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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Is there a limit to the height of a boundary wall? If not I've seen some very nice steel curtain walls up around construction sites in Bangkok that are 6m or more. They look really good. I'd put those up around my property. Here is an example - the US-Mexico Border wall
  2. Go and see a doctor if untrustable farts are a thing. Maybe mince quickly if that is how you need to walk because if you are experiencing this frequently there must be something wrong with you!!
  3. Pedantic does not mean the same thing as meticulous. I'm being pedantic insisting that you use the correct word. Nothing wrong with being pedantic sometimes and definitely nothing wrong with being meticulous, especially if it's your job to ensure doors are properly locked. You are supposed to check them, even if you are sure they are locked. I would have fired your lazy ass if I knew you were just ticking the boxes without actually doing the inspection.
  4. People living here don't stay in hotel or guest houses.
  5. A retirement visa is simpler because you don't need to find a Thai to marry.
  6. Luxury condo and they still live like a pig in a shack. No class.
  7. He should have said "Most men should be ashamed of their bodies." Unless they look good in Speedos.
  8. Many people open personal accounts without a WP as well. I opened my Kbank account on a tourist visa.
  9. Going behind the counter which is strictly staff only is trespassing. Doing it at night gets you a heavier charge.
  10. It's not begging for money. It is giving people free content and asking them if they enjoyed it, or got some value from it, to consider leaving a small tip/donation. If you don't want to pay then don't. Creating content is a lot of work, even the rubbish stuff!
  11. I suspect it's true. The husband probably thinks that because the Farang owns a resort, he must be making millions. Therefore he probably thought his wife's 8000 baht (just as an example) salary for being a cleaner was too little. I'm guessing the husband built up a load of resentment in his mind for the 'rich farang' who he maybe though should have shared the wealth out more, until it became too much and he attacked him. I could be wrong of course.
  12. Population of Thailand 71.6 million (2021) I guess that is Thais only.
  13. He didn't need to see what was behind him.
  14. Thanks. Might be easier to fly to the UK then, we both have family there.
  15. Herpes is not a yeast infection. It's a virus. Antibiotics will do nothing for herpes. Hopefully no-one listens to your 'medical' advice!
  16. This cannot be true. Unless your phone is 20+ year old ALL phones have a USB connector of some type. Your phone will have a socket into which you plug the charging cable. This socket will be in order of age either a USB Mini A or B or USB Micro A or B New phone now come with USB Type C sockets. To charge using your computer you need a cable with USB Type A on one end (the computer end) and whatever your dinosaur of a phone has on the other end.
  17. How does it work if you are marrying a Farang in Bangkok? Do you still need to get everything translated into Thai? I guess it will be easy enough getting Russian translated to Thai when the time comes.
  18. I've had loads of business visas without any work permits.
  19. Anyone who starts a fight is an idiot. There is never any excuse to start using violence. Unfortunately too many low class people who cannot stay calm when they think they are being wronged in some way and they immediately turn to shouting and violence. Restaurant not bringing your food or drinks quick enough? Stay calm pay for what you've had and leave. Why start shouting and throwing things?
  20. So you had 30 years to exercise, do yoga and keep your body more like it was at 30 than yours probably is at 60+
  21. Doesn't matter what the mother looks like. Chances are the mother never heard of yoga or going to the gym. Find a girl who wants to stay slim and attractive and she will. My slim sexy Russian GF would rather die than end up looking like some fat babushka! I also don't understand why so many guys are happy to keep drinking beer and eating too much while their bellies get bigger and bigger! I work hard to make sure I fit into the same size clothes at 55 as I did at 25.
  22. No sarcasm. He paid the same for his seat, he also had gold level membership. I would be furious if I was him in the same situation. I suspect that the airline, like most service businesses, are trying to operate with fewer staff. I've been in low quality restaurants where they have 2 servers and getting service takes ages, and I've been in high quality restaurants where they have 6-8 servers and you get served pretty much instantly. People who pay a higher price expect, and rightly so, a high standard of service. Businesses should make sure they have enough staff to deliver the service they advertise and for which we pay for.
  23. How often are you going to National Parks? I never pay double for anything on the local market and I shop in one a few days a week for vegetables and fruit.
  24. Some of you should watch this channel to see how real Russians feel about Putin and the war. https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel/videos
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