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Everything posted by ericthai

  1. Go back to Honda, it sounds as if they didnt rest the change oil light.
  2. Some studies show lower opioid use where Marijuana has been legalized. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/places-with-legal-marijuana-issue-fewer-opioid-prescriptions-large-studies-find https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/04/02/598787768/opioid-use-lower-in-states-that-eased-marijuana-laws https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190807092350.htm https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/huge-study-reveals-cannabis-provides-similar-pain-relief-benefits-as-opioids-without-negative-consequences/ar-AA1mLc2M
  3. I guess so... Should've had a better girlfriend at the time to take me to the correct market.
  4. 25 yr ago in Thailand?? I've been in Thailand this long and never saw weed in fresh markets in Thailand. Cambodia yes, Thailand no.. I always had to find a guy in Thailand.... you could find Kratom in fresh markets in Thailand back then.
  5. please tell me when you could've trusted the Thai legal system?
  6. you sure it was millions? Must have been a big bag. We pay our workers in cash, it's about 800,000 per pay period and it's a big bundle.
  7. there is no 150 day rule....getting a tourist visa will help.
  8. yes you're right, please use the correct saying "pushing maximum density"
  9. you're in Thailand and he's a delivery guy that doesn't deal with tourists on a normal basis, so why would he need to know English? Do you expect people in the USA to speak Thai when Thai's visit the USA? you say you're a valuable tourist then talking about working.. so which is it?
  10. you still dont understand how Thailand works.. It doesn't matter what the people want or the military. There is one very high person that decides all. Thaksin was pushed out because he was pushing the limits and someone didn't like that. Do you really think the Military will preform a coup without the highest approval?
  11. you just figuring that out?
  12. what?? 600,000 people a day?? Typical Thai reporting, just make things up..
  13. always the same comment from you....very sad.
  14. you are one sad guy, all your posts are so negative towards Thailand. If you dont like in Thailand, why are you here.
  15. well. That was four years ago. Things have changed. I opened a bank account on a tourist visa with no issues, but that was 20 years ago. That cant be done now!
  16. ericthai


    yeah, but this is Thailand where even the police rarely do their job. You really believe the bars will follow these rules??
  17. well....when you leave Thailand you go through immigration.
  18. @Sheryl Have you heard anything about a new procedure where they user crisper to change the DNA to lower cholesterol? if so, your thoughts about this? My Cholesterol is under control with taking atorvastatin 20mg, but would like to stop taking this if possible.
  19. Supply and demand control the price of oil, not the president of the USA.
  20. actually the US has increased production in the past few years and produces just a little under what both Russia and Saudi Arabia produce together. The USA produces a little over 21 million BPD Saudi a little over 12 million BPD Russia a little over 10 million BPD But what does this have to do with Marko prices in Thailand?
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