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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. What? That thousands of decent Russians would come here with their families, put their kids into expensive international schools, rent nice apartments and villa, inject money into the Thai economy and not cause any problems? How many times have we heard of people of other nationalities causing problems? Are you suggesting they throw out everyone of any nationality just because someone from that group does something wrong? How are Russians or indeed any nationality to blame for ONE Swiss guy who got angry because idiots kept wandering into his garden? Yes he lost his temper and shouted at the women to F off. In his situation I probably would have done the same. There should have been a fence or wall and a gate to stop people wandering into the garden, or better yet people should use their brains and realise it was the garden belonging to the villa. If I had groups of Chinese tourists coming into my garden for a nose around, I'd be livid as well. And don't forget he was RENTING. He no doubt assumed the steps at the bottom of the garden he was renting were on his property. Turns out the steps were not on his property.... so is the rich Thai owner of the villa going to get into trouble for building the steps on public land? Why are the steps and where they were built the fault of the Swiss bloke?
  2. It's totally walkable and also easy to cycle in.
  3. Definitely some unhinged people out there.
  4. How do you manage to get through books? or are you just not very well read?
  5. Either they were not very good friends or you are not. I don't block friends even if they are antivaxxers, believe in god, thing the world is flat etc It gets harder to make new friends as you get older, so why would anyone block a friend for posting everyday trivial. I actually like knowing what my overseas friends are doing in the day to day lives, we used to see each other maybe everyday and now some of them I haven't seen in almost 40 years, but we've staying in contact and stayed friends.
  6. Maybe the guy uses the bag for other things than just flying to Phuket and he didn't check carefully enough that it was empty before packing for his trip. Very easy for a single shotgun shell to be hidden in one of the internal pockets and be missed.
  7. Ladyboys will go with anyone, they don't care if the person is an ugly old, fat farang.
  8. What a daft thing to say. Did he want the person to eat his balls?
  9. You like folk from a better background.................😋 Huh? What is so hard to believe about wanting to mix with people who grew up more like I did and not with people who were less well off?
  10. What do you mean? 90% of my friends are Westerners. I have a few Thai friends and a few HK Chinese but not that many.
  11. You don't sell bitcoin. Unless you are a trader buying low and selling high so you can buy back in on the pullback to acquire more BTC.
  12. Except without being able to have good discussion with your partner how can you even begin to think of them as your closest friend? Surely you were incredibly close friends before you got married? One of the best things about my Russian GF, aside from being slim and beautiful, is that she's very well educated and speaks perfect English. We have great conversations about all sorts of things, politics, global warming, crypto, whatever is in the news that interests us.
  13. Maybe. I'm just not a fan of the typical retired, divorced, working class blokes. I much prefer people who came from a better background.
  14. I don't know but in my 15 years here and 50 years in Asia, the type of guys who marry girls who can't speak English, tend to be working class, and usually retired. Well educated, financially well off blokes that comes here on expat packages don't usually marry uneducated women from the provinces.
  15. I hope the reason he doesn't is that he has had a huge coronary.
  16. There is only one major city in Thailand - Bangkok Where do you think the other 4 are?
  17. I wouldn't be friends with the type of Farang who would be married to a Thai that cannot speak very good English.
  18. I've lived in Bangkok for 15 years. It gets better every year. I can't wait to see what it's like in the next 15 years.
  19. Have you seen how big the battery is in an EV? There is no way anyone is taking it out and charging it in their condo unit
  20. What sort of condos do you live in? Lots of new condos in Bangkok have charging stations and plenty of the nicer, but slightly older ones are putting them in. The condo my GF lives in at True Digital Park has put several of them in all three of the carparks.
  21. So what are you even doing posting on a Thai forum about a vaguely Thai topic? Do you realise these TikTokers are doing it for the money and it can be a lot of money, if they keep posting regular content and build a decent following. It annoys me when I see old blokes getting all riled up because younger people have more opportunities to make money. You might have had to work 40 years in a factory, but that doesn't mean young people have to. My 17 year old nephew makes a decent income just streaming himself playing video games.
  22. The Police won't care. It isn't illegal to grow cannabis in Thailand.
  23. It's not the media, it's people. They click on the headlines that sounds the most salacious, most likely to confirm their existing bias or that most anger them. The masses are mostly a bunch of morons.
  24. Seems fair enough. Aside from some medical conditions there is no reason for someone to go from being slim to being fat, other than greed and laziness.
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