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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Because they were told they would. They are too stupid to question exactly how that is possible doing just massages.
  2. Two months ago my Russian girlfriend flew back to Moscow with her daughter, then back to Bangkok a few days later. No issue for her to fly there and back.
  3. I found you the perfect solution ???? That should keep the buggers off the house!
  4. Bangkok already has loads of hop on hop off buses. You wait for a bus, it comes and you hop on. You pay a few baht and then when it gets further along the route near your destination you hop off. If you want to go back you get the same bus going the other way, hop on, pay a few baht again and get off where you want. Bangkok buses are super cheap, many are air-conditioned, some have location tracking so you can use the app to see when the next one will arrive etc just install the ViaBus app on your phone. It shows stops, routes, Bus GPS status and more.
  5. It could happen an it's my belief that it will. There are thousands of Hong Kong based SMEs who could be enticed to move their businesses here, including most if not all of their staff. All the Thai Gov has to do is say any company with annual turnover of X gets a special business licence (similar to BOI) and can bring in X employees and their families. It would be a huge boost to the Thai economy. The only thing is it won't have a significant benefit to those of us already here that want to run businesses without the current restrictions. But it would bring in more high quality expats so there would be that benefit for some of us.
  6. I use Bitwarden to manage passwords, I would never let the browser remember them.
  7. You can't really be that dumb surely.
  8. Nonsense. "Chav" may have its origins in the Romani word "chavi", meaning "child". The word "chavvy" has existed since at least the 19th century; lexicographer Eric Partridge mentions it in his 1950 dictionary of slang and unconventional English, giving its date of origin as c. 1860. Or from the Oxford English Dictionary :- While the origin is not certain, the latest Oxford English Dictionary evidence suggests that chav is from Romani ''chavo'' meaning ''unmarried Romani male'' or a shortening of the related British Romani word ''chavvy'' meaning ''child''.
  9. Based on the OPs own comments the only place better for him might have been be Sodom and Gomorrah.
  10. I buy pre-rolled joints and they come in those tubes. They are not old blood sample tubes at all, unless the ones being sold actually had hospital labels on but I bet they didn't. Loads of sellers on Lazada https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/plastic-test-tube/?q=plastic+test+tube
  11. I'm sure most of these men wouldn't date women who are really poor and uneducated in their own countries, so why do they do it here?
  12. People wore masks for many years *before* covid came along. Who cares if someone wants to wear a mask now.
  13. Where are these "nice towns"? Outside of Bangkok I've not found anywhere I'd consider nice, certainly not nice enough to want to live there.
  14. I was educated at private boarding school in the UK and speak with a fairly posh British accent. Received pronunciation as it's called.
  15. https://www.mea.or.th/en/our-services/mea-service/e-service/electric-monthly-calculate
  16. You've paid scammers. You should come to Thailand on a visa exempt entry, then go to the Police here with the bank details of the person who you sent the money to. 100% it wasn't the Thai Government.
  17. The landlord is a referred to as a young Thai man. Where did you get landlady from?
  18. Fairly normal behaviour for young women. My farang GF does some similar things.
  19. I'm more interested in how many people are not with Thais.
  20. So you are a thief. I don't believe in karma or any other such nonsense, but I hope you get caught stealing one day and get well and truly punished.
  21. Well the very average old men who come here are hardly slim and fit are they. Most of the blokes I see wandering around Sukhumvit should be ashamed of themselves for getting so fat.
  22. Used to be common? Surely it still is. As the husband you should pay for everything for your wife and kids. At least that is what my father did and it's what I expect to do.
  23. How does being married to the person versus them being your long term GF alter the money you spend? What about the relationship did you get bored of?
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