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Posts posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. 4 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    Maybe it's really 'just me' but I find nothing in the slightest bit funny about people getting sick, developing fatal pneumonia, drowning in their own flem, or organ failure and dying a frightening death. 

    Nobody is laughing at people getting sick, developing fatal pneumonia, drowning in their own flem, or organ failure and dying a frightening death. 

    They are laughing at the fake time-line. 


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  2. 2 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    There was guy on the TV yesterday.....corruption expert......he was asked where is the most corrupt place?........Nigeria?.......Cayman Islands? .......Panama?...... He laughed!....... No....... London is by far and away the most corrupt place on Earth....everywhere else pales into insignificance

    he was so right. But it is beginning to show with the ex-PM 'lobbying' current ministers for favours so that he can line his own pockets.

    With regard to the London property market  ...... last year there as a full page (maybe only half a page) avert in the Bangkok Post for flats near the Law Courts and Kings' College (London). As an ex-research at Kings, I know that nobody there could afford the Million Pound starting prices.  Clearly aimed at rich Thai and Chinese buyers. I expect they are snapped up and remain empty  and used solely as an inverstment to be sold at a great profit in a few years time.  I would bet that they are sold to other Chinese/Thai invertors in secret deals with avoid any Stamp Duty (10% ?) going to the Uk Treasury.




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  3. 21 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

    I understand the reluctance, just look at Vancouver Canada, USA, Australia (and many other places.). The Chinese bought up as much as was available and now citizens can not afford to buy land or home. If foreigners were allowed to buy land Thailand would join Laos and Cambodia as provinces of China. Then locals must rent from a Chinese landlord at inflated prices.

    back in the 1970s I rented a house in Chiang Mai from a Chinese man. Everybody called him Khun Chin ......      and many poeple in government jobs read the daily newspaper in Chinese.  Up in the mountains near Chiang Rai there was an enormous area contolled by KMT  (KuMinTang - Nationalist Army which escaped the commuists by moving south and ended up in Thailand) waiting to invade and liberate China, with ChangKhiChek opening a second front in the east.  in about '74 or '75  it was no longer fashionable to outwardly show such strong Chinese origins.  

  4. On 4/17/2021 at 6:52 AM, SoilSpoil said:

    Just wait a while, it's inevitable that foreigners will be able to buy land. Too many families have accumulated too much house hold debt debt, with NPL numbers soaring. Who or what will bail them out, Thailand firmly stuck in the middle income trap and dwindling FDI numbers? It's either QE or relaxing foreign property laws. 

    National Poker League  ?    Federal Departmnent of Investigation  ?    Queen Elizabeth  ?

  5. 3 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Will that not affect the unelected "PMs" bank account in some way? Ask yourself why the Baht has fallen from about 55 Bt to 43Bt since he bullied his way in to power in 2014.


    3 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Will that not affect the unelected "PMs" bank account in some way? Ask yourself why the Baht has fallen from about 55 Bt to 43Bt since he bullied his way in to power in 2014.

    I think you mean that it's the US Dollar which has been falling


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  6. 11 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Does this mean a pipeline across or using tanker trucks doesn't seem feasible. 


    The scheme, which is being called the Chumphon–Ranong land bridge, is particularly aimed at oil shipments from the Gulf to China, Japan and South Korea, according to Mr Saksayam.

    So there will be an oil pipeline along the land bridge with plenty of opportunity for massive environmental damage to the marine environment on both side when the inevitable accidents occur.  I wrote at length about the stupidity of this plan when it surfaced last year.


    Are the potential kick-backs from having a road/rail/pipeline route  greater than those from building a conal  ?

  7. 9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    i couldn't find it either, probably optimistic news planning for the future, if tourism ever returns to Thailand.


    This was the closest I could find


    The article is written as though you could take a cruise from the Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Thailand  at Nakhon Si Thammarat. Unless you sail town the Mallaca Straits and round 'Pore and then up north, you ain't going to do it.  This just underlines the importance of having a canal across the peninsula - so crack on and do it.  Then this article could have some meaning.

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  8. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    Hundreds of sea urchins wash ashore Patong Beach

    By Eakkapop Thongtub



    Hundreds of sea urchins lined Patong Beach yesterday (Mar 2). photo: Patong Lifeguards


    PHUKET: Marine life experts are trying to figure out what caused many hundreds of red sea urchins to wash ashore Patong Beach yesterday (Mar 2).


    Lifeguards and members of Patong Baywatch discovered the phenomenon after arriving at the beach to begin their patrols yesterday morning.


    The phenomenon has inspired locals to turn out in droves to see the red spectacle stretching hundreds of metres along the beach, with some people alarmed by what may have caused it.


    Full story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/hundreds-of-sea-urchins-wash-ashore-patong-beach-79223.php



    -- © Copyright Phuket News 2021-03-04


    Does anyone have close up photos so they  they can be identified ?  Please psot them is you have any.


    These mass-killing were usually attributed to storms out at sea - especially if the weather at the beach had been normal.  Increasingly that seen to be due to algal blooms (when the sea is full of tint algae)  killing them off.


  9. 1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

    Actually, the 19 century French explorer Henry Mouhot relates in his diaries how in Thailand it was common that travellers staying overnight were offered the hosts wife if he had none of his own.

    I missed that little gem !  Must go and read his travalogue again to see where it was happening.  Does this happen in Home Stay holiday places ?

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  10. 3 hours ago, vogie said:

    In all fairness I think that Ursula von Leyens actions have just showed the lack of consideration for the people living in N & S of Ireland. The damage she has done is totally unrepairable knowing that she can just flick a switch and put peoples lives in danger. 

    Do they really need an extension, I would suggest not, we cannot live under the threat of the EU using NI as a pawn when it suits them. She has angered both sides of the border now with her thoughtlessness.



  11. 20 hours ago, webfact said:

    Rare giant vulture lays first egg in 25 years at Nakhon Ratchasima zoo




    Officials at the zoo in Thailand’s northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima are excited that an endangered giant vulture at the zoo has laid the first viable egg in the country for 25 years. They are hoping that it will be fertile and hatch into a vulture chick.


    Mr. Narongwit Chodchoi, the acting director of the zoo, told Thai PBS on Tuesday that the egg, which was laid on January 31st, is now being kept in an incubator and is being watched over closely by vets.


    A formal press conference about the good news is scheduled for Friday.


    Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/rare-giant-vulture-lays-first-egg-in-25-years-at-nakhon-ratchasima-zoo/




    They are hoping that it will be fertile and hatch into a  chicken or duck orsomethig else thiat is edible.

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