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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. I have an extra pitching wedge not for golf, but as defense when I walk incase they attack.
  2. It does not seem it is a good thing to have so many holidays as it can create lack of work productivity and debt. Two things Thailand does not need more of.
  3. I don't think most even moderate drinkers will try to say it is good for you. Most heavier drinkers I know are always trying to quite, but it is obviously very difficult and addicting. I can't see though how having a couple of beers twice a week is harmful.
  4. If you check the various sites now including Airbnb, there are plenty of short term rentals available. I know The Base where I use to live is very popular for this a couple of years back, 100ś of people a day were checking in and checking out only staying a few days. Many of these were owned by Chinese I know a lady who bought 10 rooms for this purpose. A local agent would meet the people at the entrance and give them keys to enter past security. The management facilitated it as they seem to do as several properties. There does not seem to be much if any regulation or enforcement of this. In reality, they are violating several laws. FIrst, I do not believe they are properly reporting the guests to immigration and some sort of hotel type tax should be paid, income tax paid, not to mention the illegal less then 30 day law violation. It can be very disrupting for full time residents which is one reason I left The Base. People obviously rent their places out in this manner, just seems very risky if and when there is some sort of crack down.
  5. Haha, seems a naive post. Twice as much in Pattaya? In fact, it may be just the opposite. Why don't you take some photos of the "meal" with price compariosons to prove your claim.
  6. Allergies, bad air smoke, exhaust fumes and possibly food issues. I was recently back in my home country and felt great for 3 weeks. Even my skin seemed clearer. Back here have similar symptoms as the OP and my skin has some breakouts, spots, etc.
  7. Maybe they lose face if you pass them. 555
  8. I bet it is mostly people on their phones not driving straight.
  9. 1/4 drunk driving that is extremely high. And, over 80% on motorbikes which seems to be about what Thailand averages. I think I will try and stay off the mb for the next several days.
  10. I have lent several Thais money one 300,000 b and fortunately, I got all of it back. None were in the entertainment industry.
  11. Sorry to disagree but I do not see it. I come in on the 107 it is like playing dodge ball with cars backed up, cutting in and out and stopping everywhere. The least of the drivers concern seem to be m/b. The malls are packed now and center city is a good place to avoid backs ups all around. Then the police stops during peak traffic time. Outside of Bangkok, this may currently be the most congested dangerous place I have ever ridden a mototbike.
  12. Yes, I am here now and see it all. And, they love it so much when they come it will be almost unliveable just hordes of people and traffic everywhere. WIth the demand prices will also rise I bet much more then people expect. Getting around or even into the city will become a major ordeal none of it good for residents here. Just about everyone wanted things to be open, so here we go.
  13. It will be 3 years almost to the day that the Chinese come with Covid. Remember? After 2 months everything was shut down. Should be interesting what happens this time.
  14. The odds say they will bring it in and their entry will cause the death of some Thais. But, the money will be good.
  15. You were not unlucky, just with a girl who didn't tell you. But, in many cases after they will lie and say " oh, no period you just too big and make me bleed".
  16. Most of the time I don't even ask their names so would have nothing to remember.
  17. Every dealership can have different requirements. You need to go contact them and find out.
  18. Yeah, it is because the cops have little influence over the problem. The problem is the culture, lack of education/training and poor engineering of the roadways. But, a person needs to actually drive here to witness the issues, which are way beyond a cop writing a ticket.
  19. Many want to escape China purgatory. Thailand is their number one destination. They will come soon by the millions a share of them sick and infected. Should be interesting over the next several months to see what happens.
  20. In 1962 they were warning about nuclear war. Climate issues have been in the news for over 40 years. Nothing will change much in 2023, but expect prices on just about everything to increase.
  21. I will be staying in also I wonder if I bring some chips and dip to his house if he will let me hang out with him.
  22. One reason I never ride my M/B at night. I have been snagged about 6 times by low wires lucky I have not been decapitated.
  23. I have used in agent in Pattaya and always gotten my passport back with stamp the next day. One reason you are paying is for the quicker service. I guess you could go into the immigration office and calmly explain the situation just be careful about what you say. If you get angry and yell out about how much you paid and where is my passport, could create and issue.
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