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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Those won't stop you getting herpes, or genital warts.
  2. My father (a Brit) made it to 79, he lived in Asia for about half of his life. Was never overweight, never smoked, didn't drink much, didn't eat much. Wasn't interested in sport, so didn't do any except a bit of swimming. Alzheimers and a minor stroke got him in the end. I figure I'll make it to about the same age although I hope I make it to the age my mum managed which was 86.
  3. Meh, I listened to most of those when I was a teenager. Old music is boring, now I listen to stuff I can dance to!
  4. Most guys on here are retired and some are living on just a meager pension of 60K baht a month. If you are not retired, have an expat wife and want an expat life in Bangkok, then you need anywhere from 200-300K ++ per month. For each child you will need another 100K baht a month just for school, so add 150K per kid to cover them. 600K baht per month for a family with 2 kids is not unreasonable.
  5. Inflation for average, poor Thais. They don't count inflation for us rich people because we don't care if Baked Beans are 300 baht a can or 400 baht a can, we'll pay whatever just to have our beans on toast.
  6. Only if it falls on you in the night.
  7. How large is the place? a 60 sq/m 2 bed place will cost less to keep cool etc than a 120 sq/m 2 bedroom place. Where is it and is it a condo or an apartment? Are you paying the building or the MEA/PEA? If you are in.an apartment and paying an electric bill that they provide then I would out and find a condo where you pay direct to the MEA/PEA.
  8. Unless it's this https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pagets-disease-nipple/
  9. That is Paget's bone disease. Paget's disease of the breast is a type of cancer.
  10. A good friend of mine got a full dragon on his back in Pinky's (done over several sessions). Thing is, not only was it on his back so he never saw it, but he was fat and NEVER went to the beach or took his shirt off, so none of his friends ever saw it.... he died a virgin from a heart attack at 34.... so he didn't even use it to impress the ladies. There was a photo of his back with the tattoo outside Pinky's. That was the only way I ever saw it. I've always thought that was one of the saddest and most pathetic things anyone I've ever known could have done.
  11. Cheers George!
  12. Looks like the forum is up and running again.
  13. Yeah, this almost makes me want to move from Bangkok and live there.
  14. Uniqlo L size (waist 84 cm / 33 inches)
  15. I know a good Farang who is very active in Rotary on Pattaya.
  16. In the movies you can get fake fingerprints that you stick on
  17. And I'm sorry for you that your wife is either not attractive enough, or you just don't respect her enough to stay faithful.
  18. Why do you immediately assume everyone cheats on their partners?
  19. Because cranky old expat men in the various cities around Thailand are mostly white.
  20. Maybe that he seemed like a nice guy and she wanted to get to know him. Inviting him to her place and even agreeing to let him spend the night does not equate to agreeing to have sex. She gave a specific reason why she didn't want sex that night. Maybe she was very attracted to him and was planning to have sex with him on Saturday night after getting to know him better and when she wasn't going to have to get up for work the next day!
  21. She expected he would go to sleep and not try to have sex with her. Have you never been in that situation? I've been with women dozens of times where they wanted to just get some sleep, but where fine with me staying and sleeping next to them. I never tried to get them to change their mind by touching them up or forcing myself on them. If they say they want to sleep then you let them sleep. Those same women all slept with me when they weren't tired, or didn't have to get up early for work the next day. If you can't sleep next to a woman without trying to initiate sex then there is something very wrong with you!
  22. Well done! I'm not an old man and I don't have many teeth left :-( Having a filling these days is nothing to worry about, it can actually make your teeth stronger.
  23. Rape - “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” Sexual assault and rape are often the same thing. I'm disgusted at some of the replies so far. Just because a woman agrees to let you come home with her and agrees to let you sleep in the same bed, DOES NOT mean you can 'try it on' and see if you can change her mind if she's said "No sex, I want to sleep".
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