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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Good news actually. Most of us older Falang will probably be safe with out filthy low functioning kidneys and fatty deteriorating livers. Who would want them?
  2. Maybe a couple of taser shots and a beat down would be a good lesson for him.
  3. In an emergency, you might need it. I have taken several trips recently within a few hours of where I live and stayed in hotels just presenting my Thai drivers license, never had an issue.
  4. Good job you rented. You never know what neighbor, bar, music venue will come along and ruin your life. Move on and find a better place.
  5. Pattaya transfer has a private car rate from UTP to Pattaya 899 b should take less then 45 minutes including tolls. Number: +66993936644 Although available at arrival at UTP, I would never take the cheap mini bus again. I think it is around 200 b. Full of people with garlic pizza breathe and dinging phones stop all over the place it took me almost 2 hours one time to reach my room.
  6. DIscussing TF and dates on TF should not be a violation of anything as long as specific elements are not discussed Pattaya is 98% looking for fun not a bf or relationship. Bangkok is about 70-30. I have dated several nice ladies from TF in Bangkok. If you search the rest of the cities listed many more are looking for a relationship then in Pattaya. I was just in Hua Hin and had 2 nice dates left it at that. I am finding it busy and is harder to get messages to and from them. Several of the more popular girls get 100ś of messages a day. And, the ones who do respond more then not show up much heavier then their photos on TF. It is another way to meet girls, but I am finding it too time consuming most days. Other options available now just seem quicker and easier.
  7. Sure. Wear it on Walling street and go into some of the Russian clubs. Dejavu has karaoke maybe sing a song.
  8. It all seems more then normal, especially later. The city is jammed and I bet the low season is not low at all. With some lowering of prices during that time more people will be coming. On one hand it is great for the city and businesses. On the other, the place is a zoo traffic and people everywhere. To add, it sure seems there are some angry people coming. Maybe letting off some steam from the past few years, but creating confrontations for no apparent reason is not good.
  9. Many therapists recommend porn for people struggling with sexual relationships. Many western women from my experience want to control everything and seem happier if they never had sex. So so glad I am in Asia.
  10. 9 days of craziness it appears 12 to 20.
  11. Right, but many people now cannot afford a place with enough room to put all that stuff.
  12. From my experience 50,000 b in Pattaya is at the about right for a good Dentist who knows what he is doing.
  13. Agents are good here an all around win for everyone. Make sure if you use one to get the proper immigration receipts showing that you paid for the extension, multiple entry, etc.
  14. Something not mentioned that I could see, they are also taking lot of Thai girls. Many more then I saw before. Russian males young and older in the malls, beaches, etc. with Thai girl.
  15. Most of the people I know reaching 70 are going uninsured now. Lots more questions it seems being asked as the companies want to deep dive into pre-existing. But, it seems really ridiculous something like if you take cholesterol meds they will not cover you for any future heart related issues. Or, having skin cancer and being told you would not be covered for any type of cancer in your entire body. I just hope those who claim self insured are not naive about what will be needed in a major occurrence. 100,00 b is not going to cut it. It you have 2 to 3 million set aside it probably would be a good start.
  16. This will be a breakout year it will be packed with worldwide arrivals with airports jammed traffic everywhere. I personally will be leaving the country prior as I hate everything about it. If I was here I would rent a small farm in the middle of nowhere for a few weeks.
  17. I rarely go anymore but when I do, I have to have a five minute conversation of what I don´t want them to do. No pushing on my vertibrae or standing on my back. No tweeking my neck No jerking my achilles No pushing down on my feet with both their hands causing tendons to stretch No pulling on my arms or legs Jeez, several more just many things too old and too many surguries I guess
  18. Sorry, no. The number one very dangerous violation I see is tail gating at high speeds. Traveling at 120kph and 3 feet off the person in front rear bumper is common. They have no training or concept of speed, reaction time, braking, skids, etc. Add , the dodging in and out of cars at very high speeds super dangerous. I suggest anyone who doubts this drive the route 7 to and from Bangkok a few times and see for yourself.
  19. Hard to believe for some people, but many of these girls make more then you. A UK pension is about 35,000 b a month? I bet the many of these girls make more several I know make more then 100,000 b a month. My point is they have money to pay into some sort of system to help them. I think it would be foolish for the government to just give them benefits without the women participating in the costs.
  20. It said Songran tax? It would not surprise me with all the drunks, powder, water, and carnage that may go with it. Possibly a clean up fee.
  21. Those numbers seemed to have jumped very quickly. I would retest the blood first maybe try another clinic. On the fatty liver; it is fairly common for older folks to have this even with a decent lifestyle. Just follow the suggestions on diet etc.
  22. PI have gone several times before and just recently. It has deteriorated greatly I think now it is by far the worst place in Asia would not live there for free. At least Thailand seems to be trying infrastructure improvements and many on going projects. Bangkok is nirvana compared to Manila what a dump Anyway, I am here mostly for the cost of living, golf and women. Don't like old saggy bad attitude stinky western women who rarely take showers. There are some sacrifices in Thailand, but minimal compared the the purgatory wokeness in the west now. The air is bad here that is probably the biggest negative everything else is above tolerable for me.
  23. Many people like it. I thought it was boring only watched 2.
  24. $70 bucks lost. Take one less night out and forget about it. Easy to find another place.
  25. Luther was fantastic just finished it.
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