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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Meetup.com lots of social groups. I go to crypto meetups and tech meetups. I don't drink so I don't go to the purely social drinking meetups. I started playing Dungeons & Dragons which is fun, I've meet some nice people through that. I should perhaps point out that I generally prefer meeting and making friends with people in their 20's, 30's and 40's.
  2. I have completely quit smoking and alcohol. I very rarely eat junk food, I've not had a Pizza in about 4 years, I only eat McDonalds/KFC/etc about once every 6 months (if that). I avoid processed food as much as possible. I don't drink soft drinks or juices. Last time I drank coca-cola was more than 10 years ago. I drink one cold, black, instant coffee in the morning and one protein drink. I cook all my meals at home and eat around 400 g or more of poached chicken a day, with steamed vegetables (broccoli, edamame, mushrooms, red & yellow capsicum, carrots, garlic) I also eat cheese, eggs, mackarel or sardines, plain yoghurt. I eat a few squares of 85% or higher dark chocolate. Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds. I don't have sore knees, back pain or any of the things that I hear guys my age (and younger) complaining about. I'm 57 and 185 cm tall. My current body composition is :- Top one is BMI. I'm aiming to get my bodyfat lower, I'd like it to be sub 12% and I want my visceral fat sub 5% Just check my blood pressure and it was 101/65 I usually go to bed around 9:30-10:30 pm and I aim for around 9 hours of sleep, although I do have some prostate issues so I get up 3-4 times a night to urinate, but I fall back asleep quickly. I get up between 06:30 and 08:30 in the morning.
  3. They are called ping pong bombs but are much smaller than a ping pong ball. Wait for the part in the video where he's got them between finger and thumb.
  4. Let's ban kilts in England because its not normal for men to wear skirts. This video is a great example of how utterly moronic some of these far right white protesters are, its wonderful how the host of the radio show picks apart his arguments.
  5. Little white worms in poop could be pinworms, also known as threadworms, which are parasitic worms that live in the human large intestine. They are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and as thin as a thread, and can sometimes be seen in bowel movements or around the anus. I remember having these when I was a kid.
  6. https://help.unhcr.org/thailand/asylum/ As of December 31, 2023, 1,704 asylum seekers were registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in urban Thailand. After registering, UNHCR staff will contact the applicant to explain the process and gather more information. The applicant will then be scheduled for a Refugee Status Determination (RSD) interview, where UNHCR staff will assess whether they meet the criteria to be recognized as a refugee. Following the interview, the applicant will receive information about next steps. Asylum seekers in Thailand lack legal status and may face arrest and detention. They also do not have the right to work or access essential services on the same level as Thai citizens. For most urban refugees in Thailand, resettlement to a third country is the only long-term solution, but this process can take years. There are a lot of migrant workers (mostly from Myanmar), some of whom are legal, but many illegal ones.
  7. I went to Chulalongkorn Hospital last Tuesday for a checkup. The nurses spoke excellent English (although there was one when I first arrived who's English wasn't so good), I saw two doctors, one female and one male, both spoke very good English. The male doctor's English was absolutely fluent and perfect (almost like talking to a native English speaker). I had an ECG, chest x-ray, blood tests and 2 consultations with the male doctor. Apparently I'm in excellent shape. Total cost 1380 THB
  8. Unemployment in the UK is caused by a shift in the global economy. No government in the UK can magically change the fact that its cheaper to manufacture goods in China or that it's cheaper to source services from other countries. Short of making it illegal for British businessmen to start businesses that source overseas products or resources there isn't much that can be done. There are just too many people in lower income countries who will work for less, and often these people are better educated.
  9. I detest anyone who doesn't follow the rule of law. In a civil society there should be no need for a police force at all, except that even when things are good and peaceful there are always those people who can't control their emotions and think that fighting or violence is the only way to get their point across. The best way to resolve any conflict or problem is through rational debate, with calm discussion. Only ignorant people resort to shouting, throwing things and rioting. Therein lies the problem. Too many people who've been raised without being taught that you respect the law and the people who are there to help you by enforcing those laws. The Police are there to protect everyone and to protect everyone's property and rights.
  10. I think you mean't to say "he carries the virus and infects others if NOT using protection, which is how it was contracted from someone else" Genital warts are very common. According to a 2017 study, 42.5% of adults aged 18–59 in the United States had any genital HPV, and 22.7% had high-risk genital HPV. The study also found that 45% of men in the same age group had active genital HPV infections, compared to 27% of women aged 14–59. And Herpes infections are also very common. Fifty to 80 percent of American adults have oral herpes (HSV-1), which causes cold sores or fever blisters in or around the mouth. Genital herpes, caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2, affects one out of every six people in the U.S. age 14 to 49.
  11. All three of my covid vaccines were free, as were the three each that my non Thai GF and her non Thai daughter had.
  12. I can't vote for who becomes the next President of the US of A. But I can have an opinion on it. The President should be someone who is well spoken, well educated, and a good person. I'd prefer they were an Atheist as I think anyone who believes in religion has limited capacity for logical thinking. Trump is a horrible person, he's nothing more than an carnival barker pandering to the low classes who are too stupid to realise he's lying to them just to line his own pockets. He might be rich (that is actually debatable), but he's incredibly low class or at least does a good job of acting like a low class oik. I doubt he'll get in this time, but there are a lot of dumb Americans who might prove me wrong. I actually feel sorry for these people, they will be even worse off after another Trump Presidency than they are now.
  13. What if she wants more than just the food you have in the house or she wants more clothes? How does she buy herself a new phone? new laptop? What does she do for money if she wants to go out with her friends for dinner?
  14. I've been using the small camping burners for the past 16 years. I have two of them although I rarely need to use both. } The gas canisters are easy to buy and they last about a month, cooking every day. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/lugond-i4670136696-s19226237294.html
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 58 seconds  
  16. He'll have genital warts appearing soon I expect. OP, I hope you've been for a full STD panel.
  17. I lived in HK from 6 years old until I was headhunted to Bangkok at 41. As a former Hong Kong expat I was really disappointed by this series, it didn't really show expat life at all. Although to be fair I only watched maybe 3 or 4 episodes because it was so boring. The story had nothing to do with expat life or even Hong Kong.
  18. I bet they are genuine about wanting a foreign guy to support them.
  19. Congratulations! 4 years doesn't seem that long to me, for something that gives you so many amazing benefits. I just wish they would allow people to get citizenship without the language requirements. I'll probably be here for 40 years but I will never learn Thai. It would be nice to have citizenship rights in 3 countries (currently I have a British Passport and HK PR) so I can live, work, own property etc in two countries that I will never live in, whilst I live in a country where working is 'difficult', I can't own a business and I can't own land.
  20. Just make sure it is not shipped by Fedex or UPS as they will submit import documents for tax purposes. Regular air parcel post / speedpost / EMS is the way to go.
  21. Civilised men never start fights. Only low life scum think that violence is a solution to their problems.
  22. Have you tried Anki? https://apps.ankiweb.net/
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