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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. We are currently selling a house in the UK. It's a reasonably large 4000 sq/ft Georgian mansion. The house is now empty and our insurer has told us to leave the central heating on a low setting.
  2. I can listen to all of that too, except Isaan music. I also like reggae, and heavy metal (Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, etc) Club music is about the people you are with, the hot girls, good drugs. I wouldn't put House music on to sit and relax at home. But if I'm in a club and there are some banging tunes and there are hot white girls to dance with for a few hours then I'm in heaven!
  3. Haha maybe I was remembering the times these old timers have posted links to music and movies from the 50's and claimed them to be 'better'. Or just the general attitude so many older people have that the old days were better. I recently saw a question on Facebook asking "What did the youth of the 80's have that the youth now don't have?" It has more than 14,000 answers, all stupid comments that you'd expect from people who think the past was better. I had an amazing childhood in the 80's and grew up with loads of privilege, but technology and everything else is way better now. The only thing that isn't better now is that I'm in my 50's not in my teens, 20s or 30s and I don't have the same fortune and privilege as I had when I was living off my parents.
  4. Maybe he doesn't know that he can get a re-entry permit? I presume the guy is a teacher in which case they have their midterm break coming up (my GF does). I presume he's still go a job but doesn't want to spend the whole 11 day break here in Thailand.
  5. Based on my observations of old guys in Thailand, they weren't exactly very smart to start with. They just get fatter, grumpier and fixated on how "it was better in the 50s" They also seem to lose the ability to dress well or keep themselves looking well groomed.
  6. Are you sure you're not 70? Lots of old music is great, but EDM, Techno, House and Trance are awesome!
  7. I would LOVE to actually be 17 in 2023. Instead I only feel like I'm still 17 (I can still wear the same sized clothes and can probably skateboard, snowboard, BMX, etc about as well as when I was 17). What I can't do anymore is walk into a nightclub and pick up hot young white women. I'm basically invisible to most white woman under 45 (aside from my very hot 38 year old white GF ???? so not being able to pickup younger white women isn't actually an issue, although it definitely would be be if I was single).
  8. Why is everyone assuming his job here has finished? Sounds more like he's just going on holiday for a few days. In which case just needs to get a re-entry permit so his current extension of stay (and WP) don't get cancelled.
  9. SMH. Of course you leave the heating on. If he leaves the water main on, goes away for more than 30 days and there is a flood (burst pipe) then his insurance won't pay out. That wasn't hard to understand. Upside is bigger? I think he means being able to spend the winter in Thailand is a bigger upside than the cost of leaving some heating on back home.
  10. I was living in HK from 1973 to 2008. If it could be done in HK, I've done it.
  11. Not only that but assisted suicide should be made available so *anyone* who wants to end their life can.
  12. You said he's 60. He doesn't have 50 years left. He might if he's lucky have 25 years to go.
  13. 100% agree.
  14. When the hair has grown in and they now have a lifetime of itching from shaving.
  15. No they don't. She can't do anything.
  16. Only people who are an unusual shape need custom made shirts. Typically that means fat blokes or the ones who insist they need to work out so much that they have biceps like a normal persons thigh. Maintain a normal body size and you can walk into Zara or H&M and buy shirts off the rack.
  17. I've never owned a property. Lived my whole life in Asia and aside from when I lived in houses my parents owned, I've always rented.
  18. Bangkok is the only place in Thailand I would call a city. The others are just big towns; and some (actually most) of them are boring sh*tholes (Buriram City I'm looking at you!) After going all over Thailand, I would only ever want to live in Bangkok.
  19. Well done Bob. I quit alcohol almost 3 years ago on New Years day. One of the best decisions I've ever made, just wish I'd done it at 33 instead of 53.
  20. Isn't that how all people actually living here do it? Only tourists go in the weed shops in Bangkok.
  21. What can I get for 35K-50K a month out in "the country"?
  22. A much better version of the Kate Bush track
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