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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Its called 'All on 4'. or 5 or 6 They take out all your teeth, insert 4, 5 or 6 implant posts then affix a full row of teeth to the posts. Google All on 4 Bangkok or check these links https://bangkokdentalcenter.com/dental-services/dental-implants/all-on-4/ https://www.bfcdental.com/en/treatments/all-on-4/
  2. I also knew about it a long time before they announced it.
  3. All the Russians I've met have been and I've heard the same from friends of mine.
  4. This might be her https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-dierstein/ https://www.daidalos-fra.eu/our-team
  5. I hate cold pools. The only time I use mine is in the summer and only after the sun has warmed up the water to shower levels of heat.
  6. Well that probably precludes about 90% of the old blokes I see in Bangkok 😂 Cargo shorts and sandals does NOT equal well dressed.
  7. My point was that they should criminalize alcohol consumption instead of cannabis , as alcohol seems more dangerous . Got it ? So why did your comment make no mention of alcohol? All you said was "Yeah , time to re-criminalize cannabis" I agree, they should do more to stop people drinking to excess. Through financial education would probably be the best option, starting when kids are very young.
  8. There are free public restrooms on the ground floor of Nana Plaza.
  9. There are public toilets within 30 secs of his location, there are bars with toilets within about the same distance. Maybe a bit longer if the fat toad can't walk at normal person speed. I sincerely hope he is found and publicly shamed in the global media.
  10. Ban religion. Educate kids so they understand that religion is outdated and no longer needed. Make it an offence for parents, who are already brainwashed to believe the religious nonsense, to brainwash their kids. This would break the cycle of belief in these ancient stories.
  11. I was a paid male companion for ladies for a while, more commonly called a male escort. I would escort wealthy, older (than me, not always old) ladies to dinners, operas, plays, concerts, museums etc and of course provide sexual services if asked. They didn't always want sex, in fact as most of them were married I was often just providing them with male company. However, when they did want sex, my job was to pleasure them and not to think about my own pleasure at all. This means no penetration at all, unless they were absolutely begging for it. Which of course did happen. A lot of the time I didn't even take off my suit trousers, or even my shoes! I used fingers, tongue and toys to give them as many orgasms as they needed. The problem I hear from female friends is that most men seem to think sex is just for the man to orgasm and they don't really put in enough effort for the woman. Try keeping your dick in your pants, until she has an orgasm, then ask her if you can enter and have your turn. Your job when having sex is to ensure the other person's pleasure, not your own. Your pleasure is her job and if you do your job well then she'll hopefully do hers well. Think like a chef, the enjoyment is seeing the person love the meal you cooked, not eating it yourself.
  12. I also have two savings accounts with KBank, both at the same branch in Bangkok. Its handy having 2 ATM cards although I don't carry either (I use the phone for cardless cash withdrawals or QR code payments). The cards are a backup in case my phone breaks and the second card is in case I leave on in a machine and getting a new card is inconvenient.
  13. It's so easy to for most people to lose weight and even easier for them to have not put it on in the first place. Except most people are not willing to make the required sacrifices. If you tell fat people that if they never eat another pizza, or burger, never drinking another can of coke or eat another slice of cake they will lose the weight; or they can keep eating those things but they will stay fat and probably get fatter..... you would think that 100% of them would choose to never eat those things but for some reason people seem to prefer a little pleasure even if they will look repulsive. Society should be doing a lot more to discourage fat people. But instead we have the utter nonsense of people not wanting to hurt fat people feelings.
  14. Have you felt under the toilet for the screw attachments that fit those (rusty) bolts? They will be made of plastic and designed to be tightened or un-tightened with just fingers. And yes if the seat broke you are most likely too fat.
  15. Singaporeans and Permanent Residents of Singapore must have a valid entry levy to enter the casinos in Singapore. I see no issue with Thailand doing the same, for Thais. Don't allow them in unless they are rich and have paid for an entry pass. The purpose of the Casinos is to have another thing that might bring tourists. Macau and Singapore have done well from their casinos (my Brother in Law is a civil engineer and was one of the top guys on the Marina Bay Sand project, Sands Macau, Venetian Macau, City of Dreams Macau, Hard Rock Macau as well as a project in Vladivostock. My family had property and businesses in Macau since the 80's. So we saw first hand the benefits of the casinos there.
  16. Have you determined if your ulcers are caused by bacteria or another cause.
  17. And yet despite all that humans keep living longer. I'll worry when live expectancy drops to 30.
  18. Please provide a valid source for this nonsense.
  19. You must go to some classy places.
  20. You must go to some classy places.
  21. Yes you can. Pay Cash on delivery.
  22. Why don't you use cardless withdrawals? I haven't carried or used a physical ATM card for a couple of years.
  23. It was Nov 2023. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/11/05/russian-driver-crashes-with-a-motorbike-killing-2-foreigners-in-phuket/
  24. I've neverr been sick enough to have got ten.
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