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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. I would try Kasikorn Bank. Been with them for 15 years and have nothing but good things to say about them. However I am in Bangkok where things are sometimes easier than they might be in the provinces.
  2. I'm sure there are a lot of people who have less than 500 million and more than 10 million. These stats make it look like there are just super rich Thais and super poor Thais. Very misleading.
  3. Depends on your age. Looking at it on Google Maps I would say it'll be a boring, provincial place with no sophistication at all.
  4. Everyone talking about staying up to work. Didn't any of you do 24 hour or longer drug parties?
  5. Lazada always calls to say they are going to be there in an hour or so.
  6. If you are determined enough cutting your own throat isn't hard. A suitably sharp blade and you can open your carotid artery easily. 'Throat cut' doesn't mean ear to ear like in the movies.
  7. You are just guessing. Why do you care why he died?
  8. Couldn't find any weed on that store.
  9. A dry herb vaporizer is not the same as the vapes that are illegal. You can buy dry herb vaporisers here (prices are in USD) - https://asiavape.co/bangkok-warehouse/
  10. Then perhaps you are not one of the sad old men who goes to Pattaya looking for sex.
  11. If I've handed over the cash to pay for something, I don't want my pockets filled with change, or my wallet filled with low denomination notes. So if my GF is with me I'll tell the shopkeeper to give her the change. My GF is not Thai/Asian. These days I try to pay using my phone as much as possible.
  12. I've been paying this much since at least May 2022. Thanks for reminding me as I don't use it and should maybe cancel.
  13. This is where the problems usually begin for most of the sad old men who come to Thailand looking for sex. The moral of the story should be stay away from Pattaya!
  14. Does it come with the Mitsubishi logo for the pills ????
  15. Well that's a helpful remark. He's not wrong though.
  16. I suspect that they are operating their own version of Hawala - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hawala.asp
  17. Yes, because he's being a <deleted>. He's treating his wife extremely badly and she should divorce him and take as much as she can.
  18. 250K Baht sounds cheap for such a good outcome. Where did you have the surgery?
  19. Obviously a lot more Farangs than you can imagine. It is recommended that anyone learning Thai should learn to read and write it first, that is the way all my friends have been learning.
  20. You don't need to do the actual work to get the recognition, you just have to be the boss. The underlings that do that actual work get no recognition, it all passes up to the boss who ordered the work to be done and approved the results.
  21. Ended up someone they weren't supposed to be? I always thought I was supposed to be very rich and married to a model. I ended up broke and engaged to a model. My GF seems to not care that much about the money, so perhaps I did end up who I was supposed to be ????
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