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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Love to hear the boy friend kicks his ass good.
  2. Look you claiming they, as in not MAGA, want to kill him. No need to as he will lose and never darken our door again.
  3. "Depressed, disgusted and horrified": These lifelong Republicans say they're finally done with Trump https://www.yahoo.com/news/depressed-disgusted-horrified-lifelong-republicans-160735286.html So sad even more of the Republicans eating thier own.
  4. Another example of how Trump rarely unifies people. The major plays in his playbook always fall back on spite and division. That is why he was bad at being a President. At a certain point, a President has to try to bring sides together if they expect to govern successfully. Sometimes these overtures don't work, but a President has to try to bring the other side to some type of compromise. With Trump, it's always a game of brinkmanship with a dash of divide & conquer strategy thrown in for a good measure.
  5. US Secret Service aware of Musk’s deleted tweet about absence of assassination attempts on Biden and Harris https://www.yahoo.com/news/musk-under-secret-investigation-141718152.html
  6. Trump has never seen a TV camera he could walk away from.
  7. Accountability has never, ever been used in the same sentence as Trump
  8. Truth has alluded you long time ago
  9. Not Amarican! I am willing to bet he is Russian Why would somebody hate this much elsewise?
  10. Wake up This was a world wide tilt from Russia's war Dumb MAGA
  11. I feel as long as Trump stays the course he will find a shooter with aim. Only a matter of time. Sorry but a change is needed by Trump to stop all this hate.
  12. Former Trump aide: ‘You’re going to get the Laura Loomers of the world’ in second administration https://www.yahoo.com/news/former-trump-aide-going-laura-135552457.html
  13. Check to see who has the location of another assassin!
  14. Disstain for any politician. Feeling like they will not ever get ahead. Government only takes from them. The real time projections for people feeling like someone else is getting some, while they are left out This and the way Hillary was deamonized was a huge wave of dispair. Trump took this antiness and bread it to MAGA cult
  15. Started out sounding like Republican then like always the truth is revealed. Competing with the susans, the cream of the MAGA crap
  16. Blame that old fashioned Greed Look at what a true cost here in Thailand Everyone taking a share so the cost is no where equal the value 50 years of purchasing mgt and I know a rip off when it is that clear
  17. 2024 presidential election odds: Harris leads over Trump after assassination attempt foiled https://www.yahoo.com/news/2024-presidential-election-odds-harris-213616967.html
  18. Ironically for myself she change my attitude and I became a fan of Country Music
  19. “I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos,” Swift said. Turning away voters proposed in this forum https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/kamala-harris-taylor-swift-press-release-trump-b2613409.html
  20. You MAGA take this too a new found twilight zone Democrates are not killing Trump. Republicans can do all by themselves
  21. MAGA Not going to happen. Swift has Trump headed to the diaper changing room
  22. Correction True triggered lol Who is Bettina Anderson? Meet the 37-year-old Palm Beach socialite 'seen kissing' Donald Trump Jr. https://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelabramwell/first-time-voters-share-who-they-plan-to-vote-for
  23. oops TBL looks so silly while backing Elton/Trump
  24. Top Ohio newspaper runs letter to editor saying Trump brought assassination attempts on himself What goes around comes around. Complements of Fox Opinion https://www.foxnews.com/media/top-ohio-newspaper-runs-letter-editor-saying-trump-brought-assassination-attempts-himself https://www.mediaite.com/tv/foxs-neil-cavuto-reminds-viewers-trump-uses-extreme-rhetoric-to-attack-political-opponents-he-should-be-careful-with-this/ Fox’s Neil Cavuto Reminds Viewers Trump Uses ‘Extreme Rhetoric’ to Attack Political Opponents: He ‘Should Be Careful with This’
  25. Elon Musk Deletes Deranged Post About Assassinating Kamala Harris https://futurism.com/elon-musk-deletes-assassination-tweet
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