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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. How many of you had mothers that worked? If she didn't then surely your father gave her monthly (housekeeping) to pay for the food, the cleaning supplies, kids clothes, her own clothes and whatever else she needed or the family needed.
  2. https://racingcalendar.net/circuit/chang-international-circuit
  3. Your expectations are too high.
  4. Those exercise bands are a great thing to have. Well done on using them.
  5. I've never understood why blind people go travelling.
  6. Just checked my account. It made me do a security check by sending an email where I had to verify it was me, but aside from that all working fine.
  7. SIng Sin Theatre https://www.instagram.com/singsingtheater.bangkok/?hl=en Levels https://www.levelsclub.com/ Maggie Choos - although it's more a bar/lounge than a club https://www.instagram.com/maggiechoos/?hl=en
  8. Processed junk that is loaded with sugar. No wonder so many farangs are fat.
  9. True Digital Park at between Punnawithi BTS and UdomSuk BTS is a good place. The new building has lots of places to sit and it's free. The upper floor at Central Embassy has a large library type area, and I sometimes go there to work in a coffee place.
  10. There are not millions of tourists flocking to the boring provinces for 60 baht brunches.
  11. An award winning filmmaker friend of mine has just released his latest film, after several years of filming. You might find it interesting https://thelastglaciers.com/
  12. Good info here https://eyewiki.aao.org/Presbyopia_Treatment
  13. You should consider NO-ONE safe until you've seen the results of a full panel STI test.
  14. According to the CDC, one in five Americans have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). However, rates of infection vary by age, sex, and state. For example, young adults between the ages of 20 and 34 have the highest rates of infection. There are 4 Viral STI, all of which are very common and incurable. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses and the most common STI, it causes genital warts and some type cause cancer in both men and women. Then there is HSV which causes Herpes which affects one out of every six people in the U.S. age 14 to 49. There is also Hepatitis B that affects the liver and can cause acute or chronic disease. And finally HIV which causes AIDS. It doesn't matter where you are sexually active, Thailand, the US, the UK, Australia.... and it doesn't matter if the person you're sleeping with looks like a slapper, or they are a nice bit of upper class totty, anyone can be carrying one or more of these viruses and if you are a normal adult whos had in excess or 100 sexual partners then chances are you've slept with someone carrying one of these or you've already contracted one of them. Which is why you should always use a condom, despite condoms making sex almost pointless for us guys
  15. I was headhunted to Bangkok for work and ended up staying here.
  16. I'd go to Bali in a flash. Way more hot young Western women there than you'll find here. Check out Youtube videos by digital nomads in Bali.... the place is crawling with hot girls!
  17. Very simple. I only date Western women. Not only is it easier to have a decent conversation with them because there is no language barrier, but they are always going to be at least middle class versus a lot of Thai girls that come from very poor families. Western women will also have many interests and knowledge of world events, they are more adventurous when it comes to food and experiences, whereas most Thai girls have zero clue about what's happening outside Thailand and many of them won't eat in restaurants if the food isn't Thai. Ask the next Thai girl you meet who Julian Assange is and what has happened to him in the last few days. I doubt many will have a clue.
  18. My understanding from the story is he paid to stay there for a period of time, then when he left he stole the key so he could return and access the room for free to get extra nights without paying. Presumably he knew the place is not busy and the room would be vacant upon his return. Quite how he checked out without handing back the key is an unanswered question.
  19. Stand in front of a mirror naked. Now imagine you are an attractive woman. Look at the man reflected in the mirror. As a woman would you have a burning to be naked with that person? Unless you can honestly answer yes, or you are very rich and can provide the woman with everything she wants financially, then it's time to accept that you are no longer attractive to women and none of them will want to kiss you.
  20. Because it's a nice place filled with people who are not poor, very few pensioners unless they are rich; and you can see plenty of nice HiSo ladies having lunch with their friends.
  21. A lot more than twice as attractive. The only bad thing about her is she married that moron Trump.
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