts of town (not soi Buakhao/ Treetown) for fun and female company. No problem with Beach Road met some nice ladies there over the years and the Darkside also has some good spots.
  17. From my experience here: Ask an American about British, they really have no opinion and don't care. Ask a British about American and they will have mostly strong negative opinions and rants. So, who is obsessed with who?
  18. Yes. Price can depend on storage and capacity of unit. I have had mine for 4 years. Update every 6 months. Works great love it movies, TV series, etc.
  19. The tax laws for stock sale losses are not friendly. $3,000 a year is so low for all your sold stocks at a loss. You can carry over the losses to future years but if I sold certain stocks now, I would be dead before I got full advantage of the write offs.
  20. Comon in, look forward to seeing you here.
  21. Been to just about all those places and I agree Thailand in the top ten. Low cost of living for sure but where else can an older man date girls 30 years+ younger then them? Rare if unattainable in western countries.
  22. I bet this will hurt nothing. There is no date requirement on the vaccines. Over 85% of Chinese have been vaccinated with Sinovac or similar China vaccines. Most of these were probably well over a year ago maybe 2 years, but they can still come here no problem. The airlines are responsible for all this prior to boarding there apparently will not be Thai authorities at the airport here checking anything. The whole scenario sounds very loose to me, I doubt very few will cancel at all.
  23. Good for you for wanting the best for your child. Take a look at Regents International School. It can run up to 20k USD per year. I agree it would be better to send them to a home country school. Seems very expensive here for what may not be a top notch education.
  24. Finding a gf is easy. Literally in Bangkok or Pattaya you can find one in a day. But, finding one that you can communicate with, have a meaningful conversation and who asks you questions and seems interested in your life is more difficult. Seems extremely desperate and shallow to me when I see some using Google translate to communicate.
  25. Thais avoid used cars if that means anything. You are in Bangkok I guess you need it for travel? I would consider renting or a long term lease. There are several places in Bangkok that have reliable cars (new and used) that rent for long terms that include first clas insurance and repairs, 24 hour road service, etc.
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