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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. I use the BTS several times a day and have never seen this happen.
  2. Downloaded fine for me in about 10 mins with no VPN. I use 3BB in Bangkok
  3. He has 13.3 million subscribers to his YouTube channel. This video was posted 3 days ago and has 2.1 million views already. 1 month ago he made a similar video where he hid from a Thai SWAT Team and that video got 1.7 million views. His videos are all in Thai so the only people watching them are Thais. He's becoming the Mr Beast of Thailand
  4. Whilst I believe there will be nothing after I die, I also believe that within my remaining life time we will figure out how to copy all the electrical signals in a human brain into a quantum computer effectively making that person immortal. Hopefully the technology will advance quick enough for anyone with the financial means or the right connections to have access to it.
  5. Did you watch the show? I know him. He arrived in Thailand not that long ago, maybe 3-4 years ago and immediately started making Thai friends, he has learn't to speak pretty much like a Thai and definitely has no problem getting Thai girls to fall over themselves to date him. He most likely went on the show for a laugh.
  6. The Thai women in the middle classes and above have no need to date Western men, they have their pick of well paid, well educated and decent Thai men. That's not to say there aren't Thai women from the middle classes and higher who would consider dating a Western man, it's just not something they are actively looking to to do. Thai women from the lower classes are the ones who sometimes have had to put up with less than ideal Thai men; and as a result sometimes decide to give Western men a try out of desperation to find a man who isn't an alcoholic and a gambler and who won't abuse them. If you want to meet a Thai woman who's from the middle classes and above then you need to start developing friendships with Thai people from that class. Do you have any Thai friends at all? Have you even been to their homes for dinner parties or invited them to your home for a dinner party? Have you ever mentioned to your Thai friends that you are looking to meet a nice lady?
  7. You'll be lucky to find one ????
  8. You do realise that (some of the) online sellers are the same people with physical stores.
  9. it's 200% gross profit before deductions. 50 baht meal + 200% markup = 150 THB. The 200% markup is the gross profit on that meal.
  10. Can't the original supplier provide the enclosure?
  11. How are you supposed to sync your one year lease with your one year extension? How much of the one year lease do you need for it to qualify? Would a one year lease with three months left on it be ok? or would it need to have a minimum of six months validity remaining? How do they know you are going to renew the lease? This is utterly daft.
  12. Freddy42OZ

    Beef Liver

    I'd love to get lambs kidneys but never seen them here. I buy chicken liver.
  13. All I can say is I wish you a peaceful departure. Vale Toast1
  14. Why is it the fault of every citizen what the leader of a country does? Maybe this guy is vehemently opposed to his countries leader. Maybe if he could vote their leader out he would.
  15. I get paid by a German company to do postal checks, I am sent various sized letters from multiple countries each month and I record the date/time they arrive, condition etc Obviously I don't know if any letters haven't arrived, but given the volume of mail I do get, it seems like most of them are getting to me. But I'm in Bangkok where *maybe* the postal deliveries are more reliable. Another reason to live in a modern metropolis rather than out in the boonies.
  16. Money no object but I had to choose one place.... Tricky but as someone who's lived all his life in Asia, therefore as a foreigner my whole life (apart from a stint at boarding school in the UK), and who has a non-Asian GF, I am planning to move to the UK. My GF has lived in Dublin and has some family in the UK, so she'd like to move there and we'd like to put her kid into a UK school, but not boarding school (at least not as a boarder).
  17. If she's changing her name to Williams why would she be spelling it in Thai?
  18. He was 50 in 2019 when the incident occurred. Being on the run for 4 years has aged him 7 years!
  19. I find this somewhat hard to believe after going to Buri Ram (city) and discovering that it is an utter pile of excrement. I can't imagine Udon Thani would be any better.
  20. Step 1: Log onto the Internet Step 2: Open Chrome browser Step 3: Type into browser search bar - super rich bangkok Google will show you their website which has a list of all locations with maps - https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en/contact#branch and Google will show you a Google Map with all their locations marked on it.
  21. Check if the application fee is refundable. I'm pretty sure the ones we looked at it wasn't.
  22. Why do these idiots keep believing in this nonsense and giving so much money to this organisation.
  23. Nothing resembling a third leg. An extra middle toe perhaps.
  24. I'm always saddened when I see a person who is half farang but lives like a poor Thai. Must suck to have the potential to have both Thai and Western advantages, but not come from a wealthy enough family for the privilege to kick in.
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